used gun values?

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Apr 6, 2011
Hey guys, i have a few long guns from my dad and am just wondering what they are worth. is there a good web source to find values. I have serial# and stuff. any help is appreciated. Thanks
Go to GunBroker, register, and search for completed auctions...You can see what models like them are bringing on the market.
Go to GunBroker, register, and search for completed auctions...You can see what models like them are bringing on the market.
Go to GunBroker, register, and search for completed auctions...You can see what models like them are bringing on the market.
The gunbroker idea is OK, but remember there can be wild regional variations in gun prices if you are trying to sell locally.
Don't take just one sale price. Look at a number, toss out the obviously high/low ones because of rarity or condition, and use the rest to get an idea of the real sales value.

You can also contact dealers about buying them but don't expect to get near the full value that way.
With the particular guns I'm interested, I find the Blue Book estimates to be low compared to what the guns bring on both GB and locally.
Most people are misers when they are buying and greedy when they are selling.

When they want to buy it it's broke, but when they want to sell it it's perfect.

Be prepared to deal with unrealistic expectations. I would suggest not selling at all and keeping your family legacy alive.
Most people are misers when they are buying and greedy when they are selling.

When they want to buy it it's broke, but when they want to sell it it's perfect.

Be prepared to deal with unrealistic expectations. I would suggest not selling at all and keeping your family legacy alive.

OMG... ain't THAT the truth!!
Not interested in selling them, I want to keep them. I would just like to know a value. Thanks for the responses I'm going to see what I can find on gunbroker.

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But the Blue Book is a good start when considering value. You have to remember that the data was put together as much as a year prior to publication. The stuff that is popular or in demand, frequently sells for more.
I find the Blue Book estimates to be low compared to what the guns bring on both GB and locally.

The larger the pool of buyers, the higher the price an item will potentially fetch. This is why people selling a home by themselves are on a fools errand; the commission earned by the agents are offset by the higher price they are able to get with the higher exposure afforded by having the home listed.

It is why sellers on GB pay a GB commission to the house, and still make more money that your LGS. More buyers = more money.
Best bet is your local Mom and Pop gun shop. We routinely do a dozen or so appraisals a week, don't charge for it, and have built a great fan base. We use Bluebook plus knowledge of what the market in guns is doing in our area. Gunbroker is good only if you realize that the prices set are often SWAGS and are good only if there are actual bids at those prices. Buy it now prices are often wildly inflated.
I often go to people's homes to do quick appraisals and rarely, if ever, make any offers. I do offer to put them in the shop on consignment. When we do an appraisal, we are honest in that we tell people that the book price is probably higher than what they'd get on the street. Also that what we'd give, should we think we can resell, is somewhat less than what they'd get selling themselves. We offer, when we think we can sell, 80% of what we're going to ask for a gun. Most shops offer about 55 percent.
Establishing the actual grade or percent of original condition is the hard part. I've evaluated guns that were described on the phone as "like new" and found them to be, at best, 80%. Find someone you can trust and go from there.
Go to GunBroker, register, and search for completed auctions...You can see what models like them are bringing on the market.
+1 to Papa

I have had several guns appraised at the local gun store (too big to be mom and pop, but it isn't a large sporting goods store). They usually ask if I am looking to sell, and I just tell them it's for my own records for insurance. They usually give me a pretty accurate number (I usually walk in knowing about what it's worth... been a couple of surprises though).

The biggest surprise I have gotten was on an old BHP I was given. I was expecting about 600, the guy said it would be worth 750 to 1k to a collector...He also was very adamant about the appraisal was NOT an offer on behalf of the store. He then mentioned it'd be worth about 900 with the correct period grips on it to him as a collector and if I ever had to sell it, I knew where he was.
Had a guy come in with three Brownings today, a Belgian Superposed Magnum, 98%, an Auto 5 Magnum, Japanese, 98 % and a Citori with the nitride side panels, invectors, and so on. I told him the retail values, he said he needed to sell. We are a little short and had to turn him down but told him what to expect if he went to a Gunbroker site, a Tradinpost sales sheet, or whatever and also told him that the othe shops would offer about 60% of what I appraised them at. (Total appraised value was about 3500.) He admitted that one shop had offerred him $2200. If we had been in the market we'd have given him 2700 or a little more. Although we couldn't help him out I'm sure we have a new customer.
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