What does the highroad mean?

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Aug 13, 2003
I've been wondering this for a long time but never thought to ask the question.....drf
A Gentleman from The Firing Line stated like this; When it all comes down to it, be on the High Road, Where things like Honor, Morals, Honesty, Patience, Love of Fellow man, and Decency stand out...

Others will be along to flesh out the rest of the story but this is close...
I believe Brian stated it well. The phrase started on TFL. When TFL closed the doors in late 2002 and THR started up, it was pretty much unanimous that "The Highroad" should be the route we take here.

Personally speaking, some of the detours of late are very disappointing.
I heard that TFL started back up and is alive again. I wonder if that will affect THR.
I especially like it since the computers at work block websites having to do with weapons. "The High Road" gets through the filters, as can be witnessed by the fact that I am posting this while at work.

Its only a part-time job, but the policy is really stupid...
A great majority of us here were born and raised at The Firing Line.

Oleg took it upon himself to find us a new home after TFL closed.

It was sad to see TFL close but THR is my home now. I do drop into TFL from time to time but its nothing like it used to be.

For that, we thank Oleg and whoever else had a part in creating THR for us.
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