Vigilantes stir fear at border

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Dec 24, 2002
Fort Wainwright Alaska
Vigilantes stir fear at border
Crossers worry that groups will open fire

By Luke Turf
Tucson Citizen
Dec. 9, 2002

AGUA PRIETA, SONORA - Mexicans hoping to cross the border in search of a livelihood are becoming increasingly alarmed. Word is getting out in this border town about armed vigilante patrols trying to keep them out.

Saying they fear the new militia groups more than the Border Patrol, they worry that violence may result.

"They have bullets, they're not playing; they're going to kill," said Juan Porras, a native of Chihuahua who last week had waited four days to cross the border.

Selling bags of pecans to make enough money to eat, Porras said he planned to keep trying to cross the border because he had a construction job waiting for him in Phoenix and there's no work at home.

"We're just trying to cross, nothing more," Porras said.

Rafael Duran and Gloria Rios, a couple from Durango waiting to cross the border, said they don't understand why some people want to keep them out of the United States.

"Americans benefit from our work, and Mexicans benefit from what we make.

It's not much but it helps," Duran said.

Rios said she's afraid of the civilian patrols because she read in Mexican newspapers that they'll behave as they please.

In particular, she mentioned the Civil Homeland Defense, a new group founded by Chris Simcox, publisher of the Tombstone Tumbleweed.

Simcox couldn't be happier that word is spreading among Mexicans hoping to cross the border.

"It's working already because that means they're not going to come across," he said. "That will give our government time to mobilize the troops."

At the Iglesia Presbeteriana, a church popular with illegal immigrants who come there to pray and get information, food and water, Pastor Rodolfo Navarrete said crossers are worried about "vigilantes."

Navarrete said immigrant smugglers, known as coyotes, have been telling crossers for more than two years not to worry about the civilian patrols. But now that the Mexican media have publicized the groups, crossers seem more worried.

"The people are a little scared," Navarrete said. "It will be a bit harder for them to cross."

Simcox's patrol is the third citizen group taking up arms to guard southern Arizona's border with Mexico.

Texas-based Ranch Rescue also has patrols on the lookout for illegal immigrants, and the American Border Patrol, based in Sierra Vista, has set up electronic surveillance equipment to monitor them.

So far, there have been no known shootings by members of the armed patrols, although Ranch Rescue last month said it chased a group of marijuana smugglers back into Mexico.

An Agua Prieta cab driver who identified himself only as Isa said immigrants, who come to his town from all over Mexico, are asking him about vigilantes.

"They know about it but they just want to go work," Isa said.

He anticipates the situation getting worse.

"It's going to get more dangerous. A lot of people are going to get killed," he said.

Duran, who said he and Rios were robbed by a coyote, said that between crooked smugglers and armed militias, crossing the border has become too dangerous.

The couple plan to give up the idea of crossing and return to Durango.

"They're looking at us like Mexican animals," Duran said.
ohh geee, they just want to cross the border illegally and recieve benefits that only legal citizens should have access to? awwww i'm about ready to shed some tears for those poor folks. :fire:

so the mexican media is painting the border patrol groups as being violent and ready to kill? wonder where they got that idea. must be cause theres been lots of immigrants getting killed lately by such groups?

i'm halfway inclined to move out of this frozen wasteland and go help them keep everything guarded.
Imagine US citizens having the nerve to defend themselves and their property! Off with their heads. How dare you stop illegals from voting and living off the US. HOW DARE YOU!:banghead: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
This whole thing is starting to raise my blood pressure to astronomical levels.

What the hell is wrong with our government and the press? These people are committing an ILLEGAL ACT, PERIOD. I don't give a rats *** if you are Mexican, Chinese, Canadian, Samoan, black, white, brown, purple or green. if you enter this country illegally you should be subject to immediate arrest and deportation. God knows if I, an American citizen, dared to enter another country without following their laws I'd be tossed out so fast it would make my head spin.

I’m sick to death of this flaming bull:cuss:

I was discussing the situation at the border with the GF this afternoon. If she was not involved in my life I would be on the front lines over in Arizona helping defend this country. Who knows, if TSHTF I still may go. I truly believe that this is a shooting war about to happen.


Words can’t begin to describe how far beyond furiously p***** I am.


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What with the popularity of "reality-based" TV shows these days, the private border guards like the CHD group, could and should video their operations, and market it to TV. I propose the following benefits would accrue:

1. Showing to the American public exactly how terrible the illegal immigrant situation is; a) for the amount of drugs carried in, b) pointing up the absurdity of merely bussing mojados back to the border, so they can try again in 2-3 days, and c) the damage done to the private ranch property and the fragile desert ecosystem (for the treehugger types), by the invading swarms.

2. The revenue stream generated by a TV series, could finance a first class border patrol effort, with no tax dollars.

Hey, I'm serious. It worked for multimillionaires Sheriff John Bunnell, and John Walsh.
I can't believe that this is even an issue. I bet that if it were 20 Mexicans that had done the horrors back in Sept '01 there would be a crap load of barbed wire fences and untold numbers of raids through every boarder town from Cali to Texas. And with every administration over the last 20 or so years complaining about the drug problem in this country, you think they would take patroling our boarders more seriously. This is why I don't watch news on tv or read my local paper anymore. I'd rather read The Onion. At least I know that's supposed to be taken as entertainment. I think most people in the media and gov't need to stop and realize that the lump in their throat is their head!
To show you how assinine the situation is, I for the first time on cable , saw an extended treatment of illegal immigrants coming through a US national park on the border with Mexico.

Did they talk about the numbers coming across? In passing they said it was "thousands" a day.

Did they talk about the cost to the US of these people landing on our social welfare system? No, they talked about the damage to the fragile desert environment.

Did they talk about the threat to US security? No they talked about the damage done to the environment to a local endangered fish.

Did they talk about threats to the lives of American citizens? No they talked about the damage done to a stomped cactus.

What show was I watching? Was it on ABCCBSNBCCNNFOXMSNBCETC?

No, it was a 30 minute show on the National Geographic channel. The freakin' National Geographic channel. It was the only TV outlet I've seen that details with pictures the damage and impact of this human tidalwave.

We're screwed!

Two root causes of this nightmare (IMHO).

1. War On Drugs.

The profits involved are so high that any risks to the flow coming over the border will be dealt with harshly. Bribing Mexican officials, shooting USBP agents, sending the Mexican military over the border, etc, etc. To protect millions of dollars in cash flow? Of course, in a heart beat.

Also involved is the huge investment on this side of the border. Look how many agencies exist mostly, or only because of the WOD. There are tens of millions of dollars, thousand of jobs and political empires at stake in this artificially constructed game of cat and mouse.

2. Votes/Political Power

Only a blind fool refuses to see the connection between illegal immigration, pandering to those groups that comprise and support those law-breakers and systematic dismantling of all barriers between what constitutes a legal citizen and an illegal alien.

The political system has made prostitutes of most elected officials. Most would sell their grandmothers for a dollar if they thought it would boost their prestige, influence and personal power. Gray Davis is a perfect example of this phenomenon. The man openly panders to whatever group will contribute money and keep him in power… AND IT WORKS. His government hands out money and creates laws favorable to the illegal immigrants and the communities that make up and support them and they vote him back into office.

Time to seal the borders. I have no problem placing heavily armed American troops on the border. Create a wall, place those troops on the wall to guard Americans and American interests. We’ve been sending our men and women to die on foreign soil for decades, to help nations survive and prosper only to be spat upon by so-called “allies†when it’s politically expedient for them to do so.

One of the things I truly believe is that you cannot help or support anyone else if your needs are not met first. We’ve spent far too many lives and dollars thinking that by protecting everyone else’s interests we are helping ourselves.

Such is not the case anymore. We need to put our own citizens first and put our own house in order. Then we may again be in a position to assist those who need it.
Here is one for you!!!

Officials from the Mexican Consuls office impersonate INS Agents in San Diego, CA.

WE’VE GOTTA build a cast of characters on a piece of paper so that we better understand what happened on January 9th following the crash of a pick up truck loaded with illegals fleeing U.S. Border Patrol and CHP officers. Two women dead at the scene. As related in yesterday Flash some guy from the Mexican Consulate in San Diego poses as an American INS agent and gets into the back of the ambulance with the load driver who is being taken to a hospital. Interviews the load driver during the ride and then remains at the hospital (Scripps Hillcrest) with the driver.
Later five folks enter Grossmont hospital where two Mexican foot guides are taken and say they are with the INS and get the pair released and disappeared..

HUMOR ME PLEASE WHILE I COMPOSE THE LIST OF NAMES…heck maybe you can help..have some info etc. ROGER demanding answers from Border Patrol, INS, CHP and John Ashcroft. Naming names might also get some local newsies interested in pursuing the matter. Boss is livid. Agents of a foreign government interfering in a murder investigation, a human smuggling investigation…on our side of the border. Next we’ll folks from the Iraqi consulate wearing INS badges. Yeeeech.

CARLOS SANCHEZ-MORENO…the load driver. A Mexican who is well known to the BP (once threatened to kill a BP agent). He has been charged with murder.

SENIOR PATROL AGENT RAFAEL FREGOSO…on the scene of the murder crash…we guess he is with the BP. He also later shows up at hospital where load driver is located.

FERNANDO GRIJALVA. We think he is with the BP and perhaps a supervisor of some sort..also at the murder scene.

CHARLES DEERKOP. Also with BP? And also in charge of stuff.

ERROL A. SENA. A BP field ops person not at the scene but kept tabs on hospital distribution of crash/murder victims.

CHP OFFICER JENKINS of the El Cajon office. He was in the ambulance with our bud Carlos the load driver and was also at Scripps Hillcrest.

MANUEL DIEGO. BP guy at El Cajon. Seems to be buds with Ivan (see next entry)

IVAN CASTILLO-RODRIGUEZ. The Mexican guy who jumps into the load driver ambulance and passes himself off as an American INS officer…and when finally confronted admits that he is actually with the Mexican Consuls office.

MARIO CUEVAS. With the Mexican Consuls office in SD. He vouches for Ivan and apparently leads BP supervisors around by the nose.
RAUL GARZA….don’t know who he is but we assume he’s BP and may be buds with Mario.

CHP OFFICER PEARLSTEIN…at Scripps Hillcrest, joining Officer Jenkins.

BP AGENT KRAUSE…at Scripps Hillcrest. He is a guy who investigates when folks get dead and like that.

J. MULVEY…BP guy somehow associated with Errol A. Sena, see above.

TANYA WALLS…Scripps Hillcrest security.

GUILLERMO GUITIERREZ…don’t know but a baggie of pot was found in his pants.

FRANK HAYES..BP guy…he shows up at Scripps Hillcrest.

MARK WOODY..BP guy..he also is at Scripps Hillcrest.

BP GUY HAYES…no clue but he’s also at Scripps Hillcrest (we’re getting crowded in here)

JENNIFER…a nurse at Grossmont Hospital (this is where the two foot guides were taken)

A WOMAN AND FOUR MEN…folks who show up at Grossmont the evening of January 9th, tell hospital staff they are with the American INS…all in business attire and all wearing INS badges.They demand that hospital staff release the two foot guides. They are handed over to the folks with INS badges. (we’re told they have now disappeared)

MR. CARLOS NAVARRO…one of the four men referenced above. He is with the Mexican Consuls office.

DUNCAN…the paramedic who was in the ambulance with the load driver and CHP Officer Jenkins.

VALENTINE…Duncan’s partner. (no relation)

WELL THAT IS THE COMPLEX CAST OF CHARACTERS. The script is real simple. At least six Mexican nationals passed themselves off as American INS agents on American soil. One had direct and unauthorized access to a murder suspect in American custody. (we’re told that our bud Carlos is now in the custody of the SD Sheriff and has been charged with murder). Five others spirited away two accomplices who may have been charged and certainly would have been held to testify in a murder trial against bud Carlos.

ALL OF THIS HAPPENS WITH THE COMPLIANCE OF SEVERAL SWORN OFFICERS OF THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. Somebody gave these dudes INS badges that most folks think are official American Officer credentials. Somebody said it was okay for Ivan to question the load driver at Scripps Hillcrest. Somebody failed to put a guard on the two foot guides and allowed them to be whisked away by agents of a foreign government.

OH HECK IT’S JUST A MISUNDERSTANDING…Mexico is our friend. So the next time a situation like this arises the dudes with the fake INS badges will be from Iraq? And that will be okay?

WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN? The Mexican folks need to be criminally charged or kicked out of our country and never be allowed to return.

INS badges that allow foreigners to enter U.S. government facilities and parking areas should read VISITOR OR MEXICAN CONSULATE in giant letters. It should be impossible to confuse a foreigners identification with American I.D.

Crime scenes need to be controlled. We got this Mexican guy walking around the murder/crash scene and then jumping into an ambulance.

We need better triage coordination. Nobody knew what hospital any of the murder/crash victims had been taken to. It took like visits to three hospitals to find our bud Carlos.

Feds and CHP have to get their act together and ensure that suspects are UNDER GUARD. The two guys at Grossmont were unattended.

Heads should roll at BP and INS. Supervisors. The U.S. State Department should yell and scream and demand the return of the two foot guides. Tom Ridge should yell and scream. John Ashcroft should yell and scream. Duncan Hunter will yell and scream.
Texas-based Ranch Rescue also has patrols on the lookout for illegal immigrants, and the American Border Patrol, based in Sierra Vista, has set up electronic surveillance equipment to monitor them.
Just who, exactly, is "them"? The illegals or Ranch Rescue?
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