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U.K. Set To Ban Imitation Swords

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Jun 19, 2006
SLC, Utah
The U.K. is now set to ban imitation swords. How far will U.K. subjects allow this to go? Will sharp pointy sticks be next? I have many friends in the U.K. and I can promise that discontent is running high. They are polite about their discontent (they’re British after all) but they are unhappy. Crime rate keeps going higher, with no end in sight and the honest subjects have no means to defend themselves.

I’ve been over this and similar topics many times with my brothers from ol’ blighty. One of my British friends kept telling me about how their cops didn’t carry guns. But on my last visit I kept pointing out to him all the cops that were armed, auto MP5’s, H&K’s, and Glocks. The cops here in the U.S. don’t even carry automatic weapons. Apparently this was a shock to him (and others), seems the national myth of unarmed Bobbies is strong. Now in the U.K. everyone is armed except those who need to be.
most of the carbines are not select fire its easier to shoot a carbine than a pistol most forces have drooped the 9mm carbine and gone up to 5.56mm cause 5.56mm is better at killing dogs which is mostly what they end up being used for.

these are the crime statistics for a supposedly rough council esate in south east england for the last month

burglary 5 3 people arrested and property returned

violent crime 4 incidents mostly drunken shoving in two incidents bgs arrested
4 cars stolen
4 thefts from cars
3 bits of vandalism to cars
3 bits of criminal damage
total 36 crimes for a population approx 10000
no guns no crack no murders
media may talk up the fear of crime but then every rifle in the states is a mall slaying assualt sniper rifle:rolleyes:
But on my last visit I kept pointing out to him all the cops that were armed, auto MP5’s, H&K’s, and Glocks.

When I was there a couple years ago working over a summer in London, there were a fair number of unarmed police officers...... that was until the bombings, when it seemed like every last one had an automatic rifle 24 hours later. I may have just been paying more attention afterwards though, who knows.

I don't know what they think they're going to accomplish by banning imitation swords. On one hand I don't really give a rats arse about swords of any kind, it's not my thing..... but even so on the other hand: banning them seems entirely stupid and pointless.
no guns no crack no murders

I see the mandatory straight jacket/rubber room policy for citizens between the ages of 1 month and 99 years is going well for the Labor party. :D

I've never smoked the crack, but I like to keep my options open. USA USA USA

It's tragic. However, I should point out that it's so-called 'imitation Samurai swords' i.e. Samurai swords not made in Japan not 'imitation swords' i.e. toys, blunted reenactment/roleplaying pieces etc.

We don't know exactly what the legislation will say or how it's going to work (and by 'work' I mean fail). It might ban all Samurai swords except antique ones from Japan, it might ban all Samurai swords not made in Japan. There's much concern over the scope of the law as well as the direct impact because it defines a Samurai sword as "a curved, single edged sword". There is no definition in law for "curved", "edge" or "sword" and if we take those words at face value they could mean anything from a katana to a sabre or even a longsword if we were being pedantic about the "curved" part. It could even ban barongs, machetes etc, if a prosecutor convinces a judge that these are "swords".
At the risk of being obvious, why don't they ban REAL swords while they're at it? Or have they already?
Another one of my buddies from Brixton teaches at a troubled teens school, he says that all his kids are armed. Apparently having your own handgun is quite a status symbol among U.K. youth.
its just the goverment trying to look like they are doing something can't ban guns agains as they have already been banned
part of me is in favor of getting junk katana's off the streets a Cheap sword is only going to be owned by some halfwit.
it won't actually stop anyone your already in the poo and rightly so you start waving one around in public same with a machete or other bladed implement.
that said if your a violent thug a broadsword claymore or cutless will be the next favored implement of mayhem:mad:
mind you making them unaffordable if your getting incapacity benefits would save me form another uncomfortable Saturday afternoon :mad:
Calls for a ban came after a number of high-profile incidents in which cheap Samurai-style swords had been used as a weapon.
Wait a minute... How can there possibly be violent crime in England?
You mean that guns aren't the only inanimate objects that cause crime?

Maybe there's something else at play here....
Maybe , just maybe its because...
Criminals will always find a way to prey on the weak!
Another one of my buddies from Brixton teaches at a troubled teens school, he says that all his kids are armed. Apparently having your own handgun is quite a status symbol among U.K. youth.

This is a good sign. At least someone there has the balls and common sense to disregard the gun control laws.

Just another stupid laws which will get broken, just like the drinking laws and the drug laws its a joke what is the point of setting laws you cant enforce easily? Last night i was out at my works christams party i got serverd everywere i went after it and im only 17 i didnt even get asked for id once, even manged to blag me way into the local student union :D
I know that as a debate tool the Slippery Slope is a logical fallacy. Unfortunately, in reality it seems to be a natural progression. ;)
I'm really worried for Britain. They are going more and more down this route, ignoring all the signs that are telling them to go back. I wonder when we'll have pure English pride parades, extrications of Muslims to "fight terror" and Gordon Brown's face all over the streets.
Next they'll ban the pointy sticks.


After that, of course, they'll have to ban the non-pointy ones...

Let's be honest we are a bunch of apathetic yes Sir's.We will never learn,we always object when a law is passed rather than before it is made.
Just puzzling .

The Association of Chief Police Officers has backed the Home office move saying that while the weapon is relatively uncommon, there is justification for a ban.

Uncommon , yet justifies a ban ?

"It is therefore crucial that we take this action to tackle the menace of violent crime.

Umm , wouldn't going after and locking up criminals have a better effect?

"We recognise it is the cheap, easily available samurai swords which are being used in crime and not the genuine, more expensive samurai swords which are of interest to collectors and martial arts enthusiasts."

Kind of reminds me of the NFA . If you gots the money to buy 'em , you must be an OK fella . Also along the lines of the "saturday night specials" . :rolleyes:

Home Office minister Vernon Coaker said there was a clear danger to the public posed by easily-available swords.

Actually , the danger to the public is being unable to defend ones self .
At least lets look on the bright side. The country with stupid laws and high VIOLENT crime will be just another example of what could happen should "We the People" allow the .gov take us down the Canada/Australia/GB path to self righteousness....

I see a great opportunity for some enterprising lads to go to the local scrap yard and pick up some steel scraps and take them to a bench grinder. Capitalism at it's best. At least untill all bench grinders are turned in to the local Bobbies. At least it isn't just American politicians that are idiots.
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