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US operating theory for the worldwide war on terror

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Dec 20, 2002
Louisiana, USA
From the US Navy War Academy Web site (http://www.nwc.navy.mil/newrulesets/ThePentagonsNewMap.htm):




From Esquire, March 2003 issue

Since the end of the cold war, the United States has been trying to come up with an operating theory of the world—and a military strategy to accompany it. Now there’s a leading contender. It involves identifying the problem parts of the world and aggressively shrinking them. Since September 11, 2001, the author, a professor of warfare analysis, has been advising the Office of the Secretary of Defense and giving this briefing continually at the Pentagon and in the intelligence community. Now he gives it to you.

LET ME TELL YOU why military engagement with Saddam Hussein’s regime in Baghdad is not only necessary and inevitable, but good.

When the United States finally goes to war again in the Persian Gulf, it will not constitute a settling of old scores, or just an enforced disarmament of illegal weapons, or a distraction in the war on terror. Our next war in the Gulf will mark a historical tipping point—the moment when Washington takes real ownership of strategic security in the age of globalization.

That is why the public debate about this war has been so important: It forces Americans to come to terms with I believe is the new security paradigm that shapes this age, namely, Disconnectedness defines danger. Saddam Hussein’s outlaw regime is dangerously disconnected from the globalizing world, from its rule sets, its norms, and all the ties that bind countries together in mutually assured dependence.

The problem with most discussion of globalization is that too many experts treat it as a binary outcome: Either it is great and sweeping the planet, or it is horrid and failing humanity everywhere. Neither view really works, because globalization as a historical process is simply too big and too complex for such summary judgments. Instead, this new world must be defined by where globalization has truly taken root and where it has not.

Show me where globalization is thick with network connectivity, financial transactions, liberal media flows, and collective security, and I will show you regions featuring stable governments, rising standards of living, and more deaths by suicide than murder. These parts of the world I call the Functioning Core, or Core. But show me where globalization is thinning or just plain absent, and I will show you regions plagued by politically repressive regimes, widespread poverty and disease, routine mass murder, and—most important—the chronic conflicts that incubate the next generation of global terrorists. These parts of the world I call the Non-Integrating Gap, or Gap.

Globalization’s “ozone hole†may have been out of sight and out of mind prior to September 11, 2001, but it has been hard to miss ever since. And measuring the reach of globalization is not an academic exercise to an eighteen-year-old marine sinking tent poles on its far side. So where do we schedule the U.S. military’s next round of away games? The pattern that has emerged since the end of the cold war suggests a simple answer: in the Gap.

The reason I support going to war in Iraq is not simply that Saddam is a cutthroat Stalinist willing to kill anyone to stay in power, nor because that regime has clearly supported terrorist networks over the years. The real reason I support a war like this is that the resulting long-term military commitment will finally force America to deal with the entire Gap as a strategic threat environment.

FOR MOST COUNTRIES, accommodating the emerging global rule set of democracy, transparency, and free trade is no mean feat, which is something most Americans find hard to understand. We tend to forget just how hard it has been to keep the United States together all these years, harmonizing our own, competing internal rule sets along the way—through a Civil War, a Great Depression, and the long struggles for racial and sexual equality that continue to this day. As far as most states are concerned, we are quite unrealistic in our expectation that they should adapt themselves quickly to globalization’s very American-looking rule set.

But you have to be careful with that Darwinian pessimism, because it is a short jump from apologizing for globalization-as-forced-Americanization to insinuating—along racial or civilization lines—that “those people will simply never be like us.†Just ten years ago, most experts were willing to write off poor Russia, declaring Slavs, in effect, genetically unfit for democracy and capitalism. Similar arguments resonated in most China-bashing during the 1990’s, and you hear them today in the debates about the feasibility of imposing democracy on a post-Saddam Iraq—a sort of Muslims-are-from-Mars argument.

So how do we distinguish between who is really making it in globalization’s Core and who remains trapped in the Gap? And how permanent is this dividing line?

Understanding that the line between the Core and Gap is constantly shifting, let me suggest that the direction of change is more critical than the degree. So, yes, Beijing is still ruled by a “Communist party†whose ideological formula is 30 percent Marxist-Leninist and 70 percent Sopranos, but China just signed on to the World Trade Organization, and over the long run, that is far more important in securing the country’s permanent Core status. Why? Because it forces China to harmonize its internal rule set with that of globalization—banking, tariffs, copyright protection, environmental standards. Of course, working to adjust your internal rule sets to globalization’s evolving rule set offers no guarantee of success. As Argentina and Brazil have recently found out, following the rules (in Argentina’s case, sort of following) does not mean you are panicproof, or bubbleproof, or even recessionproof. Trying to adapt to globalization does not mean bad things will never happen to you. Nor does it mean all your poor will immediately morph into stable middle class. It just means your standard of living gets better over time.

In sum, it is always possible to fall off this bandwagon called globalization. And when you do, bloodshed will follow. If you are lucky, so will American troops.

SO WHAT PARTS OF THE WORLD can be considered functioning right now? North America, much of South America, the European Union, Putin’s Russia, Japan and Asia’s emerging economies (most notably China and India), Australia and New Zealand, and South Africa, which accounts for roughly four billion out of a global population of six billion.

Whom does that leave in the Gap? It would be easy to say “everyone else,†but I want to offer you more proof than that and, by doing so, argue why I think the Gap is a long-term threat to more than just your pocketbook or conscience.

If we map out U.S. military responses since the end of the cold war, (see below), we find an overwhelming concentration of activity in the regions of the world that are excluded from globalization’s growing Core—namely the Caribbean Rim, virtually all of Africa, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East and Southwest Asia, and much of Southeast Asia. That is roughly the remaining two billion of the world’s population. Most have demographics skewed very young, and most are labeled, “low income†or “low middle income†by the World Bank (i.e., less than $3,000 annual per capita).

If we draw a line around the majority of those military interventions, we have basically mapped the Non-Integrating Gap. Obviously, there are outliers excluded geographically by this simple approach, such as an Israel isolated in the Gap, a North Korea adrift within the Core, or a Philippines straddling the line. But looking at the data, it is hard to deny the essential logic of the picture: If a country is either losing out to globalization or rejecting much of the content flows associated with its advance, there is a far greater chance that the U.S. will end up sending forces at some point. Conversely, if a country is largely functioning within globalization, we tend not to have to send our forces there to restore order to eradicate threats.

Now, that may seem like a tautology—in effect defining any place that has not attracted U.S. military intervention in the last decade or so as “functioning within globalization†(and vice versa). But think about this larger point: Ever since the end of World War II, this country has assumed that the real threats to its security resided in countries of roughly similar size, development, and wealth—in other words, other great powers like ourselves. During the cold war, that other great power was the Soviet Union. When the big Red machine evaporated in the early 1990’s, we flirted with concerns about a united Europe, a powerhouse Japan, and—most recently—a rising China.

What was interesting about all those scenarios is the assumption that only an advanced state can truly threaten us. The rest of the world? Those less-developed parts of the world have long been referred to in military plans as the “Lesser Includeds,†meaning that if we built a military capable of handling a great power’s military threat, it would always be sufficient for any minor scenarios we might have to engage in the less advanced world.

That assumption was shattered by September 11. After all, we were not attacked by a nation or even an army but by a group of—in Thomas Friedman’s vernacular—Super Empowered Individuals willing to die for their cause. September 11 triggered a system perturbation that continues to reshape our government (the new Department of Homeland Security), our economy (the de facto security tax we all pay), and even our society (Wave to the camera!). Moreover, it launched the global war on terrorism, the prism through which our government now views every bilateral security relationship we have across the world.

In many ways, the September 11 attacks did the U.S. national-security establishment a huge favor by pulling us back from the abstract planning of future high-tech wars against “near peers†into the here-and-now threats to global order. By doing so, the dividing lines between Core and Gap were highlighted, and more important, the nature of the threat environment was thrown into stark relief.

Think about it: Bin Laden and Al Qaeda are pure products of the Gap—in effect, its most violent feedback to the Core. They tell us how we are doing in exporting security to these lawless areas (not very well) and which states they would like to take “off line†from globalization and return to some seventh-century definition of the good life (any Gap state with a sizable Muslim population, especially Saudi Arabia).

If you take this message from Osama and combine it with our military-intervention record of the last decade, a simple security rule set emerges: A country’s potential to warrant a U.S. military response is inversely related to its globalization connectivity. There is a good reason why Al Qaeda was based first in Sudan and then later in Afghanistan: These are two of the most disconnected countries in the world. Look at the other places U.S. Special Operations Forces have recently zeroed in on: northwestern Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen. We are talking about the ends of the earth as far as globalization is concerned.

But just as important as “getting them where they live†is stopping the ability of these terrorist networks to access the Core via the “seam states†that lie along the Gap’s bloody boundaries. It is along this seam that the Core will seek to suppress bad things coming out of the Gap. Which are some of these classic seam states? Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, Morocco, Algeria, Greece, Turkey, Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia come readily to mind. But the U.S. will not be the only Core state working this issue. For example, Russia has its own war on terrorism in the Caucasus, China is working its western border with more vigor, and Australia was recently energized (or was it cowed?) by the Bali bombing.

IF WE STEP BACK for a minute and consider the broader implications of this new global map, then U.S. national-security strategy would seem to be: 1) Increase the Core’s immune system capabilities for responding to September 11-like system perturbations; 2) Work the seam states to firewall the Core from the Gap’s worst exports, such as terror, drugs, and pandemics; and, most important, 3) Shrink the Gap. Notice I did not just say Mind the Gap. The knee-jerk reaction of many Americans to September 11 is to say, “Let’s get off our dependency on foreign oil, and then we won’t have to deal with those people.†The most naïve assumption underlying that dream is that reducing what little connectivity the Gap has with the Core will render it less dangerous to us over the long haul. Turning the Middle East into Central Africa will not build a better world for my kids. We cannot simply will those people away.

The Middle East is the perfect place to start. Diplomacy cannot work in a region where the biggest sources of insecurity lie not between states but within them. What is most wrong about the Middle East is the lack of personal freedom and how that translates into dead-end lives for most of the population—especially for the young. Some states like Qatar and Jordan are ripe for perestroika-like leaps into better political futures, thanks to younger leaders who see the inevitability of such change. Iran is likewise waiting for the right Gorbachev to come along—if he has not already.

What stands in the path of this change? Fear. Fear of tradition unraveling. Fear of the mullah’s disapproval. Fear of being labeled a “bad†or “traitorous†Muslim state. Fear of becoming a target of radical groups and terrorist networks. But most of all, fear of being attacked from all sides for being different—the fear of becoming Israel.

The Middle East has long been a neighborhood of bullies eager to pick on the weak. Israel is still around because it has become—sadly—one of the toughest bullies on the block. The only thing that will change that nasty environment and open the floodgates for change is if some external power steps in and plays Leviathan full-time. Taking down Saddam, the region’s bully-in-chief, will force the U.S. into playing that role far more fully than it has over the past several decades, primarily because Iraq is the Yugoslavia of the Middle East—a crossroads of civilizations that has historically required a dictatorship to keep the peace. As baby-sitting jobs go, this one will be a doozy, making our lengthy efforts in postwar Germany and Japan look simple in retrospect.

But it is the right thing to do, and now is the right time to do it, and we are the only country that can. Freedom cannot blossom in the Middle East without security, and security is this country’s most influential public-sector export. By that I do not mean arms exports, but basically the attention paid by our military forces to any region’s potential for mass violence. We are the only nation on earth capable of exporting security in a sustained fashion, and we have a very good track record of doing it.

Show me a part of the world that is secure in its peace and I will show you a strong or growing ties between local militaries and the U.S. military. Show me regions where major war is inconceivable and I will show you permanent U.S. military bases and long-term security alliances. Show me the strongest investment relationships in the global economy and I will show you two postwar military occupations that remade Europe and Japan following World War II.

This country has successfully exported security to globalization’s Old Core (Western Europe, Northeast Asia) for half a century and to its emerging New Core (Developing Asia) for a solid quarter century following our mishandling of Vietnam. But our efforts in the Middle Ease have been inconsistent—in Africa, almost nonexistent. Until we begin the systematic, long-term export of security to the Gap, it will increasingly export its pain to the Core in the form of terrorism and other instabilities.

Naturally, it will take a whole lot more than the U.S. exporting security to shrink the Gap. Africa, for example, will need far more aid than the Core has offered in the past, and the integration of the Gap will ultimately depend more on private investment than anything the Core’s public sector can offer. But it all has to begin with security, because free markets and democracy cannot flourish amid chronic conflict.

Making this effort means reshaping our military establishment to mirror-image the challenge that we face. Think about it. Global war is not in the offing, primarily because our huge nuclear stockpile renders such war unthinkable—for anyone. Meanwhile, classic state-on-state wars are becoming fairly rare. So if the United States is in the process of “transforming†its military to meet the threats of tomorrow, what should it end up looking like? In my mind, we fight fire with fire. If we live in a world increasingly populated by Super-Empowered Individuals, we field a military of Super-Empowered-Individuals.

This may sound like additional responsibility for an already overburdened military, but that is the wrong way of looking at it, for what we are dealing with here are problems of success—not failure. It is America’s continued success in deterring global war and obsolescing state-on-state war that allows us to stick our noses into the far more difficult subnational conflicts and the dangerous transnational actors they spawn. I know most Americans do not want to hear this, but the real battlegrounds in the global war on terrorism are still over there. If gated communities and rent-a-cops were enough, September 11 never would have happened.

History is full of turning points like that terrible day, but no turning-back-points. We ignore the Gap’s existence at our own peril, because it will not go away until we as a nation respond to the challenge of making globalization truly global.

(More details and analysis of individual countries at the Web address given above.)
History is full of turning points like that terrible day, but no turning-back-points.
Yeah, we know. No recalling bullets, unringing bells, and all that.

However, sometimes bullets must be launched and bells must be rung.
If you accept the premise that globalization is inevitable and AGT (a good thing) then the author's conclusions are valid. Reject the assumption and the guy's ideas are dangerous.

Globalization is ABT (a bad thing) for the same reason a smothering central state is ABT.
Good question, Oleg. From what I can tell, it has 2 definitions:
  1. Building an all-encompassing world government that makes the concept of "national sovereignty" obsolete and redundant. This is the one that scares the right-wingers, and makes the left-wingers smile.
  2. Corporations exporting production to areas that are most cost-competitive, resulting in jobs flowing into less developed areas and decreasing production costs. This one scares the leftists, and pleases the libertatian types.
I wish people would be more clear about which one they're referring to.
If this discussion is going to get interesting it would also be nice to delineate the difference between "isolationist" and "non-interventionist." There is a BIG, BIG difference and that difference has been eliminated by the leftists and the neo-cons.

BTW, the PC code word for Derek Zeanah's definition #2 is "out-sourcing." For example: "Hey, Bob! Here's your pink slip, we out-sourced your job to Malaysia." But fundamentally Zeanah is correct about the two defintions, economic globalization and political globalization (aka: global governance, new world order, etc.) There are a couple of theories about how economic globalization leads to political globalization (standardized currency, economic interdependency, open and unrestricted flow of goods and services across national borders . . . this in-turn leads to the "common sense" measure that an overall governing political body should be created, or in the case of the UN, further empowered to control the economic globalization). Going from political globalization to economic globalization seemed artificial until the wide-ranging, poorly defined "war on terror" where there is now a "global threat" that needs to be dealt with by a global coalition of political and military authority and might.

Either way you look at it, it leads down the same road: global citizen.
Going from political globalization to economic globalization seemed artificial until the wide-ranging, poorly defined "war on terror" where there is now a "global threat" that needs to be dealt with by a global coalition of political and military authority and might.
No, no...NO!

There is no criterion that mandates any such thing. The people who run our government [at the behest of those who elect them] are sworn to defend us.

How you can misconstrue/equate that sacred obligation [sworn upon the Constitution of these United States] with the economic decision to produce goods in other countries is beyond me.

What is your point...that out-sourcing of mfg. to other countries of goods designed for sale in these United States is a rationale for abrogating or usurping our sovereignty?!?

That makes no sense...and the obvious imbalance of trade each and every quarter gives all the proof that you need.

At the risk of being labelled 'simplistic', may I suggest that the doctrine re: pursuit [what you would call 'political'] of those who are sworn to destroy us and the furtherance of the greatest economic system the world has ever known are two entirely different things.

If you can make a case for the curves crossing, I'd sure like to see it.
Geez, Zander, calm down and realize that I'm merely providing short definitions and explanations of various terms in the whole globalization debate.

I am certainly not endorsing out-sourcing (the mass-media, corporate word for removing jobs overseas - not mine). Neither do I endorse the loss of national sovereignty - which is why I don't endorse the founding charter nor the current role of the United Nations.

The statements made in my earlier post are merely the dogma being spewed by both Democrat and Republican alike. The debate is no longer how do we maintain our total sovereignty but how much sovereignty do we lose in the interests of the "world community."

If you would research the Jeffersonian doctrine (along with other founding fathers) of non-interventionism and then apply that definition to what the general populace now calls isolationism, you would understand my simple definitions more clearly.

Besides that, our elected officials are not sworn to defend you or I, they are sworn to defend the Constitution of the United States . . . there is a difference. Once again, I would suggest some research on Constitutional doctrine, especially the Federalist and Anti-Federalist debates.
I am certainly not endorsing out-sourcing (the mass-media, corporate word for removing jobs overseas - not mine)

Do you similarly condemn moving jobs from a large city within the US to a smaller town, or from an "expensive" state like California to a "cheap" state like Nevada? The logic behind both is similar.
What similar logic? Moving from one state to another is exactly what was envisioned in the founding of this nation. Freedom to move from state to state based upon various factors was exactly what was mentioned in many different forums when the US Constitution was being debated. Don't like the education in New York, move to Georgia. Alabama doesn't have a 2nd Amendment-like statement in its state constitution, move to a state that does.
Competition - it's a good thing for the states.

But comparing that to moving jobs from the US to overseas nations where the worker is, in many cases, little more than a slave, is not competition. Because a Chinese peasant can produce 50 widgets an hour because he has the incentive of having a rifle at his head or having his family sent to the regional gulag is not a competitive advantage over an American worker who also may be able to produce 50 widgets but does so because he is compensated for his time and effort. Is the poor Chinese peasant cheaper than the American worker? Of course, but the situations are diametrically opposed.

"The logic behind both" is completely dissimilar.
FOR MOST COUNTRIES, accommodating the emerging global rule set of democracy, transparency, and free trade [emphasis mine] is no mean feat, which is something most Americans find hard to understand.

This should provide some idea of the context the writer is using for his particular concept of "globalization." Read the article and you will see that he is using "globalization" as shorthand for "modern civilization" vs. "backward barbarity."
Because a Chinese peasant can produce 50 widgets an hour because he has the incentive of having a rifle at his head or having his family sent to the regional gulag is not a competitive advantage over an American worker who also may be able to produce 50 widgets but does so because he is compensated for his time and effort.

Agreed. What I am curious about is the more familiar situation: let's say I need to have a web page coded or a photo of an elephant. I might contact a programmer in Russia or a photographer in India and get the job done. That's outsourcing and I am not sure what makes efficient work of this kind disagreeable? Efficiency of such work is in question at times, due to the distances and communication barriers involved, but the morality of it seems to be ok. Why not contact a programmer in the US? I may wish to provid an income to an old friend or I might not be able to afford local rates. Why a photographer in India? They use elephants more than we do, hence more photo ops. My reasons are irrelevant. What is relevant is that a person ought to have the right to give his money to whoever he wants to hire to do work, numerous existing restraints of trade by law notwithstanding.
So we are going into these countries and set up a government (puppet regime).

Then help them build an economic infrastructure so they might import American jobs, to produce cheap products for American consumers.

Is this what I am reading?

And they will do this with American blood, and American tax dollars.

Gee wiz, now the NWO conspiracy theories are becoming reality.

Then help them build an economic infrastructure so they might import American jobs, to produce cheap products for American consumers.

...and then they will import expensive (technologically or mentally intensive) US goods in turn and improve our standard of living by doing so (a bit like Germany and Japan importing US products).

PS: I am not a fan of wars but, by analogy with freelance feral humans, sometimes the best argument is to kill the culprits and to convince the survivors to play nice. US has a better track record of doing so than most other countries.
Besides that, our elected officials are not sworn to defend you or I, they are sworn to defend the Constitution of the United States . . . there is a difference.
There is a distinction; it is resolved for you in the first sentence of the Constitution.

Any of you guys actually read the article?
Sure...but why don't you help us out anyway, Sean. Make your point(s); we're listening.
When you and I spend our money as we choose, on what we choose, and when we choose that is a benefit of living in a free society (well, still somewhat free) and the free market competition benefits you and I in this area. This is great stuff and applies whether we are corporate CEO's or just going to the corner market to buy milk.

When a company is forced by regulation and taxation to seek its own survival by abandoning the work force in its own nation, America, because in so-called third world nations it can find 2, 5, or 10 workers for the same overhead as 1 American worker . . . then we have a problem and must try to determine why a government (local, state, or federal) would seemingly design a system which is hostile to (at best) and destructive for (at worst) the companies which provide the jobs and incomes for millions of people which in turn provide the government with tax revenue.
A good local example is the Boeing corporation. They've been in Seattle for years but their headquarters went bye-bye for what most who were close to the action say was Washington's completely hostile attitude towards one of their largest employers, specifically in the areas of taxation and regulation.

The modern concept of "free trade" is not to actually promote the free trade of goods and services. If you investigate the underlying philosophy of the free traders you find a definite Marxian concept of the equitable distribution of wealth. So the outcome, if not the goal, is to not empower the third world workers and help their economy (the economy of largely socialist states could never compete with the free market American giant) but it is to bring the economy of the US to a more third world like level. Except for those who would control this system, everyone else is equally wretched, poor, and oppressed.

We're not competing on a level playing field, it has been tilted in favor of the less developed, more oppressed societies by internal (within the US) regulation, taxation, and the burden of government oversight in private production areas. This in turn forces the exportation of jobs and not goods.

Let's see, "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

I would assume that you're commenting upon the "provide for the common defence" clause. Yup, that's in the Constitution and is certainly an important facet of federal public office, but the oath of office (at least for the chief executive) is, "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." We must be precise in our interpretation and wording of Constitutional issues - not many of our elected officials are. Besides, providing for the common defence may or may not mean that they're protecting you or I, per se. Kind of like the Supreme Court ruling that local law enforcement agencies have no mandate to protect each and every citizen.
I think (provide for the common defense), means to fund an army if and when neccessary.

Which means taxation under Constitutional guidelines.


I have no problem with helping another nation or neighbor.

What I am opposed to, is the blatant disregard for American citizens when it comes to commerce with other nations.

If the US bureacracy continues to pander to the corporate world,
The US will only be shell of it's former self...can you say 3rd world country.

Why we're going to liberate Iraq

David Kupelian is vice president and managing editor of WorldNetDaily.com and Whistleblower magazine.

"The following is adapted from a speech I gave Saturday at Southern Oregon University to a group largely made up of anti-war students and professional activists. No one threw anything at me, but I stood behind the podium just to be safe.
There were, however, some colorful outbursts from the audience. One person, when I referred to "a clever psychopath leader like Saddam," shouted out "or George Bush!" When asked whether he thought America should even be hunting down Osama bin Laden for the Sept. 11 attacks, he replied that "maybe we could get some sort of dialogue going with him." Another fellow, who identified himself as a Native American, referred angrily to "broken treaties with the white man" and said the U.S. government hasn't changed ever since.

I think you get the picture.

My speech didn't go over too well with that crowd, so I thought I'd try it out on WorldNetDaily's readers.

© 2003 WorldNetDaily.com

Since our purpose today is to try to shed some light on America's imminent invasion of Iraq, let's look at the situation together – honestly – and try to separate reality from fantasy and foolishness.

The first and biggest reality we need to face is that, barring a truly dramatic and unexpected turn of events – such as Saddam Hussein dropping dead or going into exile and voluntarily relinquishing the reins of power in Iraq – there is going to be a massive military invasion. Count on it.

As one of the most-read news sources in the world, WorldNetDaily has access to intelligence sources all over the globe. And our sources in the military, in the intelligence services, in government, in the Persian Gulf, in the Mideast and elsewhere virtually unanimously predict an invasion of Iraq very soon. And, as a matter of fact, that's pretty much what the Bush administration is saying or indicating as well.

So, we can debate and argue all we want about the war today, but that's point No. 1: It's going to happen.

Why is it going to happen?

Let's talk about 9-11 for a minute. On that truly dreadful day, the U.S. was thrust into a new world. We suffered a national trauma of indescribable magnitude. We'd never seen anything like it before. Demonically inspired Islamic terrorists commandeered four American passenger jets and turned them into gigantic, fuel-laden missiles, flying three of them into giant buildings containing thousands of innocent Americans. Some 3,000 people perished in those attacks.

As with Pearl Harbor a half-century before, America had been attacked on her own soil, and was thus catapulted into a war not of her own choosing.

Nine days later, President Bush addressed a nation in intense and profound grief:

"Our war on terror begins with al-Qaida, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated," he said. "Every nation in every region now has a decision to make: Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists. ... From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime." And he added, pointedly, "The only way to defeat terrorism as a threat to our way of life is to stop it, eliminate it and destroy it where it grows."

One place where terror grows big-time is in Iraq.

The imminent liberation of Iraq, like the liberation of Afghanistan from the Taliban, is a continuation of the war on terror. And pretty much everyone is on board with the war on terror.

Afghanistan had no weapons of mass destruction – only terrorists. That was enough to justify invasion, and very few of us had any problem with that military campaign. Now, finally, we are capturing some of the big al-Qaida operatives – and hopefully Osama bin Laden's days are numbered.

We all know Osama is a terrorist, but what about Saddam? Let's consult one of the world's most respected experts on terrorism, and particularly on Osama bin Laden. Yossef Bodansky was director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, the author of eight books on the subject, and has been the U.S. Congress' foremost expert on terrorism. In his book, "Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America," Bodansky shows in great detail how Saddam has supported al-Qaida for over a decade. Bodansky names names, dates, times and places for that support.

What kind of support?

On Sept. 11, 2001, 19 hijackers commandeered four planes without guns – using only box cutters. Those carefully choreographed terror attacks required a lot of training and practice. Well guess what, it's been widely reported now that Saddam Hussein provided terrorists a Boeing 707 fuselage in which to practice airline hijackings. Commercial satellite photos show the body of a Boeing 707 at Salman Pak, where the Iraqis maintain terrorist training camps. Iraqi defector Sabah Khalifa Alami says Iraqi intelligence trained groups at Salman Pak on how to hijack planes without weapons.

Am I saying Saddam trained the 9-11 hijackers? Not necessarily. But I am saying he's training other terrorists to do the same thing – and perhaps worse.

It seems Saddam just loves suicide bombers. He boasts about supporting Palestinian suicide bombers, giving $25,000 to each family of a "martyr" who manages successfully to vaporize himself while murdering dozens of Israeli men, women and children in pizza parlors, or on board buses like the one in Haifa last week. Then there are the dozens – sometimes hundreds – of wounded in these horrific attacks. Those who don't die are frequently filled with dozens of pieces of shrapnel, and recovery for them is long, difficult and painful. Saddam supports these mass murderers financially, and brags about it.

Didn't President Bush say we would treat countries that harbor and support terrorists just the same as we do the terrorists themselves? And didn't you cheer? Saddam Hussein supports terrorists, and is proud of it.

Remember Abu Nidal, the most notorious terrorist of the 1980s? He made his home in Iraq until a few months ago, when Hussein had him murdered.

And, did you know this, you who still insist Saddam has never attacked the United States in any way? As the Boston Globe reported last Tuesday: "The 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center ... a decade ago had several Iraqi fingerprints on it."

Referring to the recent capture in Pakistan of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the No. 3 man in al-Qaida, sometimes referred to as al-Qaida's "CEO," the Globe reported: "U.S. intelligence sources associate Mohammed with the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, the killing of French naval technicians in Karachi, the bombing of a synagogue in Tunisia, and the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl."

Mohammed is the uncle of Ramzi Yousef, the acknowledged mastermind of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center and of plots to plant explosives on 11 U.S. airliners in Asia and to fly a plane into CIA headquarters in Langley, Va.

"There are unnerving similarities between Mohammed's interest in using cyanide derivatives in terrorist attacks and his nephew [Ramzi Yousef's] attempt to vaporize cyanide in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center," reported the Globe. "That operation a decade ago had several Iraqi fingerprints on it. Yousef entered this country on an Iraqi passport. His No. 2 man then, Abdul Rahman Yasin, is an Iraqi who returned to live in Baghdad after the operation. And it is likely that the false identity papers Yousef used to obtain a Pakistani passport in New York in the name of Abdul Karim Basit – the passport he used to flee after the bombing – were falsified in Kuwait during Saddam Hussein's occupation of that country."

Maybe some readers are a little hazy on the first World Trade Center attack 10 years ago. It killed six people and injured about 1,000. An expert on the Iraq-terror connection, Laurie Mylroie, wrote the book, "Study of Revenge: The First World Trade Center Attack and Saddam Hussein's War against America." In it, Mylroie says the bomb was designed to topple the North Tower into the South Tower and envelop the scene in a cloud of cyanide gas. It failed – but had it succeeded, the destruction to the twin towers would have been total, resulting in much greater loss of life than even Sept. 11's catastrophe, since there would have been no time to exit the towers, and the cyanide gas would have wreaked who knows how much more destruction.

Hussein is complicit, says Mylroie. And he is harboring a wanted terrorist, Abdul Yasin, one of several suspects who got away. Recently, Hussein offered to give up Yassin to the U.S. – the man the FBI wants most in connection with that attack.

Do you get it? For all these years, Saddam Hussein has been protecting Yasin – the man who actually mixed the bomb that exploded in the basement of New York City's World Trade Center in 1993.

By the way, how did we respond to the first World Trade Center attack? We didn't. We treated it like just one more crime. That shows how much good is accomplished by a weak response to terrorism – eight years later they came back and finished the job. So much for looking the other way and burying your head in the sand.

The evidence continues to pile up that Saddam Hussein's regime is tied to al-Qaida. Citing Pentagon officials, reporter David Rose wrote in both Vanity Fair and the United Kingdom's Evening Standard recently that CIA reports of Iraqi-al-Qaida cooperation number nearly 100 and extend back to 1992.

These are the hard realities we need to face. But instead, we are preoccupied with illusions and pleasant distractions, chief among them the United Nations.

Let's see, we're supposed to convince Security Council members France, Germany, Russia, China, Syria and others to agree that we can defend ourselves against a maniacal terrorist leader with doomsday weapons.

Is this real, or surreal? Think about it. We're being asked to get the approval of Security Council members like China – a communist totalitarian nation with one of the worst human-rights records in the world, and which claims to have ICBMs targeting U.S. cities. And Russia – a long-time friend and weapons-trading partner of Saddam Hussein's regime.

France also has long-standing, lucrative business dealings with Iraq, which will go bye-bye when Saddam is toppled. And Germany, whose anti-American leader Gerhard Schroeder shamelessly played the hate-America card during the last election just to stay in office.

Here's one of my favorites: Syria – a prime sponsor of the largest terror organization in the world, Hezbollah. Did you watch Syrian Foreign Minister Farouq al-Shara at the U.N. Friday, speaking so piously and nobly about the good of the international community? Syria is a major supporter of Saddam's regime. And as I said, it's a major sponsor, along with Iran, of what is arguably the world's most dangerous terrorist group – Hezbollah.

Hezbollah has about 10,000 short-range missiles and rockets that can strike much of Israel. It is also equipped with tanks, artillery, anti-aircraft guns and missiles. That's not just a terror group – that's a terror army – brought to you by Syria.

And then there's Guinea, Angola, Cameroon. Excuse me – and meaning no offense to these nations – but how many people could even find Cameroon on a map? I wish Cameroon well, but what does Cameroon have to do with the U.S. fighting its terror war?

The anti-war crowd says we're supposed to act only under U.N. authority. But France wasn't attacked by terrorists. Germany wasn't attacked. And I'm sure Syria wasn't attacked – it was too busy harboring, funding and training the largest terror army in the world.

Why do we have to get other nations' permission to act in our own self-defense? Especially when many of those nations are known to be in cahoots with the enemies of peace?

It's a farce.

Now let's talk about inspections.

Is there anyone who's not dead from the neck up that can't see that this is an idiotic cat-and-mouse game?

Question: If you were a clever psychopath leader like Saddam, with months and even years to prepare, could you hide objects – some of them the size of a washing machine, but some, particularly in the biological weapons area, that could be tiny – could you hide these things from a couple hundred inspectors, in a nation the size of France? Especially if the inspectors were known occasionally to tip off inspection sites up to two days before the inspection team arrived. Especially if the leader of the inspection team was a weak European diplomat notoriously soft and accommodating toward Saddam Hussein?

Iraq is supposedly destroying missiles right now, right? Well, sort of.

On Wednesday, Colin Powell told the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.: "From recent intelligence, we know that the Iraqi regime intends to declare and destroy only a portion of its banned Al Samoud inventory and that it has, in fact, ordered the continued production of the missiles that you see being destroyed." He added, "Iraq has brought its machinery that produces such missiles out into the daylight for all to see. But we have intelligence that says, at the very same time, it has also begun to hide machinery it can use to convert other kinds of engines to power Al Samouds."

Now guess what? There's more to the story. It is now being reported that U.S. intelligence has concluded that Iraq deceived the United Nations by destroying stockpiled Al Samoud missiles with old engines.

U.S. officials now say Saddam Hussein has not destroyed any Al Samoud missiles deployed in forward bases in southern Iraq. Instead, they said, Iraq has brought out missiles from military warehouses and replaced the engines with those from the Soviet-origin SA-2 surface-to-air missiles, developed in the 1950s.

Also, U.S. officials said U.N. inspectors have not been allowed to actually inspect most of the missiles. As one U.S. official put it: "It is one big deception and the U.N. knows it. The entire Al Samoud episode is being stage-managed by the Iraqis. They find the missiles and they destroy them."

Inspections. They're not real. Get over it.

Enough fantasy. This is too important an issue to live in la-la land. Let's get back to reality:

There was a lot of talk Friday in the U.N. about avoiding military force by allowing Saddam Hussein to stay in power by keeping his weapons of mass destruction program in check by having hordes of international inspectors rummaging throughout this large country for a generation. Are we all brain-dead? Even if "the international community" were to commit to this massive and long-term occupation of Iraq to try to keep mad-dog Saddam from destroying this or that neighbor, what about life in Iraq?

Do you know what life is like in Iraq?

Here's what Amnesty International says about life in Iraq.

"The systematic torture and climate of fear that have prevailed in Iraq for so many years must be brought to an end. The continuing scale and severity of human suffering must not be allowed to continue."

Can Blix fix that?

Forgive me if I take just a few minutes to give you a taste of what life is really like within Iraq today. This is from a recent report (December 2002) from the State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor:

"In 1979, immediately upon coming to power, Saddam Hussein silenced all political opposition in Iraq and converted his one-party state into a cult of personality. Over the more than 20 years since then, his regime has systematically executed, tortured, imprisoned, raped, terrorized and repressed Iraqi people. Iraq is a nation rich in culture with a long history of intellectual and scientific achievement. Yet Saddam Hussein has silenced its scholars and doctors, as well as its women and children.

"Iraqi dissidents are tortured, killed or disappear in order to deter other Iraqi citizens from speaking out against the government or demanding change. A system of collective punishment tortures entire families or ethnic groups for the acts of one dissident. Women are raped and often videotaped during rape to blackmail their families. Citizens are publicly beheaded, and their families are required to display the heads of the deceased as a warning to others who might question the politics of this regime.

"Saddam Hussein was also the first leader to use chemical weapons against his own population, silencing more than 60 villages and 30,000 citizens with poisonous gas. Between 1983 and 1988 alone, he murdered more than 30,000 Iraqi citizens with mustard gas and nerve agents. Several international organizations claim that he killed more than 60,000 Iraqi citizens with chemicals, including large numbers of women and children."

We hear from many anti-war spokesmen that there's no evidence Saddam has weapons of mass destruction. Let me paint a brief picture of one Iraqi town on March 16, 1988. It was 6:20 p.m. when a smell of apples descended on the town of Halabja. This Iraqi Kurdish town of 80,000 was instantly engulfed in a thick cloud of gas, as chemicals soaked into the clothes, mouths, lungs, eyes and skin of innocent civilians. For three days, Iraqi Air Force planes dropped mustard gas and nerve agents, including sarin and VX."

see next post
""These chemicals murdered at least 5,000 civilians within hours of the initial attack, and killed and maimed thousands more over the next several years. Halabja has experienced staggering rates of aggressive cancer, genetic mutation, neurological damage and psychiatric disorders since 1988. If you walk through the streets today, you will still see many diseased and disfigured citizens.

Was this an isolated event? Iraqi exiles claim Saddam has used chemical weapons 281 different times.

We learn two important lessons from this story: 1) Saddam has weapons of mass destruction, and 2) he is willing to use them, even on his own people.

Back to everyday life in Iraq. What about basic freedoms?

"The Iraqi people are not allowed to vote to remove the government." (In the last election, there was one candidate. The ballot said "Saddam Hussein: Yes or No?" Each ballot was numbered so any no votes could be traced to the unfortunate voter, who would disappear forever. Big surprise – Saddam got 100 percent of the vote.

"Freedom of expression, association and movement do not exist in Iraq. The media is tightly controlled – Saddam Hussein's son owns the daily Iraqi newspaper. Iraqi citizens cannot assemble except in support of the government. Iraqi citizens cannot freely leave Iraq."

Here's a quote from Safia Al Souhail, an Iraqi citizen, and advocacy director of the International Alliance for Justice:

"Iraq under Saddam's regime has become a land of hopelessness, sadness and fear. A country where people are ethnically cleansed; prisoners are tortured in more than 300 prisons in Iraq. Rape is systematic ... congenital malformation, birth defects, infertility, cancer and various disorders are the results of Saddam's gassing of his own people ... the killing and torturing of husbands in front of their wives and children ... Iraq under Saddam has become a hell and a museum of crimes."

I apologize for the graphic nature of what follows. I actually deleted the worst descriptions, but left enough in to give you a sense of why the Iraqi people are hoping and praying we will liberate them from the current Baghdad terror regime.

The official State Department report continues: "Under Saddam Hussein's orders, the security apparatus in Iraq routinely and systematically tortures its citizens. Beatings, rape, breaking of limbs and denial of food and water are commonplace in Iraqi detention centers. Saddam Hussein's regime has also invented unique and horrific methods of torture including electric shocks to a male's genitals, pulling out fingernails, suspending individuals from rotating ceiling fans, dripping acid on a victim's skin, gouging out eyes, and burning victims with a hot iron or blowtorch."

Why don't more Iraqis complain? I wonder if it could be because of Saddam's decree in 2000 authorizing the government to amputate the tongues of citizens who criticize him or his government.

The following are routine in Iraq today:

Medical experimentation



Hammering nails into the fingers and hands

Amputating sex organs or breasts with an electric carving knife

Spraying insecticides into a victim's eyes

Branding with a hot iron

Committing rape while the victim's spouse is forced to watch

Pouring boiling water into the victim's rectum

Nailing the tongue to a wooden board

Extracting teeth with pliers

Using bees and scorpions to sting naked children in front of their parents

Does this sound familiar to you? Medical experimentation? Routine torture for the fun of it? It reminds me of Nazi Germany. We went in for Hitler – who didn't attack the United States, by the way – and we are going in for Saddam.

Saddam does not deny the fact that his regime tortures and brutally murders women. The daily newspaper "Babel," owned by Uday, Hussein's eldest son, contained a public admission on Feb. 13, 2001 of beheading women who are suspected of prostitution.

The Iraqi Women's League in Damascus, Syria, describes this practice as follows: "Under the pretext of fighting prostitution, units of 'Feda'iyee Saddam,' the paramilitary organization led by Uday, have beheaded in public more than 200 women all over the country, dumping their severed heads at their families' doorsteps. Many of the victims were innocent professional women, including some who were suspected of being dissidents." (March 3, 2001).

So much for treatment of women. What about the children?

"Since the Gulf War alone, Saddam Hussein has built 48 lavish palaces for himself," says the U.S. State Department. "Meanwhile, pharmaceutical supplies intended for sick children are being exported for resale overseas. Medicine and medical supplies that are desperately needed by children are frequently delayed because regime members demand bribes from suppliers. The lack of health care in Iraq has led to the re-emergence of diseases that had been exterminated years ago, including cholera and polio."

By the way, Saddam's regime also forces children between the ages of 10 and 15 to attend 3-week training courses in weapons' use, hand-to-hand fighting, rappelling from helicopters and infantry tactics so they can be part of Saddam's army. These children endure 14 hours of physical training and psychological pressure each day. Families that do not want their children to attend this rigorous training course are threatened with the loss of their food-ration cards.

Let's add it all up. Torture, murder and extreme cruelty are a way of life in Iraq. Saddam is involved in international terrorism. He was complicit in the first World Trade Center attack. He has for years supported al-Qaida, which killed 3,000 Americans on our own soil. He has weapons of mass destruction – not is trying to develop – but has weapons of mass destruction and has already used them for the attempted genocide of the Kurds.

If we send our troops home and leave Saddam's regime in power – and even if we deploy a few hundred or a few thousand inspectors and troops to roam hither and yon in that large country – will the U.N. presence stop Saddam's daily torture? No.

Will they stop his support of terrorists? No.

Will they stop his clandestine program to continue developing more and more fearsome weapons of mass destruction? No.

Eventually, as happened in 1991, we will leave, and Saddam Hussein will rise again. If we let him, he will – very shortly – put his weapons of mass destruction into the hands of terrorists.

And if you didn't like what terrorists did to us with four stolen jets and box cutters, you'll really dislike what they can do with weapons of mass destruction.

Ask yourself this question: Is it right to let this man stay in power?"

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