What are your competitive goals for next year?

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Dec 29, 2002
Relay 3, Target 17
I'm aiming (ha) for an Expert card and/or my first leg points shooting across the course.

Gonna try building a Tube gun sooner or later for long range.

And I think I may give the M1A a whirl across the course, or maybe just at 3x600 matches.
Mmmmm. Exactly how much shooting I can afford to do this coming year is kind of up in the air. So goal #1 is to improve my finances to the point where I can shoot as much as I want to. Heh.

Beyond that, I want to get my A-card in USPSA Production and Limited, and place no less than 10th overall in the club matches that I shoot this year.

I also want to finish building my long-range rifle and shoot at least one sniper-type match.

- Chris
Make GM in Revo, Win the Sportsmans Team Challenge Regional, place high in the 50 Nationals and F-Class Nationals, both in Raton.
I'd like to place in the top 3 for my state USPSA match in Production 'C' class. Took 3rd in 'D' class last year. By the end of the year I'd like to be in 'B' class.

I should have made B this summer I did shoot a classifier that would have got me a 73% but it got thrown out for some reason. My goal is to make B in Production and in Limited 10. I would also like to take a competitive shooting class from a good teacher. I am getting to a place in my shooting where I need a little help to get out out B and then into A.
Figuer out how to conquer this damn Parkinsons like shake I have in my Bullseye hand after the first target.

Qualified as Expert last season with rimfire. The goal would be to keep that, and duplicate it with .45.

98's and 99's for slowfire would be nice. I got a couple last season. But the perfect 100 eluded me. There's another goal. I want a perfect target. I don't care if it's a Slow, Timed, or a Rapid fire target.

I want to get my average into the 190s at our 200 yd offhand Winter matches in the 3 classes I'm shooting; Rimfire, Scope, & Irons. Would also like to buy a nice Winchester high-wall that I hope will come available shortly.
After that, as the Spring comes around, I want to make every high power rifle match I can up in Reading, Mass. I got sick as a dog for the last match of the season back in September and really regret it.

Of course, I'd like to watch my daughter's 200 yd. scores climb up there, too!
Make Expert in NRA Bullseye.

Go to Camp Perry.

Learn to shoot clays for Team Challenge.

Place high in team challenge regionals.

Learn how to think through stages for IPSC/IDPA.
1) Pull myself out of the sophomore slump I experienced summer of 2005. (It was demoralizing; I hardly fired my AR between Perry '05 and this past October.)

2) Get my offhand scores back up into the mid-90s again, where they were before the slump.

3) Learn how to shoot well from 600 reliably.

4) Make a LEG cut somewhere, anywhere.

5) Return to Camp Perry for 2007.

6) Make shooting FUN again! It's not supposed to be work. I don't care if I never progress to High Master, make P-100 or go Distinguished. Well, okay, not entirely so, but still, if I try too hard, it will be too much like work. ;)
I need one decent classifier to make A in Limited and L10. I need two decent runs to make A in Production. I would like to get those done, and classify decently in Open.

Really though, what I have been thinking about most, is just 'get to the shooting'. Let the classifiers and placings fall where they may, just get to the shooting and perform near my ability level. Thinking about 'needing' this score or that time is hurting me, I need to just SHOOT!!!! I think my goal will be to just shoot, nothing more and nothing less.
Make master. Been stuck at expert too long.

Improve offhand and long range scores.

Go to Camp Perry and win at least a silver medal in the Garand match. I had it in the pocket in 2002 and shot a miss offhand on my last shot and missed it by 3 points.

Make leg points.

Shoot more. I had to work out of state for 18 months, and did not get too shoot much as my wife would not have appreciated it.


IDPA MM in SSP/ESP (depending on which 9mm i go with)
I was a C class production shooter with a G17. Last year I didn't have time to compete. My goal is to restart USPSA shooting single stack and be C class this summer, possibly B.

I also want to shoot a 3 gun match or two. No goal as far as scoring, just get to one or two and see what it is about.

I am also trying to get going in NRA highpower. My goals are to learn to use a sling and learn the format of the matches. I am doing this with a standard M1A and milsurp ammo at informal "military gas gun meets" at my gun club. I am hoping that next I will move up to a WOA upper and a dillon 550 and get a little more serious.
1) Break 2600 in a bullseye 2700 match.

2) Finish in the top 20 of the Master Class at Camp Perry 2007.

3) Shoot consistently in the 850+ range with the .45.
I want to go and observe a match of some kind somewhere. Im starting nursing school in Feb. So Ill be poor and short of time, so I cant really start shooting like I want to, but I really want to at least see what some of this stuf is about.
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