WHAT happened to TheFirearmsChannel

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Jul 21, 2009
Wichita, Kansas
Anyone here follow Mike on youtube? I am pretty sure his channel was called TheFirearmsChannel. Seems to have vanished without a trace! :fire: Usually I would look up "the firearms channel mike" on youtube to find one of his vids then click his name and see his latest.

Now the only results are some crappy TV show. Has Mike quit or had his name taken? :cuss:
what would you like to see

I have seen his page, what do you want to see in the way of a review, I know a lot of other users with good vids.

as far as why he is gone, I heard there was a scandel involving some money that was donated for some fraudulent cause, and he took off fast, and also the shooting in Tucson scared him away, since he lives in NY where all the stuff is hitting the fan.
that is what parercuts777 has on his page.
From what I hear, he has about 20 troll accounts and makes a lot of problems for members of the firearms community who he doesn't like.

God Bless America!
Seems like the only two constant channels on you-tube that haven't come and gone are gunwebsites and nutinfancy.

There are quite a few smaller gun review channels, but they usually have their reviews thrown in with personal videos and they have inconspicuos account names, which probably explains the lack of popularity relative to the 'big guys' like Nutn'Fancy.
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