Two new shooters

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Oleg Volk

Moderator Emeritus
Dec 19, 2002
Nashville, TN

Two P22 pistols, lots of CCI subsonics, AAC Pilot and ETS Crusader cans and a whole lot of reactive targets (boxes, balloons, clays and cardboard dummies wearing tshirts) added up to a fun day for these two. Both learned the basics of sighted and point shooting, presentation and movement.
Oleg, you do get around. 7k posts, geez. You must like guns, or something (Rat, from LJ).
Wowee, Oleg.

In case you need a young male model to accompany those females, feel free to PM me :D
One of my usual models, Justin, was one of the instructors. Another friend also helped out.
I usually need and request help with training new shooters. Several people couldn't make to this gathering, so I would need assistance on future shoots. Same goes for photo shoots.

Camera settings for all of these: ISO100, f4.5, 1/125s, 100mm lens.
Most excellent, Oleg! Did you wrap up the day with a little pic nic at the Parthenon?! One of my favorite spots when in town.

Great job on bringing two more into the fold!
Ratseal, Oleg is a very promiscuous.... typist. He gets around the keyboard alot. He's the owner of The High Road.

Apparently he has no problems meeting good looking women! I hear this is one of his favorite lines:
"Why yes, that IS a gun in my pocket, and I AM happy to see you!"
Once Again

THR Employee of the Month.

Oh, hi, boss.

Which reminds me . . . gawd, I wish I worked for someone who actually believed his own mission statement.

Oleg, you da man!
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