"Universal background checks"

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Jun 18, 2010
Nothing could be more harmful to our Second Amendment Rights than the proposed Universal Background Check. If you're not sure why, do some research, read this simple article for example.


With websites like congress.org and others that let you write to all of your representatives at once it's extremely easy to contact your representatives.

I know there are already threads about this but my request is this;

Even if you've already written your representatives, write them regarding this specific Bill. Maybe title it 'Opposition to Universal Background Checks'. Make sure at this stage in the game they know there are still many of us that do not support this infringement of our Rights.

I ask that each of you who read this write your representatives again, if not for yourself than for the rest of us.
Several short single point emails, phone calls and letters are some of the best weapons we have - keep the pressure on!

DON"T BECOME COMPLACENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Paul Ryan's talking about the reasonableness of closing the gun show loophole - epic cave! Colorado's Governor meets with NRA president - oh, to be a fly on the wall and record that. . . Hickenlooper supports a lot of restrictions - depending on which way the wind blows and whose what he's holding at the moment.
I would be fine with UBCs at sanctioned events. Otherwise forget it. Why does anyone think it would prevent anything?
Why would it matter if it was a 'sanctioned event'? A legal transaction in one spot is suddenly illegal if you travel 50 yards into a scary high capacity assault gun show?

Even if they get any little ground they will keep pushing. We can't compromise any more.
I think that it is too easily corrupted, risky, tempting to allow such a system as universal background checks to be misused/abused for various reasons.:scrutiny:

Also, the CDC has NO need to research anything related to firearms. They are inanimate objects that can actually be made surgically sterile if desired. As such, they are of no jurisdiction/concern for the CDC to research in any manner. They are no different than anything else that is a mechanical device designed to do a task. ;)

IMHO which is based on comments Obama made while signing his most recent set of EOs, he specifically mentioned having the CDC investigate the "long-term effects of firearms" and a bunch of other rubbish. I think that if one "reads between the lines" or views things "as a skeptic;" it is easy to foresee the potential misuse of the CDC as a "backdoor" method of passing laws to restrict various types of ammunition or firearms. A few misleading documents is all it would take to outlaw things for "health reasons." :barf:

Moreover, I feel that the government overseeing healthcare, will allow for confidential information to no longer be truly confidential if the government desires such a thing. :uhoh:
Just read the thread I did about South Africa. It is coming. Please research.
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