tool for stippling a metal frame

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May 10, 2011
worst gunlaw country in europe
hi everyone,

i would like to do some stippling to a metal frame.
in the past i have done this several times with a small hammer and punches, but because of some hand injuries i have it is hard for me to do the stippling with a hammer.

does anyone know if there is some sort of pneumatic or electric tool i can use for this? sofar i have only seen big automotive air chisels, very expensive pneumatic engravers, and of course the dremel tool and the vibrating marking pens.

my mate suggested maybe a tattoo machine could be used if the needle is replaced. but we both dont know how much force they deliver?

i hope some of you have any ideas that could work?

kind regards
Bob Day used to use an air impact hammer with a pointy chisel. I've seen photographs of him stippling with it. But my air hammer isn't exactly a precision tool, and I imagine it would take practice to keep from destroying a frame. With a heavy hand, you could punch right through the front of a 1911 front strap...
A Harbor Freight pneumatic scraper is cheap and has enough power.
You would need to grind the flat chisel edge of the scraper bit to the required shape you want.

SKU #95826
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For a cheaper alternative, an automatic centering punch might work. It'll be a lot slower going, but you'll probably be less prone to making mistakes. Good ones usually run $5-$25 with the more expensive ones having an adjustable depth setting that actually works.

I use them for everything from a centering punch (imagine that) to a nail setter, to a pilot hole for drilling into steel.

I imagine it'll be slower than a soldering iron and a polymer framed gun, but you'll produce a more quality piece of work by taking it slow.
Gun makers work hard to build a nice steel gun and people are obcessed with finding new ways to permanently devalue them. Get a slip on rubber sleve and call it good.
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