US army violates Posse Comitatus act

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In 2008, Congress restored many of the earlier limitations on the president’s ability to deploy troops within the United States, but Bush issued a signing statement indicating he was not bound by the changes...A Telegraph video on the shootings in Alabama propagandizes against the right to own firearms in the United States and the Second Amendment.

Certainly begs questions.
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And it wasnt because of terrorism, or a huge natural disaster, but for one guy who happened to kill 10, then himself. Soon car accidents and the like will beg the attention of the marines or some dumb crap like that.

I respect the marines, but the armed forces of this country have no business occupying it.
Before some moderator comes along and locks this thread for not being gun related, I would like to note that posse commitatus was passed during Reconstruction to prevent the army from (among other things) seizing firearms owned by southerners after the Civil War.

To say the posse commitatus is not gun related is, therefore, incorrect.
Sweet vindication for being less of an idiot than I though I was, my history degree was useful today, haha.

seriously though. I understand that Bush passed some sort of law that allowed the pres to order armed forces including the marines into US cities. But for something like this? Unbelievable. Hopefully some people make it known to the rest of the country how messed up this is.
This is like putting an alarm on your car after it's been broken into.

What exactly are they expecting to happen?

I think they are slowly probing public reaction to deployment of active Army on US soil. If no mayor public upheaval ensues, they will be encouraged to expand this type of action... the slow desensitization of the American herds to boots on their trimmed, green lawns.
Well, didnt the Military go around confiscating firearms from New Orleans residents after Katrina, or is that an urban legend?
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