Washing hunting clothes?

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Use a product called "Sportwash." It has no scent, no UV brighteners, and this is very important, in recommended for using on fleece. Fleece garment fibers are like microscopic hollow noodles. The hollow part holds the heat. Regular detergents can "clog up" this noodle, reducing the heating effectiveness of the Fleece. Also, a shot-glass sized capful does a whole load of wash.
If you're cheap, like me, buy the Hunter Specialties stuff at Walmart at the END of the season, it's about 1/2 off. It'll be good for next year.
Since South Alabam is covered in pine trees....I wash my hunting clothes in Pine Sol, then pack 'em in a giant zip-loc until the next trip. Seems OK to me.
Stuffing a few pine and/or cedar limbs in with there wouldn't hurt a thing either.
Personally I have never seen a need for any of the scent removal stuff. I wash my things in regular detergent, then let them hang outdoors for a day or two, always worked for me.

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