Unintended Consequence of Davis Recall

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Dec 24, 2002
Washed out of Four-dollar Bayou. Now I'm... somewh
Gray Davis reverses decision on immigrants

By JULIANA BARBASSA, Associated Press

(Published: August 1, 2003) SALINAS, Calif. (AP) - Ten months after vetoing a bill that would have let illegal immigrants get driver's licenses, Gov. Gray Davis has reversed course, drawing accusations that he is pandering to Hispanics to try to save his job from a recall vote.

The governor, a Democrat who faces a recall election Oct. 7, said he would sign the bill if it reached his desk.
Would someone please tell me what the big deal is? You people out there think giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens is some kind of big deal.

We here in NC have been doing it for years. Fact is, NC is the state of choice for anyone wanting to establish a new identity. Come here first, get a DL and move on with your new identity. We've refined the process to the point that if the illegal can't provide identification to DMV, all you gotta do is request an certification (can't spell the legal word) saying you are who you claim to be and voila, you get a DL.

Don't worry, no problem.
He can join Trent Lott on BET - remember that conservative man of ideals and morals.
"Would someone please tell me what the big deal is? You people out there think giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens is some kind of big deal."

The big deal is that unless they changed it California has what's called 'Motor-voter' Registering to vote when you get your license.

Now do we see a problem with illegals getting licenses?

Even beyond that, illegals currently have more rights than citizens!
Would someone please tell me what the big deal is? You people out there think giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens is some kind of big deal.
Well, it could easily jeopardize the reciprocal agreements between CA and various states which requires that driver’s licenses shall be issued to legal residents only. So, other states may then no longer accept CA driver’s licenses as valid identification.

That’s not a small thing.
I heard today that the judge who ruled on one of the challenges to the special election essentially stink faced Davis' claim that it's the Republicans who are trying to steal the state's election by saying (I'm quoting loosely from what I heard on the radio coming home from work) that he would "not interfere with the clear and apparent will of the people on the matter of the recall."

Did you see that the ACLU has filed as a result?

Arg is something along the lines that punch card ballots are still around in some counties and that would disenfranchise some voters. Yep, they're non-partisan.
I hope Davis (or some other Democrat), wins the recall election.

Things are so messed up in that state that whoever is sitting in the governors chair over the next few years is going to be ripped apart, along with his political party. The state is on a precipice - things are still "OK" at this moment because the fiscal hammer hasn't quite landed yet. Whoever makes the decisions coming up will have to make those hard decisions, and take the blame for what happens.
They'll have to have a massive tax increase or, cut spending in unprecedented ways. Either option will bring the mob out screaming for blood - it being obvious that the mass of California voters are a pretty stupid bunch... And the blame will fall on the governor and without regard to the fact that he is merely dealing with a situation created by his predecessor.

Davis and the Democrats created the situation, they should be allowed to finish riding the state into the ground. Let the other party come in after the crash, not before it.

First off, Davis HAS to go. Not just to get rid of him but to show the others they are vulnerable. This goes way beyond Davis and in to showing the power of the voter.
Second, we will not be ALLOWED to crash. California has the largest economy in the Nation and 6th largest in the world. The Feds will step in to assist after the election because they can't afford to let us wallow. From inside the State and outside steps will be taken to revive California.
Now who do we want to preside over the climb out of the hole?
The feds are going to take steps to "revive" California?
How will they do that? Will they throw tens of billions of dollars into California to pay for the insane programs in place? And will they keep funding this socialist paradise forever?
I don't think so.
Other states don't care if California goes down the toilet. In fact, they hope it does because the fleeing business might just come to them.

How do you convince a business to stay in California when they can reduce taxes and increase profits by moving to another state? How do you convince a middle class worker to stay in a state when he double the size of his house and take more money home in another state? And not incidently, enjoy more freedoms...

The only thing that will save California is a massive cut in spending, and nobody running is making noise about doing that. Trying to keep the state afloat at current spending levels is doomed to failure because the businesses and middle class workers funding this will continue to bail out - and reduce tax revenues even further - creating greater shortfalls, etc, etc, etc.

Second, we will not be ALLOWED to crash. California has the largest economy in the Nation and 6th largest in the world. The Feds will step in to assist after the election because they can't afford to let us wallow. From inside the State and outside steps will be taken to revive California.

GWB has already gone on record stating that the fed gov't will not bail out California. I doubt he'll change his mind anytime soon...

As for the next governor, I doubt it will matter who wins. They'll be the captain of the Titanic for two more years, and only a flush of the state legislature will begin to get Cali on the right track...

Vote for Gary Coleman. He could use the work... :D
I thought Ann put it pretty well:
California is fast becoming a Third World country. Taxpayers are leaving the state in droves, sick of paying for government workers' Riviera retirement plans. In California, the fabulously rich support the poor with government jobs, paid for by the middle class – which is now living in Arizona.
-Ann Coulter www.anncoulter.org

How in the world do you fix that without clearing out the dead weight...especially when you've convinced your state populace that the concept of "dead weight" is invalid?
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