Vlad Putin question

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Nov 16, 2010
I forget where I heard this..Maybe Micheal Savage show. It was said that if you watch Putin walk he doesn't swing his right hand. Supposedly this would allow him to draw a handgun quicker (assuming he is indeed right handed). Anyone wanna call BS on this? Seems like it would be easy for an aware gunfighter to pick up on.

concealed carry...

I don't know a thing about Russia's new csar.... But I do have some real world experience in spotting weapons carrying types.

I learned over many years (22 years on the street, retired out in 1995) that the best indicator of concealed carry is the combination of hands and body position... On approach I'm looking for hand movement.. most can't resist making sure everything is where they want it to be and the hands will usually move to where the weapon is, even if only just for a moment... The second thing I look for is how an individual turns as I approach. Most that carry (good citizens or low-life no-good types) will move to a defensive position if they're carrying concealed. The movement won't be very obvious unless you look for it. What I've learned to look for is a slight re-positioning to turn the weapon side away from you.... By the way an individual that carries a knife for defensive or offensive purposes can rarely resist a hand motion to the exact place the knife is when they see a stranger approaching. I have to stop myself from doing the same thing since I quit carrying firearms fifteen years ago.

There are other things to watch for but this is a public forum....
I'd imagine that the KGB teaches it's personnel (with a bit more comprehensive training than the average street thug has) how to 'not advertise' they are carrying.
Putin is a 6th dan (red/white belt) in Judo, perhaps his martial arts training affects his mannerisms when he walks? Or an old injury maybe?
Yeah, don't count on the short stride on the weapon side. I do that because of an old injury. I also move my hands to occasionally check that my wallet and/or keys are where I left them. OCD thing I think.

Putin is a bad mamma-jamma, so yeah probably so but he doesn't even need it. He's ex-KGB!
I have never heard of a red/white belt in judo. Also, I would suspect him to be more versed in Russian sambo. (Very similar but with more leg locks and a few more submission moves.)

In regards to telegraphing his ccw, I don't think the average person would ever pick up on it. That said, I think he is one of the toughest (physically and politically) leaders alive today.

He is a reminder of the old Cold War era U.S.S.R and how serious things were with the Communist. A stoic 1000yard stare from him could make many people fall in line with his agenda. (If that didn't/doesn't work a less stoic 100 meter shot from a dragunov will for sure.)

In nearly every aspect, Russia has always been a harsh and formidable place. Whether their status is that of an enemy or an ally, the Russians have always been strong and deservedly respected for their strength, courage and toughness.

We need to work on cloning Reagan just in case, Putin decides to role out the "red" carpet again.
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The red/white belt is the next rank above the 5th black belt rank. Putin is an avid Judo practitioner. It wouldn't surprise me that he regularly carries a firearm because of his experiences in the KGB.
On a related subject, I find it interesting that most people forget George H. Bush worked for the CIA. I don't know/think that he was as "tough" a guy as Putin BUT since we did WIN the Cold War, maybe we're just better at keeping things (like how awesome our people were) a complete secret. Just sayin'. Who knows for sure?
Good to know about the judo thing. Highest ranked person, I ever knew/trained with (personally) was a 3rd degree black belt in judo. FWIW he was a BJJ purple belt and decent wrestler. He was very impressive.

I think we need to elect Chuck Norris (maybe with Jerry Miculek as V.P.) in 2012 just to be on the safe side.

I would not be shocked by the old injury theory. I did Judo (regularly) for about 2 years and broke my clavicle. Three years of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu awarded me a screwed up ankle and a nice neck injury. (I would do it all again though.) The odds are favorable for anyone that does any full contact sports (wrestling, judo, bjj, muay thai, boxing, etc)
sooner or later you'll have some degree of injury. Equally, it will be worth it for the fun and challenge.
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