Trump on 2nd Ammendment

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I say this in all good will: former military people, for the most part, do not make good politicians. The one exception I can think of is Ike. But his role in WWII and the invasion of Normandy and what not trained him well in being a politician.
I found this one funny and it passes the snopes test.
I suppose it can be said that some of those presidents weren't the best but I bet the time in uniform and the sense of patriotism had an effect. I sure believe that the last two shown were short in that department.
Looking at that list one can also say that wearing the uniform has little to do with the way they viewed guns and the 2a.
Like others have said your voting for a collection of beliefs, agendas, and cahones. Whether he has the beliefs to back the 2A I don't so much question that he does. The agenda for restricting availability is somewhat scary. The cahones to do something about what he believes in is undeniable, and is arguably a flaw with him. This whole flap about his comments on McCain not being a war hero is a good example of my point, he was fired at by McCain and he fired right back, though with less tact than he should have. What I see in the man is simply a business man, willing to do whatever needs done to set the nation on a course not headed for bankruptcy. Hopefully that would include letting a whole bunch of us pay the feds those 200 dollar taxes that we want to...or even open up the registry again allowing cash flow into the govt that has decided to apparently not take voluntarily paid luxury taxes. Whatever he would do seems like it would be a business move that would generate money.
He has flipped on every single issue in the last 3-7 years (except he is still a protectionist), gun control is not an exception. Of course I don't believe a word of it.

WestKentucky said:
What I see in the man is simply a business man, willing to do whatever needs done to set the nation on a course not headed for bankruptcy.
Well, as a guy with 4 of them in his past you certainly can't argue that he's not experienced in leading organizations into bankruptcy.
Every President for the last 40 years and probably far beyond that have been leading their country/cooperation further into bankruptcy and most were in denial.
Trump says what's on his mind and doesn't fold under popular pressure. The reporter tried to pigeon hole him on the guns he owned and if he carried, he acted like it wasn't her business and I can appreciate that.
Regarding snopes, do your own research. They've been widely proven in various sources to "decide" how they want things to play out because of a pre-conceived political perception.

It's always best for one to do their own leg work.
Trump is an plutocrat who believes his wealth means he deserves public office. People like Trump only want their bodyguards, police and military to own guns. Allowing the rabble the means to remove that dependency on government that Trump & Co. need is not allowable. The idea of the public telling them "no" and having the means to forcibly back that up terrifies him.

Trump is only running for President because it keeps a camera on him. He's not even serious about it. Despite the wealth that he has made a huge show of, he can't buy this kind of publicity. In the process, he's managed to utterly degrade the political process and turn it into his own little circus.
I understand Mr. Trump carries a CCL for NYC ....
You may understand wrong. He said he has a permit to OWN a gun. In NYC, because of the Sullivan act of 1911, you are required to have a permit to own a handgun. That permit does not allow you to carry. Just to purchase. New Jersey, Illinois, Michigan to some extent, all require a license or some permit to purchase a handgun.

Trump speaks very plain English. Listen again to what he said. For most of us in the free states, a license to own a gun is unheard of. More and more states are going with Constitutional Carry.

I don't particularly like Trump. He has very thin skin. He was dead wrong and stupidly backpedaled regarding his McCain comment. I'm no fan of McCain, but I recognize that he served with honor and distinction prior to being a POW. He exemplified the code of conduct while a POW. Like his politics or not, he was, and is, a war hero.

Trump being a loudmouth has brought some key issues into the lime light. Our southern border being a great example. Our dependence on the Chinese market is another (despite his glaring hypocrisy of having Trump branded clothing made in China, as if he had no alternative). These ARE important issues to a lot of Americans, and these are issues going largely ignored by the rest of the potential candidates.

I trust Trump to be one thing, an entertainer. If he can wake people up and get people stirred up on important issue without sticking his foot too deep in his mouth (too late, I know), we might actually get to see where the rest of the pool of candidates truly sit on these issues. If Trump does nothing else, if he can get the actual politicians to become vocal on their positions on immigration, the economic dependence on a foreign nation, the Second Amendment, etc. then he has done well. Or, more accurately, if he can get the media to cover these other candidates responsibly on these issues, then he's done well.

But I do think the leftist media is using Trump for ratings and are really treating him as a big joke, and he's not smart enough to see he's being used as a tool.

All that said,
IF somehow Trump does get through the primaries and somehow manages the nomination, I'll begrudgingly vote for him. I'm not strictly a 2A voter, and I trust HRC and Sanders to do far more damage to this country than Trump could ever imagine.
Trump would sell out the 2A for 7 sticky nickles plied out of a soccer mom's minivan. I wouldn't trust him on anything and I don't think 'my issue' should be any exception.
he has 10,000,000,000 dollars, he doesn't need to sell out anything for anything...

voting for him in the primary, and the general election if he makes it. got his sticker on my bumper.

politicians have done enough damage to america, time to elect someone who isnt one.
it'd be interesting to track how Trump is doing financially while he is in the political spotlight. Or, let me say it another way--I suspect that when Trump is not doing so good financially (which is relative) he then stirs the pot politically. I might be wrong, but that's kind of what I expect out of Trump. He's doing everything for $.
It's sad how some people are so invested in their politics they have to minimize someone's service. As near as I can tell both Kerry and McCain served admirably. I can disagree with their politics without denigrating their service. I consider it a pretty small person who can't.
This started off well, but I stopped reading around page 2 when guns stopped being discussed...

Opinions on politics, I thought, weren't allowed here... or at least that's what I've been told.
McCain used to be rated A+ by the NRA, I doubt if he can muster a C- today. Not sure what they have Trump rated at, maybe he hasn't even filled the questioner yet. I see Carson got the chance to clarify his position, I can see both Carson and Trumps missteps in their statements on guns and they both say what's on their mind and I still think they are bringing a new dimension to the debate.
As for Trumps comments on McCain. I think his comments came as a result of McCain claiming that Trump rattled up the crazies or some such thing, I have heard no apology from McCain for his offensive speak directed at people like me.
Trump is too easy to rile up, he acts petty and spiteful. Call him a millionaire, he sues for slander. Lindsey Graham called him a jackass, Trump retaliates by disclosing Graham's private cellphone number. Way too much ego and pettiness. A professional troll like Putin will eat him alive.
Really Mods? This thread is still open? What a waste of bandwidth for a topic that obviously is ultimately irrelevant to the political defense of the RKBA.
Trump always carried a 9mm. He has had a pistol on him for as long as I remember, at least 30-40 years. He is more likely to support the average guy carrying a gun than any other candidate. I don't see him turning on gun owners. He understands that you need a gun
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