What gun should I carry?

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In my younger street cop days I carried a High Standard 22 Mag. derringer as my "Onion Field" gun. I brought a holster that was sewed onto a square piece of leather. I carried it in my right rear pant pocket and it printed just like a wallet.

It took a little bit of adjusting to get use to the gun pressing against my right buttock but I found it easy to carry this way as a BUG when in uniform and on those hot 100 degree days when I was off-duty.

I would not carry as you are not supposed to carry at work. If you agreed to those rules, then you should follow them. To take a paycheck after agreeing to follow the rules is dishonest.

I would suggest finding a new employer or following the rules of this one.
To take a paycheck after agreeing to follow the rules is dishonest.

Perhaps a bit dishonest. But, to force employees to go unarmed into areas that are well known for frequent violent crime, most likely just for liability's sake, is downright unethical.
If not illegal, it's certainly one heck of a tort lawsuit. Problem is you have to suffer substantial harm or death to have a case. I'm not into dieing to have a rich brother.
None of my ideas would be ideal in my mind, but a stainless steel S&W J frame carried in a belly band or inverted shoulder holster worn under a T-shirt.
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