Two pro-gun candidates

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Dec 19, 2006
New York NY
There is a special election scheduled for February 26 in the 48th Senate to replace Jim Wright who has moved on.

For the first time I can recall we have two pro-gun candidates running for a Senate seat. The question therefore becomes who is better able to represent the interests of gun owners in the Senate. We believe Will Barclay is and are pleased to endorse him for this race. Towards that end we will be doing "orange card" mailings and running advertisements in the next two issues of NY Outdoor News encouraging people to turn out and vote. If you would like to help offset the costs to the PAC, click here to make a donation.

A special note to Senator Liz Krueger: I got the e-mail Travis Proulx sent us about Sportsmen For Aubertine. I know he works for you because when I checked the domain it originated from I'm redirected to your personal website. Because your staffer is too stupid to understand what BCC is, I'm copying this message to all those people he sent it out to as well.

Jacob J. Rieper, Legislative Director
New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Yahoo! Messenger ID: nyrkba
Yes, I think it is time that New York stopped declaring it's independance from the United States.

I am going to be active in this very soon. I am just getting Bill Of Rights Press under way.
Maybe New York should make like Canada did so long ago:

Declare their independence from us, then stop mattering to the current issues affecting the rest of the world.
Is there any chance they will be able to throw out some of the Draconian NYC gun laws or doe's NY not have statewide premeption?
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