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Sep 12, 2003
Okay, Valtro owners, is there any GOOD reason why I should NOT get in line to get one of these puppies? I haven't heard anything bad about them. Surely they're not perfect? :scrutiny:
Some of us, who have posted recently, have yet to register them. We (I) are lacking in experience with the Valtro.

The Les Baer TRS is very nice. (My experience with the TRS is the same as with the Valtro)

If you want a fine shooting pistol get a S&W 952 PC 9mm. They are not a Sigma. They are beautifully made.

I wish Valtro or Les Baer had a 9mm pistol for sale in California. I understand that target shooters like the larger hole because of "liners". I think it is a waste tossing the extra lead down the range. Yes, I do like .22lrs. :)

The biggest problem is the "line". Once you have one, you should be past the down side.
If you order directly from Valtro they are $1300. Jardine has hinted that he may raise the price in the coming months up to $200 more.
If you get the base model with no mods, you can get it in a couple of months. When you start changing things and adding things like different safeties, 2 tone, hard chrome, etc., it adds a lot of time to the production. He told me that if you want that stuff it will take 6 months or more to get it to you.
I have heard and after talking to John Jardine for about an hour, I believe that the Valtro is the best deal going. His customer service is exceptional and everyone raves about his pistols. Look at it like this, how many USED Valtros have you seen?

I don't own one but I shot one. They have the solid feel of a fitted gun that makes you think it was milled from a single piece of steel. hard to explain, no mistaking it when you feel it. Shot dead on.

The other thing I have read is that Mr Jardine is fanatical in fixing any problem you have with the gun. The quote I read somebody had cliamed he said was something like: "Buy a gun and you own me for life."

$1300 seems a bargain for gun as well made as that one if it is what you are looking for. FWIW: look at the wait times on his guns and ask yourself: is there any way on earth a sane man would NOT raise prices?
Drooool, drooool

That two-tone one with all the customized fluting all over it is just about the pig's shiz in my book! :) Jeez, I want one.
I suggest that you do a comparison of the guns. Compare a Valtro with a Rock River and you will find them very similar. By compare I mean detail strip them and compare the internal parts and the way they are fitted. I have seen the insides of a RR and it looked great, that was a few years ago. Do that with a Baer and you would send the gun back. I looked inside a Baer earlier this year. You can't imagine how bad the sear spring looked.

Many people can make a gun pretty on the outside, but it is what is on the inside that counts.
Anyone in the Bay Area is welcome to try mine out and see for his/herself.

Nice Valtro Sven, I might consider that :D

I can't stop looking at Jardine's "hard chrome" custom Valtro, perhaps I may have to join the club and buy myself one before the end of the year. Does the stock version come with an ambi safety?
Yes, it comes with the ambi by default.

Keep your ear to the ground with dealers that have been mentioned recently, and you may be able to find one for immediate purchase.
WRT Sven's suggestion... I'd take the best of both worlds. I'd get an order in to John, and THEN keep my ear to the ground for the occasional local dealer who has a Valtro in stock.

Should the local dealer get a 1998A1 in then simply call Jardine and cancel the order letting him know you got a Valtro from a dealer.

IIRC Jardine does not demand money up front.

So the net result is that you get on the 6+ month list and are assured of getting a Valtro, but if providence smiles upon you early from the local dealer you're in luck.. and if not... well you won't be 4 mnths into the wait thinking "Gosh I could be sure of having a Valtro in 2 months if only I had not waited on my dealer.

It's win win for everyone... and if you do get a Valtrro from your dealer, then some other guy will be happy to get his Valtro a little early from John!

Just my 2 cents worth.

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