Tred Barta

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Dec 1, 2003
Baltimore/Laurel, MD
Has anybody watched this guy's show on OLN? He hunts (as he puts it) "the hard way." Uses a long bow and homemade arrows for most medium and large game and even uses it for ducks sometimes. On his season premiere (which aired last night and airs Monday at 8 iirc), he goes hog hunting in Texas with what looks like a 12" knife. What do you guys think of the show?
I saw the promo last night and from what I saw I'm interested in seeing more. Anyone that is crazy enough to take on wild hogs with a fixed blade knife is clearly going to end up doing something worth saving on the TiVo!
The guy's the biggest clutz I've ever seen. I saw an episode in which he was stalking elk with a longbow. He got close to a couple of nice 6X6's, but both times he either tripped over himself or moved too far into the open to where it could see him, both ending with the elk running off. I'd love to see him hunt hogs with a knife.
I'll second Yooper and RCL. The guy does not put a hunters' best face forward. To me, his attitude (particularly in the longbow episodes) seem like someone saying "sure, I'll give this a try" instead of exhibiting any kind of proficiency and the normal discipline required to become a good bowhunter. In the mule-deer-archery show, it seemed like he was just winging arrow after arrow, every one of them on a wing and a prayer.

Not a good image for sportsmen.
Tred makes you wonder how he got a show. I agree he does not put a very good face on hunting. I would like to see his show dropped.
I don't personally care for his type either. He seems like one of those guys who has bought every trophy he has killed. I guess if you are rich enough, you can shoot any animal you want on a guided hunt or get your own show. And yes, he is a patheticly clumsy hunter. He reminds me of another similar person, I think his name was Peter Fiducia or something like that. He had several shows back 10-20 years ago. He proclaimed to be this "expert" on all kinds of hunting but was always guided. Seemed just to be some East coast rich snob who bought his so called "expertise". He was really fat too, and seemed to be right on the edge of a heart attack whenever any tough conditions came up. Sorry, no thanks. And I do agree, those types give real hunters a bad name.
hmm, I didn't think the guy was that bad. This makes me wonder, what do you guys think about the other hunting shows on OLN? Just about all of them do exclusively guided hunts, and Buckmasters (which I dislike the most) seems to hunt on nothing but ranches with treestands or tents set up on the edge of clover patches.

The one show that I particularly like on OLN is Hunting 201.
Television is show business and a hunting show which portrays unsuccessful hunts won't get decent ratings. Everything is maximized to produce successful hunts on these shows so they must be taken with a grain of salt. Anyone who passes up an easy shot at a six or eight point buck because "it was only the first day of the hunt" must know more about his chances for success than I do about mine!
haha after reading the responses to this thread, I watched show the other day and couldn't stand what an ass he was. I don't know how I missed it before :confused:
I have been known to waste time now and again,but as regards this clown,I'd rather have a root canal.And yes Sparky he is an Alpha Hotel of the first order.
Granted he is a rectal orifice, and a bit on the obnoxious side.

But I'll give him this much.....he shows his mistakes, whether it is slipping on rocks and spooking the elk, or missing because he misjudged the range, or even when he spent a half hour sneaking up on a couple of rocks. (thought they were elk)

Don't care for the personality, but like his show better than most.

Can't stand to watch fishing on TV, so if he's fishing I just pass on by.

Yet another Nor Easter snob elitist "sportsman". In the same class as those who fly fish only and then only in the finest Orvis gear with matching Orvis Land Rover in the parking lot and loudly proclaim that all other froms of "sport" are for rednecks and low lifes only.

Who goes around braging on himself at various social functions in the Hamptons. Anyone with enough money can produce and buy a spot on these small networks.

Barta is a complete tool from the word go.
A Real Hunter

I think that Tred Barta is a Real Hunter. It takes a real hunter to hunt for his kill, as I have seen with most hunting shows putting out feeders and hiding in there little camo huts. To me that is not hunting. Any one with target practice can shoot a target. but to walk miles and miles and to stalking your kill! that is a real hunter. and as for his klutz or goofyness. to me he is a real human unlike those other guys who have the I am hunter I make no mistake sindrome at least with tred bartas show he shows his mistakes and he shows that he is human.:)
I watched Tred (I didn't know who he was at the time) fling arrows at Caribou for half an hour. I thought, surely he'll get something, he's on TV. It was not to be. I have never seen such a lame TV hunting segment as that one. He gushed on and on about what a priviledge it was to be hunting this animals...bla, bla, bla. I had a long bow when I was a kid, and it appears I was probably better then Tred. At least I got a few lizzards.

If I'm going to spend time watching a vidow, a TV segment, etc., I want to watch someone who is better than I that I can learn from. Tred doesn't fit into this catetory. I think Tred should try throwing rocks at his quarry; he would probably get as much that way as with his long bow...but maybe he can't throw rocks either.
These opinions have been the Best & Worst about Tred Barta. I think a lot of the people who don't like his program are just plain jealous.

Here's a guy who has a hunting & fishing program, who makes mistakes as we ALL do but isn't afraid to show them, who doesn't always get his game, & who works hard for his opportunities. He isn't a super hunter/angler who never fails so how come he has HIS own show and I'm just sitting here banging away on a keyboard? It ain't fair !!!

How many of us go out and NEVER screw up a stalk or setting a hook? How many of us ALWAYS come home with not just game, but TROPHY animals to boot?

I've met a few celebrities and in person, they're very rarely like their personas. On TV, if Tred Barta was just an ordinary, average, dull guy, like most of us are, his program wouldn't be on the air because it would then bore the snot out of the viewers. Barta's personality is what makes his show.

It's one of those shows I love to hate. Not sure why but if it's on and I click on it, I'll watch it and shake my head. But not turn it off. Tred is different for sure. Now whoever said Buckmaster's sucks said a mouth full. I just cannot even stand to be in the same room when that one is on. Big Game Thursdays are sometimes pretty good - this week it was mostly Africa and decent footage to this non-Africa hunter who is still fascinated by what they are able to get into over there.
More ego than the R&R Hall Of Fame. Waste of time.

My expectations of hunting shows not being infomercials is pretty small. Barta doesn't pimp products as relentlessly as some others, including Ol' Jackie B and the gang at Buckblasters.

A couple shows I really enjoyed, though they had their sponsors' wares always visible were "Pull" and "Shotgun Journal". Neither are on OLN at the moment.
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Hog hunting using dogs and a knife is sort of a thing down here in Texas. The dogs grab the hog by the ears and pin him while the hunter slits the throat. I've been out a few times with a guy in a nearby town that does this for local ranchers to thin the hog population. He used to have a pet lion (strange fellow) and fed the hogs to the lion. I never felt too secure around that danged lion, BIG sob!

Anyway, I do know one guy with a scar across his belly from a hog that got loose of the dogs. I carried a .45 when I went on these hunts, but haven't in a long while. I feel more secure shooting hogs than stabbing them, frankly. :D
I think his show is refreshing. Dave is right, every other show is pimping something. Hunters on atvs , gps, rangefinders, towers and tents at feeding stations. This guy hunts like me, he slips in mud like me, and he misses game like me. And you know what, I've been doing it for forty some years! Every hunt should be an adventure, I don't need some fat slob on a four wheeler, hunting in a fenced game farm showing what a great hunter he is, hell, they usually have a guide, and someone else doing the skinning and such. Long live Tred!

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