TX Instructor Newsletter clarifies DPS "oopsie!""

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Dec 24, 2002
Denton County Texas
Source: Page 5 of Sept./Oct. 2003 "The Concealed Handgun", Official Bi-Monthly publication of the Texas Concealed Handgun Association.

Defeated Range Bill found in DPS Handout

Noboby knows quite how it happened but the Concealed Handgun Instrutor School package dated 2001 but given out to instructors this fall contained a bill about range construction that never became law.

The half-inch thick handout was given to new and renewing instructors at the new DPS pistol range in Florence during their instructor qualification course. It was the same handout given out two years ago but no one noticed the error until Greg Ferris, an instructor and range operator from Bulverde, spotted it in October.

The bill, which would have set standards for the construction of outdoor ranges, was submitted to the Legislature in the 1999 session but was never passed.

Sgt. Star Riddle who gave the handout to instructors this year said she had no idea how the bill was included in the package. She said the bill should be removed from the handout. Depending on the handout, the 13-page bill starts on page 103 or 106.


This is in reference to HB2169, filed 3/3/99 by Naishat. It contained some provisions that would likely have many ranges operating today out of business. I wonder how many new instructors (contemplating building a range) saw this in their handouts and said to heck with it?

FWIW, membership and the newsletter mentioned above is not necessarily limited to instructors. I recommend it (www.txchia.org) as well as membership in Texas State Rifle Association. The information gleaned from these organizations/newsletters is often more timely and meaningful than what we get from DPS!
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