Vacation ... OR ... more guns??

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Moderator Emeritus
Jan 3, 2003
South PA, and a bit West of center!
I think Mrs P95 and I will be doing odd trips out on the bike this summer .. no big vacation. So - this radically affects the gun fund! Main reason I have weakened re getting a R9. !!

Oh and, she has, to be fair .. also already had her new carpet in living room.:) So I can with a clear conscience feel sufficiently ..
. !!

So anyone else? If a choice ... either vac' or gun (guns) .... which might win? :p
Mo guns..........

I'm doing the opposite. I'm going to Alaska this summer for a 10 day vacation/fishing trip. My justification is that I'll have to cut back on gun buying this year. Unfortunately, I've already bought two new guns this year and want at least two more. The Alaska trip will cost about 3 grand.

A new gun, of course! Not that you need to rationalize it, but if you want to, here's how: Once the vacation is over, you come back home and your money is gone. On the other hand if you buy a gun, your money is still gone but you have something that you can enjoy for a long, long time.

Both, of course! Plan some pawn shop & auction tripping. Travel to the gun stores, day trips to estate sales. Why NOT have it all?

What kinda bike?

Travelling and stopping at new gun shops, gun shows and gun ranges
might fit the bill.
I think Mrs P95 and I will be doing odd trips out on the bike this summer ..

What kinda bike do you ride? For me it's a '01 Honda Valkyrie, my baby!

Oh, I vote for a littler vacation and still get guns! :D

I would combine the two choices and take a shooting vacation.
I would use the guns I already own and attend one or more of the national shooting schools.
Ever see the movie Total Recall? Nothing but memories....

Read a book and buy a gun. At the end of the summer, you'll have a gun to play with. :)
My wife wants to take a vacation in the summer too, thankfully, it is just to visit a friend in Colorado, so no big Amusement parks to pay for or anything like that... the gun money should be safe!

If you two "need" a vacation to get away, then do it, otherwise, go to the range and just enjoy a new gun. :D

While it's not a Dizzyland or a Multiple Flags Over Soccer Moms, Elitch Gardens in Denver could possible satisfy any urges to ride a roller coaster.

You know, I learned in school that vacations can paradoxically produce more sterss than they relieve by generating concerns over preparation, arrangements for luggage, planning, etc. Furthermore about halfway through one begins to think about the end of the vacation and all that entails ...

Oh, let me cut to the point: buy a gun ... much more spiritually rewarding! LOL
I'd take vacation. I've got plenty o' guns and when stuff is packed upside down in your safe to make it fit, that's just about right.

Even though the last one my wife and I took was a real fiasco...

Short story- we went for a trip down through Va and the mountains. We left Stow Ohio (just S. of Cleveland) @ 8:00AM - wife, myself and the two dogs - got ~ 100 miles inside of Va. at dinner time, ptiched the tent - ate dinner - then when it got dark (~9:00 PM) - I climbed in the tent and went to sleep.
Wife stayed up reading for an hour or so before joining me in the tent, and brought the dogs in with her. STUPID HUSKY - got all paranoid about the strange shadows and shapes on the side of the tent, and went nutzo. She tried to calm him down over the next hour w/out any success. He just got worse and worse and worse - till he woke up the grumpy ole bear (me).
Nothing, and I mean nothing would settle him down - so @ midnight we broke camp, packed everything back in the Outback and headed back towards home....:banghead:
10/12 hours worth of driving followed by a few hours rest, then back at the wheel for a run back home of ANOTHER 10/12 hours!

Wait - let me change my recommendation - GUN!!!
Regarding BryanP's suggestion, he's right and I'm sure ThunderRanch has a class that will suit both of you. :cool:
Time spent with her is a lot more important than a new shiny toy.
True Bryan ... but depends which way you look at it. If said ''shiny toy'' also includes taking her to range to play with it .. then that's good. Plus .. it's surprising how much quality time we get on our outings ... each not a vacation in length, of course but .. hopefully plenty of them.

My guns will never succeed in competing with my wife... they are just an integral part of ''life'' together.:)
Nice pics, nice bike!

Just ride out to Vegas, and we can ride together out here!

And then while you're out here, you could buy me a gun, and that would take care of the problem! :p
How about one day shorter vacation and a $250.00 to $350.00 gun, that's about what a vacation is per day, minimum.


Honda VR750 Magna V-4. Not as nice a cruiser as your guys! But, with that V-4 and it's Vance & Hines pipes, jets and K&N air sucker, it really gits it!

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