VPC's take on support for Heller..typical, but funny

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Sep 19, 2007
Below is the description of the VPC take on the Amicus briefs filed for Heller. Only a few gun nuts in support of Heller, and the whole rest of the sane, righteous world is against.:D If you read the list, the part that I think really stands out is the 306 congress members for and the 18 against. And the state attorney generals with 31 for and 5 against. Wonder why these are on the last page?

From VPC.org

Comparing Amici in the Heller Case

Pro-gun advocates and firearm industry representatives versus, well, virtually everybody else.

Amicus briefs filed in Washington, D.C. v. Heller
The columns below list the organizations and individuals who have signed an amicus curiae brief on
both sides of Washington, D.C. v. Heller, in which the Supreme Court will consider the constitutionality
of the District of Columbia’s handgun ban. Amici filing in support of the petitioner represent a wide
range of mainstream American institutions, including national public health organizations, mayors of
major metropolitan cities, law enforcement, religious groups, and leading academics. In comparison, a
significant number of amici filing in support of the respondent have gun industry or gun lobby ties or
have as a guiding focus more narrow, gun-related interests.

Follow the link below for the PDF of the lists(too long to cut and paste).

http://www.vpc.org/Amici comparison list.pdf
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Complete with the obligatory pictures of scary looking guns in the appendix
What's funny is that on the state level, we never get NRA money or support for anything that we do - but somehow we are all propped up by the NRA. Whereas - the anti's are well funded from the Joyce Foundation - actually DO get money to fight us - but somehow THEY are not "a special interest".

I think he forgot the part about how we all have fangs.
anti's have minds now?:p

they've been losing their minds since 2000, when the rest of the population began to disagree with their mindset of 'guns are bad and no one should have them'. it probably was also discomforting to watch your rep lawyer get slammed into the dirt by almost all of the active justices--even the ones who will probably support him. Then of course, some of the briefs and the volume of them that are for guns are out there too...

I think we all kinda know how big this case can end up in our minds, and they probably do too.
They used the court system over the last several years to try to sue manufacturers into bankruptcy. That method of attack has largely been neutralized, and they have good cause to be concerned if the courts start getting used against them instead of by them.
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