Timothy McVeigh's actions justified? Give me a break.

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May 15, 2003
Between a computer and a chair near Memphis, TN
I've often noticed that there are a few folks who want to put up Timothy McVeigh as being somehow justified in blowing up the Murrah Building just because there were some federal agents inside, some of whom might have been involved in the Waco thing.

Folks, two wrongs don't make a right. Just because FBI and ATF screwed the pooch in Waco does not mean that some jackass is justified in blowing up a building full of people, most of whom were NOT involved at Waco! If McVeigh was the enlightened revolutionary some wish him to have been, he would've personally taken up arms, organized a resistance, and faced some federal agents face-to-face. He would not have dropped off a bomb and run like a coward. He was no better than the Islamic-fundamentalist morons who strap bombs to themselves and blow up buses and markets in Tel Aviv. :barf:

Anyone who thinks that his actions will somehow cow the government into some future restraint, as if the Director of the FBI is actually sitting in his office saying, "Gee, some survivalist might blow something up again if we do that," is just entertaining a fantasy. You don't cow a government by blowing up its agents and property--you justify in the minds of those in charge of that government its further encroachment on the rights of citizens. Timothy McVeigh was a mass murderer, nothing more, and he definitely was no soldier.
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