US Army buys 17,000 rifles from China

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For everyone that has decided to absolve Bush concerning the import bans on Norinco:

In 2003 Bush banned all imports from Norinco BY NAME for two years apparently as a result of that company violating trade sanctions against Iran. That import ban should actually be lifting here pretty soon. The point is that YES Bush specifically banned a particular company from selling arms to civilians in this country, and then turned around and awarded the Iraqi arms contract to them.*

Knowing who banned what is kinda important if you want to defend the RKBA.

(*I realize that Norinco and Polytech are technically different companies, but they are both state-owned, so the check ends up in the same place)
Rummy must have gotten a deal on the shipping because the Chinese can put the AK's on the same boat they are using to ship the nuclear capable missiles to Iran.
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Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or Libertarian like me, the fact of the matter is that 1,573 american GI's have died in a war that has cost our economy well over 100 billion dollars (I don't know the exact figure these days) and has done nothing to make us safer. Librarys in my area are closing forever. The Detroit police department is laying off 600 officers. And meanwhile, the Bush administration and its friends are becoming even more absurdly wealthy. Compared to the billions of dollars that I consider to have been stolen from us taxpayers, this 29 million seems rather insignificant.
Librarys in my area are closing forever. The Detroit police department is laying off 600 officers.

Why would a libertarian cite to these matters when discussing federal matters? Libraries and municipal police departments are strictly local issues, unless you believe that the federal gov't should fund them, which negates the argument you're a libertarian.

As for making the Bushes and their friends "even more absurdly wealthy" please cite examples of how that is being done. Oh, and be sure to exclude Halliburton, which was given sole source contracts for the same reason it was given roughly identical contracts for Bosnia and Kosovo: it's the only company in the world capable of doing what was asked of it.
What bugs me about this is that we're providing machine guns to people who were shooting at US troops just a couple of years ago . . . and I, as a US taxpaying citizen who's never shot at US troops, am PAYING for these weapons to arm our former (and future!) enemies, and yet I'm still not allowed to buy one for myself. :barf: :fire: :cuss:
As a Libertarian, I would indeed like to see massive changes to the way the government is run. The fact is, the feds have your money and mine, and they are, in my opinion squandering it. At this point in time, police departments libraries and schools heavily depend upon federal funding. There is not a lot that the 400,000 Libertarians in the US can do to change that real soon. And as for the idea that I should explain my comments about Bush and friends making money off this war, thats easy, but I can't exclude Haliburton. After all, I believe this whole war is about securing the middle east for big oil companies. I don't believe that the the US would have gone to war had it not been for Haliburton and other oil hogs. As you said, Haliburton is the only company that can handle this task, but the Bush administration is unquestionably tied to Haliburton (Cheney). Whether or not you agree with me about the President lieing about cban (new term for wmd) to start the war and make money for his friends and himself, the fact is our troops are still there, and no cban has been found. And recently Bush has proposed permanent military bases in Iraq. I see no real point to staying in Iraq, because as far as I know from several Iraqi friends, most of Iraq wants the US out, and I would think that the end of this war will be much like the end of Vietnam anyway. I believe that Bush is trying to clear the way for his Saudi Arabian and American friends to use Iraq as a base with which to control the Middle Eastern oil supply. Can I prove this right now? No. But time will tell.
it's the only company in the world capable of doing what was asked of it.

At the rates Haliburton is paid the Chimp with the Glock in another thread could do just as capable a job. The fact remains that Cheney and his cabal are making millions (make that billions) off of the blood of the lower and middle class. You don't see any of his sons, daughters, nephews, or his cronies' offspring coming home in aluminum boxes.
Of course, you all realize that someone brokered a deal somewhere along the line here.......maybe a kickback, or the person who approved this has a wife that will be hired on as a "consultant" for big bucks at some Chinese owned firm.
You have the sexes backward. Senator Feinstein's husband had business ties to Norinco for a while. Wouldnt be suprising if he knew people at Polytech too.

At the rates Haliburton is paid the Chimp with the Glock in another thread could do just as capable a job. The fact remains that Cheney and his cabal are making millions (make that billions) off of the blood of the lower and middle class. You don't see any of his sons, daughters, nephews, or his cronies' offspring coming home in aluminum boxes.
I think you managed to include every DU talking point in a single post. :scrutiny:

I think there will be a medium "stink" about this and not for just being stupid about buying Chinese arms...and they are stupid!

Poly Technologies(subsiduaries) has somewhat of a "jaded" past with smuggling ak-47's into the US.

Apparently a Jordanian company was contracted by the US to bid out the weapons and the low bid won.
The fact remains that Cheney and his cabal are making millions (make that billions) off of the blood of the lower and middle class.
Post proof that Bush or Cheney made even one single dollar off the war. Real proof, not some magical knowledge gleened from DU.
The chicoms are pure evil, and whether you buy their stuff at the gun store or the military buys their stuff for the Iraqis, it's the same. Evil gets a boost.
"costing...economy well over 100 billion dollars (I don't know the exact figure these days)"

Last I heard it broke 6 or 8 hundred billion, and people using equipment (especially vehicles) say that it will take doubled spending for at least a decade before the tanks and APCs and trucks are back to normal, it's that bad. In other words the army is in tough times for next 15 years at least, hoping the costs don't go up, and budget doesn't go down.

Cosmoline, the trend is that the Chicoms are looking less communist and more fascist, which is to be expected. They never had any real attachment to particular economic system, just power. And as long as China achieves a 'place in the sun' enough of the populace will support whatever. I don't think they're evil, but they sure as hell shouldn't be supported or encouraged, nor isolated and ignored. And I sure as double hell don't think that corporations without any national allegiance should be given such free reign to meddle with the world's power structure. But what the hell does it matter what I think.

"Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

One entry found for fascism.

Main Entry: fas·cism
Pronunciation: 'fa-"shi-z&m also 'fa-"si-
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality -- J. W. Aldridge> "
It does seem to be quite difficult to nail down evidence of Bush or Cheney making money off this war, but the article I cut and pasted below does not say much for the Bush administrations motivations. I cut out a lot of the article because its fairly long, but the entire thing can be read here:

"By Michael I. Niman, ArtVoice 1/9/03

When Iraq presented its weapons declaration to the United Nations last month, the Bush administration immediately attacked the report as being incomplete, hinting that producing a partial report might be a justification to unleash upon that nation the most lethal killing machine history has known.

8,000 Missing Pages

The Bush folks were indeed telling the truth. The report distributed by the United Nations was missing key pieces of information about Iraq ’s weapons programs. That’s because the United States removed over 8,000 pages of information from the 11,800 page report, before passing it on.

The missing pages incriminated 24 U.S. based corporations and the successive Reagan and Bush-Daddy administrations in connection with illegally supplying Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi government with myriad weapons of mass destruction and the training to use them.

According to the report, Eastman Kodak (who seems not to have fundamentally changed since collaborating with the Nazis in WWII), Dupont, Honeywell, Rockwell, Sperry, Hewlett-Packard and Bechtel were among the American companies aiding the Iraqi weapons program leading up to the invasion of Kuwait . The report also reiterated information previously documented by Senator Byrd, and before that, reported in a host of Alternative newspapers and magazines and radio shows around the world, detailing how the U.S. Government directly supplied weapons of mass destruction to Saddam Hussein – weapons he then used against his own people while the U.S. resupplied his arsenal (See Getting a Grip 10/24/02). In addition to biological and chemical weapons components such as Anthrax, various U.S. government agencies, such as the Department of Energy, Department of Commerce, Department of Agriculture and the Livermore, Los Alamos and Sandia nuclear weapons labs, also supplied Saddam’s government with material for its nuclear weapons program and training in how to use that material.

Then of course there’s Dick Cheney’s Haliburton outfit, which got the contract to rebuild Saddam’s oilfields after the 1991 Gulf War. This is a new twist on the old bored child’s game of building up and knocking down blocks, but only with a fat government subsidy and tens of thousands of dead bodies. But that’s another story"

What are you reading and believing? "Street Sheet" ?

Here is a hint, if the article uses a term like "Bush-Daddy" odds are it's crap and you should put it down now.

DO NOT WRAP YOUR FISH IN IT. They'll be contaminated. Don't use the paper to line your bird cage or as a mat to soak up oil when you clean your guns. The fever swamps will INFECT EVERYTHING. :what:

Really? :uhoh: An author that even thinks is from the "loony left".

Golly? Got any sage wisdom from David Duke or International A.N.S.W.E.R.?

It does seem to be quite difficult to nail down evidence of Bush or Cheney making money off this war
Bull. If your claim is that they made millions or even billions, you should be able to present actual proof of even just one dollar.

Put up, or shut up.
nother thing that ticks me off about this is that it seems to be ok for us as taxpayers to buy 29 million dollars worth of weapons from China for the Iraqi military, but I can't go buy a Norinco because we're "boycotting" chinese weapons?

The problem I have with this transaction is that Poly Technologies is a criminal enterprise, an un-indicted co-conspirator to gun-running for gang-bangers in the USA, and worst: is a Friend of Bill Clinton.

There's nothing wrong with supplying Iraqis w/M 16A2's, or M-4/s.
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