True, Winter's Almost Over ...

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Fred Fuller

Moderator Emeritus
Mar 26, 2004
But still, don't let your jacket shoot you ...*

First of all, the idea that extraneous objects can find their way into unexpected places shouldn't be news to anyone here. And if that unexpected place happens to be inside the trigger guard of a pistol like a Glock (or a couple of other make/models) and that extraneous object happens to be the tensioner/adjuster on a jacket drawstring ... well, noisy and even bloody and painful things can happen. This incident wasn't the first of these I've heard of, that was years ago ([/t-149667.html) ... but word seems not to have gotten around much.

We've talked about "putting it in the holster and LEAVING it in the holster" here before. I personally still see no advantage in needlessly coonfingering loaded pistols, yet the practice persists...

As if there wasn't a Glock just like the one the chief was carrying (well, except for the ammo) right there handy in the showcase, if he really wanted to see one...

* in case further explanation is needed, see
That Chief of Police was a very unsafe gun handler from the start. Did you see him have his finger in the trigger guard of the .380 pistol, then he put the barrel against the palm of his hand. Then pulls out a loaded pistol waving it around in a gun store.

The report said that dunce cop had shot himself in the hand before, in 1999. He should never be carrying a badge and the authority that goes with it. He's dangerous to himself and dangerous to other people.

I have fit my guns into holsters at gun stores and not had a ND. It only took a few seconds to clear the weapon and then check for fit. Now just do not do that in Cabellas cuz they might wet themselves but in a real gun store as long as the weapon is cleared it should be no problem.
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