Video: Mob scatters when victim pulls gun

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Kinda weird... They just stop him, make him lay his bike down, then stand around like idiots staring at him until he pulls it, at which point those furthest from him run while those closest don't. :confused:
notice how long it takes him to get it out?

That was my exact thought... one of the slowest draws I have seen. Had there been even one guy in that mob that wasn't brain dead, that motorcyclist might be dead meat.

He was lucky... very lucky.

staged? i doubt it...a news chopper and multiple victims who are repeatedly punched?
i think it was real but the attackers moved off when the victim started his 30 second long draw
All I have to go on is the clip given at the url in the OP. There are no "multiple victims repeatedly punched" in that clip. I don't know where the camera man was, though, so I concede he might have been in a news chopper.
Those "rioters" made absolutely no effort to hurt the motorcycle guy. They even gave him the time to lay his bike down so carefully that I doubt the finish got nicked. Then they stood around and waited while he fished out his gun.
That clip was either staged or not what it is being presented as.
i just watched it again...seems you may be correct demko. the video is taken from several angles, at least initially. i don't think it was a chopper anymore, not enough movement.
idk what is going on, haha
Yes, they do try to hurt him. 1st they forcibly stop him, then a guy, directly to the riders left, repeatedly tries to punch him in the head.
I'm guessing the rider started repeatedly yelling "I'll shoot you *@!#!..."
So they sorta move off worried he might have a gun. Then they see he really does have a gun, and take off runnin'
The one in dark clothing on the left tries to grab his helmet, then hits him on the back. The others loose interest, something is happening down camera- the motorcyclist pulls out the pistol, the nearest thug (in green) sees it and begins to run.

The guy looks like he is looking for the one who hit him, but he is somewhere else.

They are not just cowards, they are unorganized. No plan. Just go after whatever others are doing.
I guess that qualifies as carjacking which is a forceable felony here in Missouri. We'd have the right to open up on them. But they ran away so no point shooting them in the back.
Thankfully some of the rioters were somewhat halfhearted from the start. Notice the chick trying to persuade her pals to lay off the motorcyclist. Glad to see the cyclist live to dance the samba another day!
I've seen the video, but remind me why we should be surprised that people scattered when someone flashed a piece on them? What's next, "Squirrel startled by loud noise!" or "Someone made a technical error on CSI!"?
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