Website for women new to shooting (shameless plug)

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Dec 24, 2002
Hi all,

The site isn't finished yet (by a long way ... :uhoh: ), but it's up and should be stable.

If you have any issues loading or displaying pages, especially if you have a non-IE browser, please let me know.


Wow - what a lot of info, pax. I'm using Opera 8.54 - no problems with the site at all.
Beautifully done.
I like the organization, presentation and writing style. I'm looking forward to watching your site evolve; just added it to my favorites.


That is really an outstanding website. I will follow its development and will probably point my wife (a non-shooter) to it at some point.
Looks good in Firefox. Really nice site. I especially like the way the article Christianity: Is Lethal Force a Sin? is done.

I've got a few people to send the link to too. :)
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I just took a quick look at the section for men. My wife (and I) would DITTO the recommendation for men to NOT TRY to teach their spouse/significant other how to shoot! I'm sending her the link, I think she'll like it! Great job.
Looks good as far as the standard stereo-typical female shooter is concerned, although I just gotta' say that the majority of what I read does not apply to my wife at all, and I'm certain she would agree. I've often been told that "I am one lucky SOB" when it comes to her interest in this sport & personal protection issues utilizing firearms - she's more like us guys in thinking and thus truly excels in this and many stereo-typical male type activities, all rolled up in a 130 lb. package where I often see guys jaws drop to the ground in amazement - I just sit back and enjoy the show. Yes, you could certainly call her a tom-boy, and yes, I am truly one lucky son of a gun to boot (at least as far as men tend to think). She has her CCW, loves training from myself or others, is a crack shot (so much so that she's truly considering competing, and yes, she out-shoots me), prefers the Kimber 1911 CDP Compact with full power loads that I recommend and purchased for her at Christmas (after she tried to confiscate my CDP Pro), enjoys Trap and Skeet with a 12 ga., bugs me all the time to go to the range (where she really prefers iron silhouette targets), owns her own Harley and smokes me at the starting line every time, etc., etc.

Certainly not trying to slight your new site in any way as I do believe it's truly worthy for 85% of woman shooters out there - rather just thought I'd mention that there are a few ladies out here that just don't subscribe under those particular rules and ideals. Just food for thought perhaps...

And believe me, I think no matter what, it's great that we spread the enjoyment of this sport to as many people as we can - be it man, woman or child!

Keep up the good work and best wishes in gaining and keeping as many new and veteran shooters interested as possible.
Great site!:D

Thanks for sharing your experience, knowledge, and writing skills on your site and on this forum as well.
Nortonics ~

As I said in the title of this thread, the site is for new and beginning shooters.

Take a look through my posting history on THR and tell me I'm not aware that there are other types of women shooters out there!~ :D :D :D

Really nice looking site, I can't imagine the work you've put in...
I will definitely refer women who want to learn about guns.
Wow Pax thanks for sharing the excellent website I think it is a real gem. You should see if Oleg would put together a few pictures that would fit in on your site.
That's a real nice job you have done. Flesh it out finish it up and they will come. It is timely, useful and sarcastic enough to keep your attention.

I like very much.

Thanks for the really sound, reasonable and well-explained advice, Pax.
Now I understand why I can't make those little bitty pistols behave.
I've been thinking all along that I was going to have to work harder and that I was -- somehow --- inadequate.

But now I know the core problem is simply that I'm a REAL MAN.

I shall go get my 12 gage pump this weekend.


P.S. You have a delightful sense of humor.
Great job!! Pax, thanks for the hard work and time spent creating this. I have bookmarked it, and will pass it on. I especially love the "cornered cat" analogy; it is very accurate, and many more of us have had this experience than running into a "mama bear".

I'm sending it to my sisters. Thanks.
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