What does it mean to say a gun has "soul"?

Old dog, in general you post good stuff. But with this thread I think you are not getting it. you are wasting a lot of energy and time with a whole lot of nuance and semantics. This was just an interesting philosophical discussion and thread. I think you are getting a little snarky and using too many quips. Peace.
I will partially agree with you here... I am wasting energy and time, so I'll bow out.

But... in my defense, I allowed my mind to become boggled that some want to argue literal meaning of words when so many words in our language are used in such wide variety of ways with so many meanings. Almost to the point of matching the liberal woke agenda -- picking and choosing which phrases and terms are acceptable, deeming others unacceptable, for no other reason than one has different beliefs, i.e. "soul" should only be used in a spiritual or religious context.

To anyone I've offended with ill-timed snark, please forgive me and understand it wasn't meant personally.
If nothing else clarifies it:), an identical Aussie FAL; this might. it's a mixmaster (this is British) which is my favorite gun to shoot and look at.

At least for thousands of us Amurican raffle shooters, and countless tens of thousands of former soldiers who used them years ago. Many still do.

Seeing a little soul in them doesn't make some of us Druids (their sacred places were specific groves, ie in Anglesey Wales) or Warlocks, I hope...:eek:

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