VPC chimes in on SCOTUS decision

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Mar 1, 2004
Threat of Handgun Ban Repeal Puts Lives of DC Residents in Supreme Court Balance

Washington, DC--Following today’s announcement that the U.S. Supreme Court will hear the appeal of the decision in Parker, et al v. the District of Columbia overturning on Second Amendment grounds the District of Columbia’s handgun ban, the Violence Policy Center released the following statement:

"The earlier split decision by the Court of Appeals to overturn the District of Columbia’s handgun ban was not only contrary to the overwhelming weight of legal authority, but would certainly increase gun death and injury among District residents while also increasing the risks faced by the law enforcement personnel who protect all residents and workers in Washington, DC.

"Washington, DC's ban on handguns in the home has long protected DC's residents as measured by the District of Columbia's firearm suicide and overall suicide rate. The District’s handgun ban provides compelling evidence of how strict gun laws save lives by keeping handguns out of homes. The District of Columbia ranks 51st (last) in the country for firearms suicide for 2004, the most recent year for which statistics are available. The District also ranks last for overall suicide. Maintaining the ban will ensure the health and safety of DC residents. [See http://www.vpc.org/dcsuicide.htm for data on DC suicide rates compared to the 10 states with the highest suicide, gun suicide, and gun ownership rates, as well as a full ranking of all 50 states by their firearm suicide rates and overall suicide rates for the year 2004.]

"If the Court of Appeals ruling is upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, it will not only result in the deaths of District residents, but potentially lay the groundwork for literally every local, state, and federal gun law in America to be challenged: from the federal ban on gun possession by felons, to the ban on carrying guns onto airplanes, to the ban on the manufacture of fully automatic machine guns for civilian use."

According to the most recent data available from the National Center for Health Statistics:

* The District’s firearm suicide rate of .90 per 100,000 residents is far below the national average of 5.7 per 100,00. Likewise, the District’s overall suicide rate is 5.95 per 100,000, compared to a national average of 11.05.

* The District’s firearms suicide rate is a fraction of the rates experienced in states with high rates of gun ownership. In 2004 the 10 states with the highest firearms suicide rates were Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, West Virginia, New Mexico, Wyoming, Kentucky, Vermont, and Tennessee.
Why commit suicide in DC when the odds are good that someone will do the job for you? Just go to the right block at 2 AM. Makes it easier for your family to collect life insurance, too.

The murder rate, last I checked, was about 44 per 100,000.
Looks like someone forgot to track the suicide rate in DC against suicide rates by race.

DC is a majority black city and African-Americans have one of the lowest (I think the single lowest, but I don't feel like hitting Google right now) suicide rates of any racial group in America.

Try again, VPC.
Guess I'm stating the obvious here, but isn't there more to consider than suicide rate? I'd love to know their ranking for violent crimes, especially compared to right to carry states.
Just imagine if it goes our way----gun control is a non-issue and all these whining cry babies go away-----slink away would be more like it.
So VPC's rant here is suicide. Does that mean they're saying that the problem is NOT crime?

They don't want to talk about crime in DC, because for them its a losing argument, and they know it. Hell, even the BBC knows it:

But supporters of gun rights point out that having one of the toughest laws in the US has not stopped Washington being one of its most murder-ridden cities - with 169 killings in 2006.


(BTW, that particular BBC article is surprisingly balanced. The quoted part is the last line of the article. Usually, the parting shot is given to the antis in the media, because they know it will stick out the most in the mind of those who just read the article. The fact it wasn't here is surprising, to say the least. While the piece certainly isn't pro gun, it isn't anti gun either.)
Comparing gun violence to suicide is misleading and pointless. The VPC conveniently omits the fact that the "murder and non-negligent manslaughter" rate in DC is disproportionately high - in fact it's by far the highest of any state or region cited by the FBI, and is several times the rate of any surrounding states.

DC ought to be known as the murder capital of the US.

Source: FBI "Crime in the US" 2006
I have a spread-sheet with specifics about Brady ratings for shall issue vs crime rates:

DC - #1 Murder Rate, Maryland #2 - both get an A in Brady book.
Violent Crime - DC #1; Maryland #7 (A-); Delaware #9 (B+)
Robbery DC #1, Maryland #2, Illinois #7 (A+), Cali #8 (B+)
Aggravated Assault: DC #1; Delaware #10 Maryland #11
Property Crime: Hawaii #5, DC #6

I think this was 2004 or 2005? It was before some states that are now shall-issue changed their laws. DC lead in most violent catagories, yet have the strictest laws.

Burglary is one where "pro-gun" states suffer rate-wise.
Just imagine if it goes our way----gun control is a non-issue and all these whining cry babies go away-----slink away would be more like it.

This won't happen. Even if we do win.

Just like if we lose, the NRA and other Pro-Gun groups won't just pack up and go home.
Let's see now:

"If the Court of Appeals ruling is upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, it will not only result in the deaths of District residents, but potentially lay the groundwork for literally every local, state, and federal gun law in America to be challenged: from the federal ban on gun possession by felons, to the ban on carrying guns onto airplanes, to the ban on the manufacture of fully automatic machine guns for civilian use."
Could we add all the rivers in the country turning to blood, plagues of locusts sweeping through the corn belt, and a magnitude 9.6 earthquake hitting D.C. and destroying every standing building therein. There is no limit to the disasters that await us if this thing passes.:rolleyes:
Sounds like the VPC is already preparing for a pro-individual-right ruling from SCOTUS, and is preparing in advance to lessen the cognitive dissonance in anti-gun minds that will be produced when blood doesn't run in DC's streets (any more than it did before), as they can say "see, the suicide rate is rising now!!"

And they'll be right, but it'll be suicides of VPC/Brady bunch staffers.
Hmmmm. Let's see. Guns = Suicide. Well then, what shall we call all of the deaths that are brought about by individuals upon themselves in jails and prisons? There are no guns held by inmates in jails or prisons.
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