Took another newbie to the range.

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Dec 24, 2002
Detroit area
Last month, I took my friend John to the range for his first time. Yesterday, the two of us took his friend Sarah to the local indoor range for her first handgun experience. She'd fired a shotgun a few times, but that's all.

We ran through the Four Rules and basic range etiquette before the trip, and she did pretty well. More importantly, she was safe, had fun, and wants to do it again!

The only mistake I made was not having a .22 on hand. I've been doing a bit of trading lately, and at the moment I simply do not own a .22 handgun. I know, I know, that's a cardinal sin among shooters, and I intend to atone for it shortly. Instead, she got to shoot a Ruger Blackhawk with powder-puff "cowboy" loads. It's very easy for me to shoot, but I think it's a bit too heavy and loud for a new shooter. Gotta get another .22...

Anyways, I think I'm going to make it a personal goal to take one newbie a month to the range. It's good for me (never hurts to go back to basics and review the principles of safe gun handling and marksmanship), fun for them, and moves more people over to our side. Who's with me on this?
THAT'S THE SPIRIT!! We all need to follow suit. Shooting sports need all the participation they can get.
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