Watch "Glenn Beck" Tonight MSNBC 7:00pm CST

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Aug 13, 2006
If there is EVER a reason to keep fighting for the right to keep and bare arms this is gonna be it. Our enemies have declared war on us and the lastest elections have and will opened the door for them to come to our country and bring the war here, in our backyard. The best part? They are already here!

We are in a war like no other and Glenn Beck's show tonight will highlite our need to protect our right to keep and bare arms.

No need for personal attacks on me, if you don't like Glenn Beck fine, don't shoot the messenger because you do not like the message.

*** My first thread was closed because I did not explain why I was posting this subject. Well here is my explination. Unless you "supporters" of the 2nd Ammendment actually come up with good, solid, REASONS for wanting to keep & bare arms you are going to LOOSE IT! This show tonight will be solid ammunition to maintain our gun rights.... MY GUN RIGHTS! Saying "I want to keep and bare arms because the constitution says I can" is NOT going to cut it now that the dems have taken over both houses.

Think I'm kidding? Think again.
Saying "I want to keep and bare arms because the constitution says I can" is NOT going to cut it now that the dems have taken over both houses.
No unfortunately you are right. They pick and choose which portions of the Constitution they support depending on the views of whoever is giving them money.
I'm sorry, but the connection between this episode of Beck's show, and the RKBA only works if you buy into a dystopian Mad Max future where we all have to be armed to the teeth to repel the Islamic Military Hordes. This is, quite frankly, juvenile.
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