What can we do NOW for 2008?

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Dan from MI

Jun 4, 2003
Livingston County, MI
Right now, it looks tough for 2008. The "Front runners" in both parties are not exactly pro-2nd amendment. On the Democrat side, none of whom declared so far are even close to being even moderate on this issue except for maybe Tom Vilsack, whom I know nothing about. If Bill Richardson runs, then things will change on that side of the isle.

On the GOP side, there are several pro-2a candidates running, however the frontrunners are all anti's. McCain especially.

What can we do about it?
PRIMARIES - the campaigns started already.

Several things. First off, it is a two party system. We don't have to like it, but it's what it is. I have voted for some 3rd party candidates in the past, usually over this issue. Those were protest votes. None of those candidates won. Ross Perot was a gazillionaire and still couldn't win a single state. Teddy Roosevelt was a former president who couldn't win as Bull Moose. Ron Paul realizes that he is more effective as a Republican, than as a Libertarian (capital L). I hope the third party supporters here work in the primaries/caucuses for good major party candidates.

Democrats - Bill Richardson is your best shot at a pro-2a candidate, providing he doesn't sell out like Dean did on the AWB. If I was a Democrat, I'd be asking him to run, and then start campaigning for him. Governors also win.

Republicans - I'm more familiar here. We have 6 or 7 likely pro-2a candidates, although none of them are "frontrunners" at this time. We need to change that. Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, Sam Brownback, Newt Gingrich, Duncan Hunter, Mike Huckabee and Jim Gilmore (where I lean). Maybe Tommy Thompson. We need to push this issue into the forefront in our primary elections. Right now the campaign is for campaign talent and money. By increasing visability of these candidate, we make them stronger. On my own, I got Mike Pence (who'd get my vote in a minute if he runs), who few have heard of, to finish respectable in the top 4 in a straw poll in my county(Higher now, that George Allen is out). I'm not a super salesman, just an informed citizen.

We start this by getting involved in our local parties. Volunteering at party booths (with choice of candidate advertised), writing letters to the editor, starting and posting on blogs to support the candidates, and making sure friendly voters go out and vote.

One major event in my state is the Mackinac Conference. This September or October, we have our major GOP event in the state. A lot of candidates are there, as well as a lot of bigwigs who look for "the winners" to back. A good showing at events similar to that one sends a message.

Independents - Pick your favorite candidate, and do what you have to do to back that individual in the primary - so we aren't stuck with a nasty choice like McCain vs Obama.

I'm out to stop McCain. We do that now, by making sure this is a primary ELECTION, not a coronation.
Dan, I couldn't agree more. I see the front runners being McCain and Romney. Not exactly a great choice. I agree that we need to bring some of the other candidates forward, but it's going to be tough to knock either of these two down.
What can we do?

1. Join and donate to the NRA/GOA/JPFO or your other favorite pro-gun organization.

2. Vote for and support your 2A candidates!

After doing that, then get creative.
McCain's Comittee Webpage


Shoot him a message about how you won't be supporting him as a candidate, even if he wins the primary; maybe we can either get him to A) re-consider running & bail (hopefully) or B) realize that the gun owners are a force to be reckoned with & start doing the right thing (who knows what he'd do if he won after he got in office).

The message I send to his comittee will consist of the following:

Gun control of any sort, yes, even a renewal of the AWB is a bad thing

The Campaign Finance Reform is a direct attack on the 1st Amendment rights

I will not, under any circumstance, vote for him unless he becomes pro-active in repealing his own bill & starts being more supportive of our 2nd Amendment rights.
simple Solution, Promote Ron Paul any any other rabidly Pro-Gun/Pro Freedom Canidate.
Democrats - Bill Richardson is your best shot at a pro-2a candidate, providing he doesn't sell out like Dean did on the AWB. If I was a Democrat, I'd be asking him to run, and then start campaigning for him. Governors also win.

If you like illegal immigration, more of it, and Los Alamos follies, Richardson's your man.

I see little hope coming from the electoral process right now.

I think our best option within the system is to learn how to mount effective mass propaganda campaigns, well-financed and no holds barred, for RKBA, and to begin to use the courts, at all levels, to make sure the 2nd Amendment has a moat drawn around it. We need the equivalent of an ACLU dedicated to protecting our 2A rights. We need to be united, aggressive, and to put our money where our mouth is.
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