Unintended consequences...

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No job losses are yet even on the table. The planned expansion is happening in Alabama. A non union lifestyle, which means the union reps don't get an increase in salary.

There's another thread going on already, and the common theme in both is that Ilion is losing jobs.

Please link quote of anyone saying that. The union officials are complaining they won't get any increase in manpower to have dues taken out of their paycheck. They are speculating that it might possibly, just maybe could mean Remington is considering it long term.

Of course they are. But putting up half the space a long distance away doesn't really accomplish it, that facility won't be operating until 2015. It takes time, planning, and a lot of justification to burn thru the profits. If there's no return for doing it, then there is no point.

Wishful thinking on some parts won't finance it.

That is what the Unions said about Boeing closing up their manufacturing plants in Wichita, KS and moving all of the jobs to out of state locations.

That's correct. All one has to do is watch a big company like Boeing and how they operate. I live in the Puget Sound area and have watched that company for 35 years. WA. is a blue union state and Boeing has managed to either move jobs to RTW states or neuter the contracts of the employees here. The first step is to build a plant in a RTW state then move all production there if the unionized work force doesn't agree to wage and benefit cuts during the next contract negotiation.

For any workers in Ilion this is bad news. May not look like it now but the plant will either close or the workers wage and benefit package will be reduced.

That's how it works, right or wrong. Remington can blame it on the SAFE act and that may be part of the reason they are expanding in a RTW state but that isn't the whole story.
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Tirod.....how does a non union life style affect the salary of union reps? I've never heard that before.
lots of predictable stuff for discussion there but it's off topic here. we do guns, not the politics of unions, etc
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