Tumbling humor

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Dec 18, 2007
I wonder if you used Grape Nuts cereal instead of media if you would have any brass left in the morning or just hard sharp chunks of cereal adorned with scards of shiny brass chunks?

Just kidding guys this is just for fun, have you ever tried to eat that crap?:rolleyes:
I had rather eat regular tumbling media. Well come to think of it maybe its all the same thing.
As a kid I recall having tried what the dog and cat ate for sustenance. I recall thinking I was eating cat food the first time I tried Grapenuts.
I haven't eaten cold cereal in at least 10 years, but I remember it wasn't bad.
The problem with grapenuts was ,IIRC, that after you got done eating it you had to rinse out the bowl immediately, because it hardened like cement if you let it dry.
I can only imagine what it does in your bowels...
If you added liquid media to it to make the brass shine, you would prolly be making cement in your tumbler, esp. if you use naptha or mineral spirits like I do.
"I tumbled some loaded rounds with it, and now they all fire at the same time every day."

That is the funniest thing I read all day. It's still early but it was funny...It made a little coffee come out of my nose.:D
"I'm pretty sure you can use it in shot shells, and it's environmentally friendly to boot."

That way you can harvest squirrels and feed them at the same time!
Guys, please stop knocking Grape Nuts. I've been loading this stuff in 12 ga shotgun shells for varmint control around my property. It's helleva lot cheaper than lead, environmentally safe, can't damage my neighor's property, and the chickens love it! Just think if I ever have to use it for a SHF situation, it will drive the CSI people up the wall. On top of it all, it's kept me regular for 20 years. :D
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