What do you do when...

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I predict a short life for this thread. "I sometimes want to pull out my Sig" doesn't make this a gun related topic:
Introduce new people to responsible firearm ownership. Posts must be related to firearms.
I don't see where it fits anywhere on THR.

I know where you are coming from regarding the I can say/do this because I am, but you can't because you're not. You've picked racial differences here, sometimes it's feminism/chauvinism, or yet another holier than thou topic.

It really doesn't matter. Here on THR we take the high road. This means the best things you can do are along these lines:

1. Ask them to leave. No one needs customers like that.
2. Get a different job, if you really can't handle the situation.

Seriously, I know you're frustrated enough you're seeing red and venting right now. But mere words ARE NOT worth a life, or a lifetime of regret.

If it's that bad, quietly call the police. Have them escorted from the business. Fill out the paperwork required to have them served with a tresspassing ticket if they ever come back.

As for the gun, leave it in the holster. If you want to chat/vent farther feel free to shoot me a PM.
I don't know if the first post was edited or what, but I've got no idea what the subject of this thread is.
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