What do you think of the UN?

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Oct 16, 2003
Kansas City
In my internet searching I came across this: http://www.getusout.org/

(Note that this is very much gun related, clicky )

Some people will say that we require the UN to keep world stability - without it world wars will happen.

Others say that the UN is a bad thing becuse it is acting like a 'world government'. I'm guessing based on the content on that page, most of us are STRONGLY against the UN. So humor me; what do you think of the UN; and why?

The greatest threat to US sovereignty is not welfare or gun control or confiscatory taxation. We can always fix that. The greatest threat to US sovereignty is mandates from the UN.

Like every other government program, the efficient and prosperous guy ends up footing the bill for everyone else, and then gets kicked in the teeth for a thankya :D
I am so torqued up about the UN that I can't even express myself properly. My true feelings would result in a lot of asterisks.

I've been to the UN building in NYC. I wanted to leave as soon as I saw the giant twisted-gun statue, but my friends wanted to visit. The security guards let me in the building with my Benchmade! This was pre-9/11, of course.
The UN?

-Morally/Ethically Bankrupt.
-A waste of taxpayer dollars.

-Threat to sovereighty?

Only if _we_ let them be such. The UN provides those who don't grok America with an excuse and a patsy. Unless there is some level of support from within to actually go along with the program, the Kofi's of the world are belching in the wind.
The UN???

Exactly what bit of good have they done in their entire existence?

What did they do for Rwanda? What did they do for Cambodia? What are they doing for Sudan right now?

What are they supposed to do exactly?

They are just useless.
Kofi's Son or son-in-law made a bundle on the Iraq oil-for-food program.
Syria was the head (rotating) of the security council
Iraq headed the human rights commission :barf:
I think Libya was sitting on the Pan Am terrorist panel :what:

Only in the UN can Kim Jong Il, Fidel Castro, and Yasir Arafat be held at the same moral level as the US :fire:
What do I think of the UN?

Completely inept from its inception and progressively corrupt throughout it’s abysmal history. The best thing that could happen to that un-Godly un-organization would be for an earthquake of 8.0 or greater to happen right under that monument to socialized insanity, leveling it for good and all. :mad:
A debating society at best.

At worst -- and I worked with the UN in a former job -- they are excessively overpaid county workers who have the stated objective to become the world's government. They are the world's greatest collection of Political Sceince Master's graduates: great at writing white papers and holding conferences, but poor at actually doing anything.

There was a great article in Time a while ago from a citizen of a small African country (can't remember right now) who basically said "the only thing the UN ever did for us was to occupy all the best hotels and lock up the tennis courts for themselves." Sums up my experience with them exactly.
If you look at the UN's History It tells all you would need to know.

Many people don't even know that they were Disbanded back when they were called "The League of Nations".

The reason they were Disbanded was the same that they could end up the same now days, They were not only corrupt, and trying to take over the member countries, but also did more harm than good.

It's high time for History to Repeat itself I'd say
I agree that it is an organization whose time has come.

Yes I understand we hold a veto vote. But holding onto it is getting to be more dangerous than helpful.

Even my neighbor has a big sign(6ft. X 3ft.) with a big blue UN helment circled and slashed, asking us to defend national sovereingty. :D
It's hard to describe my feelings about the UN without resorting to language which would draw the ire of the moderators.

But about 10 years ago, columnist Nicholas von Hoffman wrote an apt description of the Democratic Party in the Washington Post. It provided me with inspiration for a summary of my feelings towards the UN:

To its committed members the United Nations represents heart, humanity, and justice, but to those removed a few paces it looks like a forum for Captain Hook's crew--ambulance-chasing lawyers, rapacious public policy grants persons, civil rights gamesmen, ditzy-brained movie stars, fat-assed civil servant desk squatters, alcoholics, wife-beaters, child molesters, slave traders, tyrants, terrorists, murderers, kleptocrats, and so forth and so on, a grotesque line-up of ill-mannered, self-pitying, caterwauling turd-world freeloaders banging their tin cups on the pavement demanding handouts and recognition from the civilized nations of the world.
I think that the UN has done some good helping the starving and helping to provide food and medicine to the needy around the world. There are quite a few organizations that do this though.

Politically, the UN is an unelected group of people who were appointed by another group of unelected people, for the most part. I think that they meddel in too much of a country's internal affairs.

Each year I see them as over stepping their boundries. Whether it is trampling on the rights of individuals to own and carry weapons for self protection, internal domestic policies etc.

The US provides a tremendous amount of funding and resources to the UN however I have yet to see the UN say anything consistently positive about the US.

The UN passed numerous resolutions against Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq yet didn't do anything to enforce the resolutions. The UN Human Rights commission is made up representatives from Syria, Libya, Sudan etc. These countries are routinely the most frequent and grievous offender of human rights. These are just two instances that make the UN lose credibility with me.

I also think that is too much of a bureacracy. Politically and militarily I believe that it has been a rather ineffective body since the Korean war. Their 'peace keepers' is a good concept however the peace keepers are often deployed with such restrictive rules of engagement that the peace keeper are really just targets.

The UN was also rather ineffective to stopping genocide from occuring in Rwanda and the balkans in recent years.

The concept of the UN and its predecessor, the League of Nations, is rather noble when you consider it to be a forum for countries to discuss their differences and reach peaceful solutions. Unfortunately, that noble goal cannot be achieved with selfish dictators and tyrants.

Hank B, don't hold back, tell us how you really feel. just joking with you.

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