Utah Members! Please Contact Your State Legislators!

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Dec 31, 2002
From NRA-ILA http://www.nraila.org/CurrentLegislation/Read.aspx?ID=998

Utah Members! Please Contact Your State Legislators!

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Senate Bill 48 was introduced to clarify existing Utah law which asserts that the right to keep and bear arms is a constitutionally protected individual right and that there should be uniform laws across the state. SB 48 is needed to ensure that unelected bureaucrats cannot usurp the legislature`s authority on the subject and impose restrictions on law-abiding citizens. Unfortunately, SB 48 has been amended in a way which may lead to restrictions on the carrying of self-defense weapons in public access areas such as shopping malls and theaters.

It is urgent that you send an email to your legislators TONIGHT and urge them to "support Senate Bill 48 with an amendment to delete Paragraph (7)." Follow up with phone calls first thing tomorrow morning. Links to the website listing legislative emails and the House and Senate phone numbers are listed below. PLEASE take this action immediately as the legislature adjourns tomorrow night.

Senate 801/538-1035


House 801/538-1029

Damn. They were all returned. Maybe they are getting too much email and that is why.
I'll try phone calls in the morning.
I feel a little better already. I just talked to Senator Hellewell in person(at 6:45 am, no less) He was unaware of this development. He said he would look into it and personally call me back later today. :D

After the last few days it sure feels good to actually talk to a Senator in person rather than just leaving a message.
I Just left a message on the House of Representatives majority leaders personal voice mail, urging him to look into this, and asked him to call me back with his stance on this issue.
My rep (Hutchings) got back to me last night with a promise to look into it. He said I was the first person to contact him about it. :(

I went to the committee meeting for this bill last week. Let me tell you guys, it is a freaking battle over there. After watching how the law was made I had to go home and take a shower. The lobbyist from the PTA actually CRIED in front of the house committee.

I've got to encourage all of you to get to know your reps. We are a small enough state that believe it or not, your individual feelings and opinions actually matter. We really do have some good reps, but we also have some really sucky ones.
Just talked to a lady at the capitol for several minutes. She took down everything I had to say(including the facts that I am an NRA, GOA, IDPA, and USSSC member) and promised to have Senator Helewell call me back.

I wonder if the person responsible was sneaky enough to put this in while we were watching national developments?

To all in Utah: I just got off the phone with Senator Hellewell, we got paragraph 7 stripped out of SB48, and the overall bill was passed.

He is running for Govenor, and I will look into it further for those interested.
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