Trouble(d) at the range

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Apr 17, 2008
For the six years that I've been shooting, starting from the humble air rifle all the way to automatic weapons, I've never really developed any rapport with the local range community, though it's public.

Soaking up and spreading gun-lore, teaching young shooters the paramount of safety and consistency, even trouble-shooting countless numbers of 'newbie' mistakes has failed to earn me at least a nod of respect. I feel like I'm only seen as the nameless 'tech support' who only comes to shoot and mind my business until needed.

Honestly, how do you find an established, knowledgeable group to enjoy shooting and proliferating knowledge? Don't have the expendable cash to join a private club, yet levels above the average public range 'wannabe'...I need help!
Without knowing where you live, I couldn't advise you. But frankly, if you want to meet the better crowd of gun guys, pony up the cash to join a private club. Here in Georgia, that's not too costly to do.


Don't have the expendable cash to join a private club,
But you can afford to shoot full auto weapons?

Really most shooting club dues run to a hundred dollars or less. If you put in work days that can drop to 2/3 or even half.

Then again I can only speak for the gun clubs in the Oklahoma City area. Maybe club dues are way higher in other parts of the country.
Well...the full-auto has really been the treat of my brother, who's more 'well off' than me, seeing as how he graduated from UGA (Athens has a public machine-gun range) three years ago...still got a year left at Tech, how fun ^_^;;

And yes, I'm a poor college student, yet I've probably handled numerous firearms and shot about a few dozen different varieties due to range rentals and short-lived acquisitions to my collection. Then again, it could be my personality that's alienating, seeing as how I'm an more of an encyclopedia. ;p
Unfortunately, I've only moved to Atlanta four years ago, just for college, so acquaintances and friends are in short supply (unless you count my brother, god bless). As I used to have a friendly, established relationship with the local range in Macon (where I came from), range visitors and owners seem much more cold here in ATL.

So yeah...just the lone Chinese-American, staying in the x-ring. ;]
zplug123 said:
Honestly, how do you find an established, knowledgeable group to enjoy shooting and proliferating knowledge?

I thought that's what THR was for.
W/all due respect I wonder how much of your problem starts W/ your own self perception that you're different or seperate.

levels above the average public range 'wannabe'.

Is this how you carry yourself on the range? Do the people at the range see you as a "know it all" ? That may be part of the problem.

Then again when I go to the public range ( it's been quite a while) I keep to myself I don't try to get involved W/ a bunch of people I don't know. Maybe that's what's up.
W/all due respect I wonder how much of your problem starts W/ your own self perception that you're different or sepperate.

I understand your meaning, but it's just hard to find a balance between making acquaintances and having them mooch off your hard-earned knowledge for little return. When someone makes a serious error, I don't even say anything until the third or fourth offense...I'm definitely not a range bully. Perhaps just 'high-and-mighty' for my age. XD

I used to be a member of a private range back home for three years and never had any problems learning from more experienced shooters or helping greenies with their technique . And now I'm being egotistical for criticizing retards teaching their girlfriends to learning shooting one-handed in the lane next to me, or younguns (defined as four years or more) for sweeping and rapid-fire, while the wizened owners chat and pay no heed behind the glass.

But that's why I come to THR for a second opinion, so thank you for helping me with in this discussion.
My brother made a good point once. He said you can never tell a man that he doesn't know how to shoot, drive or (make love). Even if your advice is true and well intended it can blow up in your face. So don't be surprised when strangers don't appreciate your pearls of wisdom. It's a mine field so tread lightly.

And this assumes that you are qualified to give advice. I'm not doubting you. It's just one more potential problem.

Just relax. You'll meet people who are compatible.
I can see a bit of attitidue coming through your "mooch off your hard-earned knowledge" comment and your "criticizing retards" comment. It's not your place to be the RO, they have them there. Report unsafe practices to the RO and let them handle it. Try not to be so condescending in your interactions and I'll bet it will take you a lot further.
Try going to the range at the same time and day each week. After a while you'll know the guys that go at that particular time. And if one or more of them have rifles worth complimenting, tell them so. It is an easy way to start a conversation. Just be friendly and not pushy and people will warm up after a while.

It is a credit to you that you did ask opinions.

With respect, I think treo is probably right.

You are going to the range for the wrong reasons if you think that you'll get some sense of validation there.

Not going to happen. Especially at a younger age. I've been a firearms enthusiast for decades, and I would be sorely disappointed if I were hoping for some validation.

At 37 years old, I think I may have gotten my only validation. My father was trying to mount a little optic on my nephew's .22 cricket (Nephew just HAD to have a scope.) With it mounted, he found that he ran out of elevation adjustment while sighting in.

They decided to come to my house for me to take a look since "John's the firearms expert." :)

A little bit of tape to shim the mounts, and I had it sighted in no time. Honestly, it felt good to have a trick or two to offer.

But really, that's not the way things go. I do get a superior vibe from your post. That's not going to carry very far with most people-- especially since they obviously are into firearms as well and many are proficient enough to make do without you or me.

-- John
Any conversation struck up is a bonus.

Possibly. At my range, although I do enjoy going there, most any conversation is some sort of pissing contest.

Me: Oh hey Frank, how's it going
Him: Hi conwict! I just got this new LCP, want to see it?
Me: Sure, let me have a look. Sure is nice. 380's a little too expensive for me though!
Him: It's so much better than those crappy KelTecs!
Me: (With KelTec in range bag) Mm hmm...
Him: So, my friend and I shot like 500 tracer rounds through his MP5 the other night. It was awesome...NFA toys are so cool!
Me: That's nice.
Him: Have you seen the new GSG5? My friend's got three, I think I'll buy one off of him with my refund check.
Me: I'm going to go shoot now...
That must be why you access THR covertly from your Treo, you operator you...

She must not know the truth!

Treo's ability to function without his wife's approval and decision-making skills must be hidden until the time is right.

Treo's wife must be kept ignorant of his ability to be occasionally right...

It would upset the balance of the universe.

Ahh, never mind...
She must not know the truth! The use of family computer for gun forums is unacceptable

Oh no dude Oh noooooooooo. One of DW's household duties is buying the ammo bulk online. She's all about those internet gun forums
Unfortunately, I've only moved to Atlanta four years ago, just for college, so acquaintances and friends are in short supply (unless you count my brother, god bless). As I used to have a friendly, established relationship with the local range in Macon (where I came from), range visitors and owners seem much more cold here in ATL.

So yeah...just the lone Chinese-American, staying in the x-ring. ;]
I feel your pain.
I moved to NY state alone and my wifes few family members are the only people I know here and none of them enjoy the same things I do, let alone hunting or shooting.
I cant go anywhere do call anyone up to go hunting or to the range. There is one gun club but its too far to drive and since I dont really like to just go shooting up ammo, thats not really for me anyway.
I like golf but no one golfs that I know and wont even try it, so even that is out as far as hanging out with someone.
Its going on four years that Ive been up here and Im climbing the walls pretty much all the time.
At the range I go to most often, it isn't the most social scene in the world. That's ok with me. But a while back I remember there was a kind of obnoxious know-it-all loud mouthed talker in the next lane. I wouldn't go so far as to say "mall ninja" but he sounded half way there. The .44 magnum (indoors) was getting a little annoying as was his continuous talking. At least he and his friend were shooting safely as far as I could tell. Then the guy came over and asked me if I'd like to try out his Vaquero. So I did, and it was just fine. He could tell I was enjoying it and insisted that I reload and shoot some more. We chatted a bit, as much as you can with double ear protection; he said something nice about the (rather ordinary) .22 rifle I was shooting and declined when I asked him if he'd like to try it. We talked again briefly on the way out, nothing special just small talk. There was nothing wrong with the know-it-all, he was just an extraverted sort of person. It was kind of nice having some social interaction at a range where people usually keep to themselves.

The point? Yeah z-plug123, maybe you are coming across as a know it all and so forth. On the other hand, that is not always a bad thing. Just be yourself and don't worry about it. You will connect with people when the time is right.
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