Uzi Case in Mass, Man found not gulity!

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Im sorry but I will play the devil's advocate here. If the father was there and filming his 8 year old while shooting he was obviously ok with him doing it and there is nobody to blame but himself. It is a sad thing and I can't imagine what he is feeling, but the fault lies solely with the father here.
I have no issue with kids handling/shooting firearms at any age, provided it's done safely.

Two interesting examples I saw on YouTube:
An Uzi being fired by a kid of a similar age at a Roanoke, VA machine gun shoot. But this was done the correct way - it was a larger version of the Uzi, with a foregrip, and in addition, an adult had his hands on the weapon, helping control the recoil.
The other was a very young girl at a shoot in Oklahoma, possibly five years old or younger. She was firing a securely tripod-mounted weapon, and IIRC, there were adults present to make sure she didn't traverse the weapon too far to the left or right.
It's interesting to note that the defendant had a previous incident where he presumably didn't excercise due care in the safe handling of a firearm.

In 2003, Pelham officials took undisclosed administrative action against Fleury after he discharged a loaded rifle during a gun safety class he was teaching. No one was injured and Fleury said in a public apology he would take steps to prevent similar incidents.
I have to say I'm surprised.
I bet he won't have that much luck in the civil trial that is sure to come.

Bad judgement does not equal homicide

Sometimes it does. There is a criminal charge called negligent homicide, which is where a person is killed because of a failure to excercise a reasonable amount of care. Sounds like bad judgement to me.
Glad to know that we're capable of fielding a sane jury. What saved the organizer apparently, was the fact that the father had signed a waiver allowing his 8 year-old to shoot.

I don't want to add to the hell that father must be living in, but ultimately a parent has to take responsiblity for the safety of his small children.

Acquitted of the criminal charges, now for the sequel...civil lawsuit for wrongful death.

I doubt that goes anywhere. Trial lawyers rarely go after individuals that have nothing for assets. It isn't worth the time or money. Remember that contingency cases cost the plaintiff attorney if there is no recovery.

Even if they got a O.J size verdict, how do you collect? His retirement is iimmune to judgement. He can go BK and protect that and his house, car, etc.
Any civil lawsuit will be aimed at getting money from the insurance company that provided liability coverage for the show.
I never saw any criminal liability in the case.
The prosecutor should be kicked in the six.

I think there IS legitimate civil liability as negligence here.

No way the shooters (little kid, little-bit-older kid, and airhead-dad) should have been left to their own devices shooting a Micro-Uzi.

Very sad case.
Very avoidable case.
The Club (insurance) where the shoot took place settled for 700K.

The co-sponsor is the guy on trial (his company)

The father signed a waiver and he never turned over the care and custody of his son to anyone else, he was there there the whole time.
He is as negligent, if not more than, the other actors in this case.
The father should be punished for this incident to the full extent of the law. It's his responsibilty for the correct handling of firearms. I would hate to be this man. God bless the child.
Retirement immune to judgement????

Man. If your retired military.....every one under the sun has judgement claim to your retirement. Even military disability is subject to judgement. The only thing not subject to judgement is the cheesy 10,000 vet life insurance policy.
Most likely he will get some type of civil judgement against him.....he's a very lucky man.
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