Trauma; Life in the ER

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Dec 24, 2002
Anyone see this show on TLC tonight? If you've never seen it, it's kinda like "Cops" only it deals with Doctors & Nurses in big city emergency rooms.
They usually manage to get in a gunshot victim or two, sometimes but not always a discouraging word is heard about firearms.
Tonight's episode featured a guy with a GSW to the mouth. He claimed someone shot & killed his girlfriend then stuck the gun in his mouth and shot twice. Fortunately for him it didn't hit anything vital.
ER Doctor thinks something's not right, angle of the wound and all, patient confesses he killed girlfriend, shot himself.
Now for the good part. Scene of the Dr. relaxing during his time off. Drove to a gun club and drug along a small arsenal! Several handguns, half-dozen or so rifles including an AR.
He said he thought he'd make a good sniper, precision shooting was the most fun for him.
Kinda caught me off guard, I was waiting for the anti gun speech.
Wow, no anti gun speeches? Hard to believe. I missed that show but saw most of the History channel's recent episode on the history of the Winchester. I kept waiting for the ax to fall but it stayed remarkably on topic with just one brief whine about zillions of buffalo that were killed. I was pleasantly surprised.
I have to admit that I watch the show whenever I get the chance, but sometimes the people on there greatly disturb me (like the two or three cases of rather, uh, "large" women coming to the hospital complaining of gas or stomach pain, only to pop out a baby when they didnt know they were pregnant).

I remember the one episode where a guy was trying out Mexican carry and accidentily put a .25 or .32 into his twig (as in twig and berries). He didnt hit the urethra, so the docs thought he'd be ok after a few months, at least with regards to not having to sit down to pee for the rest of his life.

saw one a year or so back on that show, 9 or 10 year old boy brought in at midnight with a GSW from a drive by, Packistani doctor, when the guy when to talk to the mother after the ER bit got done I was waiting for the expected anti gun rant, instead he ranted on the mother demanding to know what he** the kid was doing running around outside at 11:30 on a school night in that area.
One episode there was a female doctor and in her spare time..... it showed her at an indoor range with a couple of handguns.
A friend-of-a-colleage manages ER for a large hostipal in downtown San Francisco, and have seen a lot of gunshot wounds.

My colleage asked him: "Based on your job and observations, I imagine you are for more gun control, then?"

He replied, "Quite the contrary. What I have learned is that criminals pick on those least able to defend themselves. It's similar to how houses without an alarm system get robbed - I believe that if everyone was armed, there would be less crime."

Paraphrased, but from the docs mouth.
The medical profession runs the gamut from ultra-liberal, to ultra-conservative.

Trauma surgeons and ER docs tend to get jaded over time. They see the worthless scum of society day in and day out. They are more likely to support gun rights because of that experience.
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