Were these the longest four months of your gun-owning life?

Was this national gun control battle stressful for you?

  • No, it didn't get to me.

    Votes: 28 12.8%
  • Yes, it was sort of rough.

    Votes: 131 59.8%
  • Life as usual for me.

    Votes: 60 27.4%

  • Total voters
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Just another day for the gun rights fight IMHO. How many things will they try after the Boston problems?:banghead: The Media was trying to tie the bombings to firearms in the first reports on NBC on Monday and it just got worse from there. :barf::cuss:
The only thing that got to me was all the posts on THR full of complaining, conspiracy theories, ammo prices, etc, etc.

Oh wait, that's still going on...
I voted "Yes, It Was Sort OF Rough." And would add, "It ain't over yet."

Not the shortage of guns or ammo; I was pretty well supplied before Newtown and the subsequent madness, because I predicted Obama would try something like this the very first opportunity he got.

Obama and his gun-control coterie aren't even down, and nowhere near "out." This latest setback to them won't faze them one bit. They'll back off for a bit, reformulate their strategy, and be right back as strong as ever.

They will not stop until the last privately owned firearm in the hands of a civilian is turned in/confiscated, and cut/crushed/melted down.

Believe it.
I remember the Assault Weapons Ban of 94 so very well. I spent a ton of money on everything up until that.

However, I have never seen anything like these last four in my 57 years.
I was perhaps more concerned this time around, especially when there's a certain politcal party is in a greater position of power in Washington D.C.

Still we won this round and are back to waiting and watching for their next move, always vigilant in the safeguarding of our rights.
I have been a gun owner for 50 years and during that time "they" have just kept chipping away at the Right confirmed to us by the Founding Fathers in 2A ... so the past 4 months was not that much more stressful for me.

In addition, I had already managed to put together what I consider to be an "adequate" collection of firearms, hi-cap mags, ammunition and reloading components ... and I reside in a gun-friendly/-sensible state that benefits greatly from the dedicated stewardship of the VCDL. :)
It was rough and I planned ahead. Oddly enough, I did get some pretty good modern and realistic prices on some magazines, particularly some FN FAL mags. Now I am waiting for the Circle 10 5.56 Bulgarian mags to come down.
I voted "No" because IMO the worst is yet to come in **********.

Among other things, it looks very much like we are getting laws that will...

-require registration of ALL guns. ALL of them. Even the ones we already own.

-Make pretty much any .22 rimfire rifle with a detachable magazine an assault weapon.

There's plenty more...:fire::fire:
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