Ultra high speed photography

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May 14, 2012
I built myself a very fast flash (less than a millionth of a second) and took it to a friend's shooting range to try it out:

Detailed info : click here.


it works.
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quote: "^^^ What rail driver said and maybe some info on equipment used. Very cool."

See this link for more info on the setup.
Very nicely done... Insane little flash unit you have there... Weapon in it's own right.

What was the project cost between the piezo Mic, timer, and Flash unit?

Welcome to THR!
The total cost was about 100 Euro's or 128$ in todays exchange rate. And about 3 weeks of evening hours from breadboard to first day on the shooting range.
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The total cost was about 100 Euro's or 128$ in todays exchange rate. And about 3 weeks of evening hours from breadboard to first day on the shooting range.

I think I found my next project!

Might want to move the AR's flash hider just a few inches back so its not in the shot next time, it would make you look like a better shot ;) But on the other hand, I do think the gasses escaping look pretty good. I'm not sure where you are in Europe, but is there any chance of getting a few shots of a bullet coming out of a suppressor? I'd be interested to see what the gasses look like...
Oh wow, I was thinking a sound suppressor/silencer, but that is a really nice pic! Kinda surprising how far the shock wave is from the bullet. I thought it would have been closer. Are these subsonic or supersonic 9mm?
It was 9mm converted AR15 and I had the impression that it was subsonic (distance muzzle-bullet was smaller than disctance muzzle-microphone with 0 delay).
That makes sense, must be 147gr or 158gr then. A 115gr or 124gr would have been supersonic.

This definitely seems like a fun project. A little daunting with the whole "kill yourself accidentally discharging the capacitor" thing, but the precautions to protect against that aren't too difficult. Time to find a young and impressionable college intern who doesn't mind doing dangerous and possibly deadly work for little or no return! Oh wait, that's me... :D
I have been to three dog fights and two county fairs but never have seen such.

Neato and well done.
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