What if the Libertarians....

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Though I definitely have Libertarian leanings in most of my views, I am not a Libertarian because of the extreme to which the above is carried. Some of the Libertarians seem to forget that Islamic fundementalist radicals attacked this country.

The non-initiation of force principle does not (or at least it wasn't meant to) preclude the use of force in response to aggression. That is the entire reason that the word "initiate" is in there - otherwise, there would be no distinction between:

“No one may morally use force against another person,†and
“No one may morally initiate the use of force against another person.â€

To call this the "Non-Aggression Principle" is a misnomer to a degree: It should be the "Non-Aggressor Principle" (as in "no first strikes.")

Dex }:>=-

The National LP seems to me to be completely corrupted by money. The last two presidential elections were little more than money making schemes for the candidate and his buddies, and the one before that was almost as bad. The last LP presidential candidate I thought worth supporting was Ron Paul, way back in, what was it, 1988. The closest thing we ever had to a national figure. Pathetic.

Sad to say, what the LP needs is a big money, big name to jump in and save them from themselves. Any suggestions? We have already had Kurt Russel and Ted Nugent brought up. Who else can we name as possibles? One I have heard mentioned is Clint Eastwood, a lib-leaning Republican. He does not seem interested, when asked by interviewers.

Lets have some names, folks...
The LP has about as much influence as the Green Party. Talk about beating a dead horse. Maybe if the Republican Party split and half defected, but it has about as much chance as the old Know Nothing party did.
I wonder if Howard Stern is ready to see the light now that he's feeling the screws of THE MAN. He's got name recognition and a NY carry permit (how many of us can say that?).

He's with the D's on many socal issues & was with the R's in the WAR ON TERROR (tm). Maybe he'll be interested in changing his tune since he's been getting a taste of taxpayer funded, FCC served, knuckle sandwich.

He's not my first pick, nor even tenth, I'm just thinking out loud here.

I bet it would be impossible for the media to ignore him.

Howard Stern did run once on the libertarian party ticket for governor of New York. His plan was to reinstate the death penalty, eliminate some road tolls, then resign and let the libertarian Lt. Governor running mate(name escapes me) take over.

But frankly, I can't see the LP taking over 10% of the vote even if Benjamin Franklin were running on their ticket and every voter who identified himself as a libertarian "voted his conscience". The same applies for the other third parties. Not that I think Mr Franklin would be a libertarian, but that's beside the point.
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