What happens when you screw up enormously at BATFE?

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Mar 16, 2004
Oklahoma City
You get this as punishment:
"The ATF leader who oversaw a botched undercover operation in Milwaukee will now be in charge of the agency's embattled Phoenix office, where agents allowed more than 2,000 guns to walk into the hands of suspected criminals through the infamous "Operation Fast and Furious."

Bernard "B.J." Zapor will be reunited in Phoenix with Fred Milanowski, another key figure in Milwaukee's "Operation Fearless," where a Journal Sentinel investigation found agents lost government guns, had their storefront ripped off and arrested at least four of the wrong people."

Note that this MIGHT be his 'punishment'.
I've been working in the wrong places all these years; I screwed-up bigtime, I actually got in trouble!
Government at it's finest. Is it any wonder that the cost of government is so high? They are unable to do things correctly and then do not correct the mess properly at its conclusion. We are doomed!
Not just at BATFE. The Hero of Ruby Ridge is running the Sheriff's dept here in San Diego. He started as a political appointee and toes the anti gun party line. We are a "Ha Ha Fat Chance of Issue" county.:fire:
One of the guns they "lost" was a fully automatic M16, which was stolen out of one of their vehicles and has not been recovered to my knowledge.
Look, some of you people seem to think that the BATFE is suppose to keep guns out of the hands of the bad guys!

I hate to tell you this, but the real purpose of the BATFE is to deliver guns to felons and Mexican Drug Lords in order to gin up support for anti-gun laws against law abiding citizens.
Right now our government is so full of screwups that any promotion will be given to a screwup. They don't have anyone else to choose from.
I see it as anybody who is anti-gun gets an appointment or promotion. Obamanomics.
An enormous screw-up usually = an enormous promotion and jump from GS8 to GS13 or higher.
Oh, you haven't noticed, water carriers in Obama's Administration get PROMOTED for running his ops, Lady at the IRS, BAFTE etc...
From what I've seen (in the military and DOD civilians) is that they do not want to fire people. What they do is either a) move you somewhere you have less responsibility, but somehow receive the same pay or b) promote you, put moor people under so that hopefully one of your subordinates are smart enough that you will never screw up again.

Another post tracked by the government.
Sounds like he followed orders and kept his mouth shut. That will earn you a promotion in any criminal enterprise.
Incredible. One might be tempted to conclude that any operation by BATFE, no matter how misguided,incompetent or botched, will be applauded behind the scenes by the current administration. One might recall a previous very anti-gun administration that implemented an ill advised, and ultimately catastrophic, assault on a Texas religeous compond. This confident internal organizational mindset will no doubt continue, no matter how many misguided operations are implemented. I suspect there will be comendations, promotions,etc. all around, not because the latest BATFE fiasco accomplished anything worthwhile, but because the players will get an "A" for effort in attempting to forward political, er.,,, I mean organizational goals. After all, It's all "to keep us safe."
If a private business was run like our Govt is run it would be out of business and people in jail.

Granted, only a few a of the right people would go to jail but there wouldn't be promotions.

Sadly, its both parties but it seems like one more than the other. :cuss: banghead:
If a private business was run like our Govt is run it would be out of business and people in jail.

That is so 1950's.

Private businesses now only have to lobby enough to get to be "too big to fail".
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