UBC to be back for vote

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Mar 19, 2007
Saw Toomey this morning on the news he is going to bring the UBC back for another vote.
Kind of funny since right after it was voted down, he said the Senate had spoken and that he would not bring it up again. Then again he is a politician and when he's not kissing babies, he's stealing their lollipops.
Manchin was on Fox Sunday yesterday basically saying, "We just didn't lie hard enough last time!"

It's got LESS support now than it had last time.

In the words of SpongeBob, "Good luck with that!"
I agree with Cosmoline, the more desperate and pointless these efforts appear the less politicians are willing to risk their careers on them.
They'll have had more time to beat on the non-Republican Senators that sided with the 2A which means we need to spend the time reinforcing those same Senators.
Reid decides what gets a vote. Nobody else. Until he says if gets a vote, this is just hot air.
There are reports of polling that shows Senators who voted against UBC loosing popularity. I'm sure they are false reports but this 90% comes up often.
Never underestimate the lengths they will go to to win. They control the media and we got another taste of that during the Boston bombing.
Our win was no majority.
usa today says reid IS going to bring it up again but wont say when. probably when they have a better chance of ramming, or "attaching" it to some other bill that the rpubs need?
I wonder if the 90% bought the "40% of gun sales are at gun shows without a background check stat"?

The survey (NSPOF of lawabiding gunowners) that found 60% of gun acquisitions are at gun stores or pawnshops with FFLs also found that gun shows plus fleamarkets were only 4% of all gun acquisitions (and they are a mix of dealers and private sellers).

The Bureau of Justice Statistics survey of state inmates (criminals) found that of gun possessing inmates 0.7% bought guns at gun shows and 1% at fleamarkets.

I think if the supporters of universal background checks knew that gun show sales w/o background checks are not 40% of the gun market, but are a small fraction of general gun acquisitions and a sliver of criminal acquisitions, the UBC support would drop.
You are missing the point. They could care less what the percentage is. They want a beefed up UBC....period....after that comes mandatory registration (the camel's nose is already under the tent at that point)....then comes confiscation. They don't care about where the guns are being bought, they don't care about school kids getting killed (unless it helps their side with the media blitz that follows)....they care about nothing other than making sure the citizenry becomes unarmed. Period.
This does sound bad. Coburn could possibly support it this time if it goes to vote. The last one failed , but it barely failed. 54-46. Should Coburn support it this time that's at least 55-45 requiring 60 to pass. Who is to say that some of the rinos wont jump on it this time. Lets just see what happens.
Im not a doom and gloom / the sky is falling kind of guy... but....

This isnt good.

Its got as good of chance of passing now as it did then which IMO was a 50/50 chance of passing.

There has been a lot of shaming by politicians to other politicians and angry gun grabbers rallying the troops during tea and 15oz soda parties.
There has been a lot of shaming by politicians to other politicians and angry gun grabbers rallying the troops during tea and 15oz soda parties.

There's been even more let's-not-discuss-this-issue-any-further-for-a-while going on in Washington, as well. I'm sure the Senate would prefer to not address this issue again before elections if they coudl get away with it (both sides of the aisle). International intrigue and economic figures seem to be leaking back into the headlines, and the brief ban-reflex after the bombing seems to have already passed. We're safe just long enough to either regroup, or press our advantage.

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