U.S. outsourced torture

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To get back on track here, how is torturing these critters wrong??

Are you telling me, that having total hindsight of the past 30 odd years, you would not have condoned ANY act of torture, even if it meant preventing the Beirut bombing, (SP?) USS Cole, 1st AND 2nd WTC bombings, Madrid, the Beslan massacre...... the list goes on.

You would be fine with all of those, just so the moral high ground is maintained?? How does that even matter, if you're dead, by some terrorist's bomb or bullet??? I don't understand the logic
No, I don't think torture should be used, even if it would have prevented those attacks.

Our republic should always remain morally superior to rogue nations and terrorists. I would also be very suspicious of information obtained through torture, as I would think such coerced information would have a high chance of being unreliable.

I would not sacrifice our morality, or any of the rights acknowledged in the Constitution, to prevent future attacks, but that is what the present administration appears to be doing. I realize I am in a minority, and most people here and through out the country would be able to sacrifice their own morality and rights for the perception of increased safety.
I'll happily take my chances of being tortured or killed by a terrorist, they're just a criminal with political motivations.

I take risks when I use an ATM, I take risks when I eat a cheeseburger, I take risks when I drive to work, and terrorists is just another risk I'm willing to take to live in freedom.

If you take away the freedom I'm not willing to live there anymore. Even if you only take the freedom away a tiny little bit at a time.
don't get caught in a warzone wearing no particular uniform, fighting under no flag, and i'm thinking you don't have anything to worry about
What's necessary isn't always right. And torturing a small group of terrorists (key word being terrorists) in order to save thousands of innocent lives....
You may not view that as right, but it is necessary. Right and wrong are societal complexes. Look at the Middle East's view of right and wrong. Now look at ours. Point being, there is no definite "right" or "wrong". The government's job is to protect it's citizens and their rights, and if it means torturing some suicidal, maniacal fanatics then so be it.

As to the information being unreliable... Would you rather have questionable information, taken as such (with a grain of salt), or would you have no information at all? I would rather the former.
I wonder what the people that got barbecued in the WTC would have thought about torture???

It's easy to sit in the warmth and security of your home and type away about your moral superiority. Put your butt on the 130th floor with 10 stories of flaming fuel underneath and see if your opinion changes

What rights are you sacrificing? I agree with you completly, in that i would never trade my liberty for percived "safety" (ask me why i avoid flying at all costs...), i just don't see that as a factor in using torture for interrogation purposes.

as far as coecerced info... better than no info at all, and even if the guy doesn't give up anything helpful, causing discomfort to a known terrorist is perk enough. thurough interrogation is the only real reason i see for keeping terrorists alive anyway.

as far as morality of it, YMMV - i won't be losing any sleep over it.
Camp David said:
Wllm. Legrand: Perhaps you should visit Arlington Cemetery more often to see the costs of our War on Terror before you allege it is myth. Further, perhaps a trip to Baghdad is in order so you can see the IEDs and the insurgent terrorists first hand, so you learn the identity of the enemy, as you seem to have problems in that regard.


Arlington Cemetary has little to do with this creation, the "War on Terror". Infofar as Baghdad, etc., that invasion and occupation is reaping what has been sown. I do not fall into the "Isn't the world better off (or the U.S. people, for that matter) with Saddam ousted?" crowd. Rather, I believe he was the leader those people need...and deserve.

Don't lay that phony patriotic crap on me. The "War on Terror" and other 4th generation war, real or not, is the result of the U.S. government acting in a fashion far out of the constraints of constitutional limitations. I draw distinctions between the government, the nation, the people, and the geography. And I don't use the universal "we" to speak of myself, or other citizens in the same breath as the "government"; kind of like the use of the royal "we" when meaning "you"..

If the some invader tried to install even a PERFECT government here and DID NOT LEAVE I would probably be a terrorist, too.

BTW, my son is a Marine so don't try and put me in the "hate America" or "hates the military" or even the BS "liberal" camp. My simple solution is to have the government follow the Bill of Rights and the rest of the U.S. Constitution. Since it chooses not to do that, my attitude is 'ef em . That is, the ones who take an oath upon taking office to preserve, protect, and defend the Consitution..and DON'T.
Camp David said:
Sorry for my being a tad short this morning: our neighbor's son just made the ultimate sacrifice on the field of honor in Iraq and such liberal leftist comments as yours against the nation and against the Armed Forces tend to set me off.... :(

As I wrote, don't confuse liberal leftist with strict Constitutionalist. And if you're upset and realize it, don't apologize.

What a bunch of crap...heck, people like you don't even know the definitions of the words you use, nor evidently the ability tomake distinctions.

Don't confuse dying for your government with dying for your nation or people.

Again, its the inability to make distinctions that make the gun-crowd, or most Bu????es, appear as obtuse.
Lone_Gunman said:
No, I don't think torture should be used, even if it would have prevented those attacks.

Our republic should always remain morally superior to rogue nations and terrorists. I would also be very suspicious of information obtained through torture, as I would think such coerced information would have a high chance of being unreliable.

I would not sacrifice our morality, or any of the rights acknowledged in the Constitution, to prevent future attacks, but that is what the present administration appears to be doing. I realize I am in a minority, and most people here and through out the country would be able to sacrifice their own morality and rights for the perception of increased safety.


Thank you for saying that. My reply would have been much less... polite.
I'd love to have the fellows who advocate torture actually DO it and see the effect. Or maybe you might feel better having your son have a job as a torturer. No long term effects, I'm sure, on sociopaths, but on "normal people"? But then we have people in government whose views and respect of others is about on the level of sociopaths, so I shouldn't be surprised.

I never would have thought that in my lifetime (I just turned 50) I would be hearing arguments on teh validity of sanctioned torture. But then, I never thought I would see other developments that I've seen in the last 25 years...especially the last five.

I always thought the end would come from the predominance of the Democratic Party and liberal socialism, i.e., Gramschiite communism by another name. I never believed the dissolution would come, and come so fast, under the "stewardship" of a Republican adminstration and Congress.
I do not fall into the "Isn't the world better off (or the U.S. people, for that matter) with Saddam ousted?" crowd. Rather, I believe he was the leader those people need...and deserve.

So explain to me how they all deserve a tyrant who commits genocide on a moment's notice? Muslims performed the bombings on 9/11, but that does not make them all inherently evil. You could say that all Christians are evil because of the Crusades. You could say a lot of things if you took a single anecdote to establish a broad theory.

Maybe the world isn't better off. Maybe the US isn't much better off. But Iraq is. Most of Iraq isn't enduring insurgency. Only a few provinces are, and most of those are near the border...and guess what? Most of the insurgents are foreigners. I doubt the Canadians and Mexicans would come fight for the liberty of the US if we were conquered. Their goal is to kill Americans and to establish an Islamic theocracy in Iraq...not to defend their country.

Did the Jews deserve Hitler? No. Do the Shia deserve Saddam? No.

What a bunch of crap...heck, people like you don't even know the definitions of the words you use, nor evidently the ability tomake distinctions.

How are Camp David's comments indistinct or inaccurate? His neighbor's son made the ultimate sacrifice (aka died) on a field of honor (aka battlefield performing an honorable mission). And your comments could easily be categorized as liberal leftist (considering that the majority of them are anti-Iraq, if not anti-war in general).
Lone_Gunman said:
No, I don't think torture should be used, even if it would have prevented those attacks.

Our republic should always remain morally superior to rogue nations and terrorists. I would also be very suspicious of information obtained through torture, as I would think such coerced information would have a high chance of being unreliable.

I would not sacrifice our morality, or any of the rights acknowledged in the Constitution, to prevent future attacks, but that is what the present administration appears to be doing. I realize I am in a minority, and most people here and through out the country would be able to sacrifice their own morality and rights for the perception of increased safety.

Thanks for that. I was starting to think this board should be renamed "TheTortureRoad".
Wllm. Legrand said:
I never would have thought that in my lifetime (I just turned 50) I would be hearing arguments on teh validity of sanctioned torture. But then, I never thought I would see other developments that I've seen in the last 25 years...especially the last five.

Thanks for that, too. I'm only 40, but I'm also amazed that any Americans advocate torture.
Wllm. Legrand said:
As I wrote, don't confuse liberal leftist with strict Constitutionalist.

Sorry Wllm. Legrand; I based my comments upon YOUR earlier post (verbatim) where you slandered soldiers and civilians, Americans all, with your denial of the war:
Wllm. Legrand said:
By the way, what "war" is it to which you refer? The mythical "War on Terror"? It seems to me that the U.S. FedGOD is the one doing most of terrorizing these days....

Worse... you seem to deny that terrorists are the the ones committing the terror and claim the Federal Government is the terrorist! That's treason son! That is what I replied to. If you wish to amend your comments feel free. They are cited above for your reference. Think how some soldiers might feel if they were told they were the enemy? That is what you seemed to imply. If I misread or misunderstood your comments feel free to reply and correct the record.
notupperwareplease said:
So explain to me how they all deserve a tyrant who commits genocide on a moment's notice? Muslims performed the bombings on 9/11, but that does not make them all inherently evil. You could say that all Christians are evil because of the Crusades. You could say a lot of things if you took a single anecdote to establish a broad theory.

Maybe the world isn't better off. Maybe the US isn't much better off. But Iraq is. Most of Iraq isn't enduring insurgency. Only a few provinces are, and most of those are near the border...and guess what? Most of the insurgents are foreigners. I doubt the Canadians and Mexicans would come fight for the liberty of the US if we were conquered. Their goal is to kill Americans and to establish an Islamic theocracy in Iraq...not to defend their country.

Did the Jews deserve Hitler? No. Do the Shia deserve Saddam? No.

How are Camp David's comments indistinct or inaccurate? His neighbor's son made the ultimate sacrifice (aka died) on a field of honor (aka battlefield performing an honorable mission). And your comments could easily be categorized as liberal leftist (considering that the majority of them are anti-Iraq, if not anti-war in general).

Where should we start? So little time...

First, I thought I covered the false dichotomy of liberal/conservative. Otherwise known as bifurcation, this paints the spectrum of beliefs regarding the role of government and especially the validity of the "war" (which is no longer a war but an occupation) into those camps. There are other views that do not lie on the false liberal/conservative continuum. Both putative liberals and conservatives today (as the word conservative is 'mis'used today) do not favor even near-historic definitions (i.e., conservative as Barry Goldwater or even William Taft of earlier in the 20th century). One can have classic liberal (Jeffersonian) views or classic "conservative" views (say, non-interference in foriegn affairs, maximum liberty to the citizen, REALLY small government) and not even have a place on the continuum. That is why you need to use language carefully and make distinctions.

Most of the people that are pro-war have never been in one. Some are, but most aren't. It is some abstract thing, like what goes on in Washington. My own views are anti-unjust war, anti-unnecessary war, anti-BS on civilian costs to the other side, anti-lies to get us INTO war, anti-waste of precious resources like lives, influence, financial capital, and tax money. I could go on.

I'm sorry the young man died; but he died for a poor cause. Ten years from now the maimed and wounded will have their sorrow over what it was all for (as it was built on lies and 'bringing democracy--a false god there--to Iraq' isn't worth one American life) will be what willo they be left?And the dead will still be dead. And for what? When leaders put their own a$$e$ on the line, or ask their own children to do the same in the name of their political objectives, then I might..maybe..believe that the wars they start are honorable. At this time I do not even believe that the U.S. Government is the "good guy" in this fight. That does not mean that the other side is the "good guy", either (we can make distinctions here, can't we?). But a clear-cut case of righteous war has not yet been made, nor can it with the facts in place as they are. The U.S. side is not a "good guy" in this fight; not by intention, not by design, and not by actual, honest objective. That's not a pleasant way to view the thing, but it is better than being blind to the motivations of your government.

As for the people of Iraq getting the leader they deserve, they, as Yugoslavia had Tito, they had someone that kept a lid on the sectarian violence, for the most part. As for political abuses, well, that's THAT part of the world. As Paul Harvey used to say, "We do not all live in ONE world." There are so many reasons why the war, and the rationales for war as specious. Now, after becoming entrenched in this fiasco, the litany of excuses for the war come, all with noble intentions; all different from the one sold to the U.S. people.

Lies. Lies. Lies. Every day, more lies.

The present adminstration is no different than the one that preceded it; they both squandered what little credibility capital they had.

Bill Clinton's picadillos seem almost quaint nowadays. Jorge Bush should be impeached for his crimes. And the border is STILL open.

You state that Iraq is better off. Whether that is true or not (and the point is definitely debatable) SO WHAT? It is not worth ONE AMERICAN LIFE. I suggest you do some reading on the dynamics of what the forces at play are there (Shia, Sunni, and the Kurds) and who REALLY is in control. It ain't all what you read about it in the papers, son. And the Hitler reference is SO overdone. So back and read your newspapers. They do a good job of maintaining the "standard model" for what is going on in U.S. policy.
"You don't bash a man's brains out when he's tied to a chair!"
"He did!"
"And you don't. That's because you're not him!"
~Night Watch, by Terry Pratchett.

OK, so which of the pro-torture people would be willing to sign up for the job of torturer?

Or maybe volunteer their son to be the torturer?

Would you really jam bamboo under someone's fingernails, hook jumper cables to someone's scrotum, and stick a hot poker up their butt just because the government thought they might be a terrorist and told you to?
Camp David said:
Sorry Wllm. Legrand; I based my comments upon YOUR earlier post (verbatim) where you slandered soldiers and civilians, Americans all, with your denial of the war:

Worse... you seem to deny that terrorists are the the ones committing the terror and claim the Federal Government is the terrorist! That's treason son! That is what I replied to. If you wish to amend your comments feel free. They are cited above for your reference. Think how some soldiers might feel if they were told they were the enemy? That is what you seemed to imply. If I misread or misunderstood your comments feel free to reply and correct the record.

Here we go again...

I "slander" soldiers and civilians by denial of the war? GOOD. I don't care if you call it slander...I call a spade a spade.

I claim the FedGOD is terrorist? Yep. Big time. It's done internationally, but the local boys have done well, too. Waco, Ruby Ridge, Drug War, IRS, etc., etc. I actually knew a slimeball IRS agent (daughter of a friend of my ex-wife) who, when drunk at a wedding party confessed about how much she liked to inflict suffering on people. And if you don't think ecnomic hardship can be like torture to some people, think again. I digress.

I never claimed that the "terrorists" were not committing terror. It is simply part of 4th-generation war. Why is it so difficult for some of you to understand that one assertion does not necessarily imply its converse?

I don't care what U.S. soldiers feel. My son is a U.S. Marine and he knows how I feel. My search for truth does not let waylaid by how OTHER PEOPLE FEEL. BTW, he thinks much the same way as I do. I taught him early on to develop a good B.S. detector.

You understood my words, however, your lack of awareness into the substance of my assertions leads you to a generalization that many who are afflicted with "FedGOD Patriot Syndrome" often subscribe.
sign me up then. bring me the guy we caught with his cache of manuals, plans and stockpiles of explosives. I'll find out what he knows, and lose no sleep over any method used
I'll find out what he knows, and lose no sleep over any method used

I mean the following as no offense, but unless you are a sociopath, I do not believe it would not bother you to torture people. I don't doubt that you feel that way right now; I think the reality of the situation would change your mind.
Would you really jam bamboo under someone's fingernails, hook jumper cables to someone's scrotum, and stick a hot poker up their butt just because the government thought they might be a terrorist and told you to?

Depends on who we're talking about. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a petty and vindictive person. If someone threatened my family, or even one of my dogs, for that matter, I could probably do all of the above and then some. To protect my wife and kids, I'd have no qualms about getting out the pliers and blow torch and getting medeval on someone's butt.

I could torture a man under extreme circumstances, and if the mofo had hurt someone in my family (if my wife or children had been in the WTC on 9/11, for example), I'd do it with great relish. But I'm a sick cookie, and I recognize that such behavior would be wrong in any situation. I do not want to live in a country in which such sick, reprehensible behavior was mandated by, or even condoned by the government.
I don't doubt that under special circumstances, anyone could torture someone. If your family is killed and you become so enraged that you temporarily border on insanity, then I could certainly see that.

But we are not talking about letting family members of victims torture potential terrorists. We are talking about the government coming to you as Official Torturer and saying, Ok with think this guy knows something, get information out of him. You are personally detached from the situation.

So you are personally unattached, and the person you are asked to torture has done you and your family no harm, and is just suspected of being a terrorist. I would not want that job, and would sooner kill the person than cause prolonged pain and agony. Only a sociopath would be willing to do that job; he would be worse than the government hired assassins that killed Randy Weaver's wife at Ruby Ridge.

God will judge everyone in the end, and I've done enough bad stuff already that I don't want torture on my record too.
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