toll free number disconnected, one wonders why and by whom?

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Dec 24, 2002
sowest pa.
So far as the writer knows, there were two toll free phone numbers for Capitol/Capitol Switchboard, via which one could be connected to any congressional or senatorial office. They were respectively 1-800-648-3516 and 1-800 839-5276.

Late last week, I discovered that the former was been "disconnected, no further informatioin is available". That is what the recorded message one got said. So far as I know, the latter number still works.

Notwithstanding this possibility, one does wonder as to who it was that pulled the plug as well as why. The question was asked of my congress and senate critters. So far, the mystery remains unresolved.

Possibly answers will be, at some point, obtained, perhaps not. Either way, the question of why remains.
I could be wrong but I think the toll free tab was picked up by a non-governmental agency that advocated calling your representatives.
Telecomm is pretty cheap these days. With the death-blow to the mail to congress critters rendered by Anthrax, and the disdain of e-mail by our "betters," you'd think the feds would move into the 80s and get a toll free number :scrutiny:
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