Trump narrows SCOTUS pick to two...........

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I am a hometown fan of Mike Lee. I have personally spoken to him several times since he announced his Senate run. Looking at it from the point of view, there are two main problems; past record and confirmability, I have been listening to commentary that Mike Lee has an edge in confirmability coming out of the Senate that would be confirming him. Barrett probably has a degree of advantage, in that it is more difficult to attack a female nominee without looking petty and spiteful. I suspect both of those factors are pure supposition until we see how it actually plays out.

Re: Kavanaugh: ".....and held in 2011 that the Washington, D.C. ban on semi-automatic rifles and its gun registration requirement were unconstitutional under Heller. He also held that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau structure was unconstitutional."

This was a good introductory rundown:
Last few minutes. I’m anxiously awaiting. I have my preferences, but to make this on topic... I don’t really think it matters much on the 2A front. None of the potential picks want to make a big push in any direction. They all seem pretty well grounded on the constitution, part of which is the 2a so... we shall see momentarily.
Kavanaugh is a wolf in sheep's attire.

Barrett is the one. Any questions concerning religion, if I were her, I would throw right back at them. Everyone has a religion - even if it is just called science.
The thread is old news, so I'm closing it and discussion can continue in the others on the topic. No offense.
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