Vintage axes

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I've been acquiring axe and hatchet heads from auction boxes SWMBO gets for years-I intend to reshape them in to Viking bearded axes, if I ever find the time....

He does nice work, I like the polish job on the Plumb's phantom bevels.
I found a Kelly double-bitted axe head in the fieldstone fence around a slave graveyard outside of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. There were the remains of several curious objects tucked under the blade so I called it my "voodoo axe" and decided to restore it as much as possible.
It came out pretty nice and quite usable, although not as nice as the one shown above.
He is selling all of them too if anyone is interested. He's sold 2 so far. I've seen how junky some of these come in and how he transformed them!
IMG_0173.JPG IMG_0174.JPG My brother was given a wooden chest full of antique tools and this was at the bottom. It's an about 10 inch long indian axe head called a celt. Who knows how old it is. Some Connecticut farmer probably found it in his field and tossed it in the tool chest.
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