What if the second amendment is found not to be an individual right?

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Lets not forget that we have the NRA to thank for 922(o).

Why are some people so fixated on blaming the NRA instead of blaming the people who attached it as a poison pill in an attempt to kill FOPA? Is it your position that the NRA should have killed FOPA entirely rather than accept 922(o) and that because they instead passed all the protections we have under FOPA and attempted to litigate the 922(o) poison pill as unconstitutional, it is the NRA's fault that 922(o) exists? Further, we should only remember 922(o) and not any of the other provisions in FOPA... like the one saying that your private sale of a firearm is not "engaged in the business of dealing firearms."
The Second Amendment could be repealed tomorrow, and we would still all retain the right to keep and bear arms. The Bill of Rights doesn't give us any rights, it simply recognizes some of them.


Nope. It both recognizes and protects them.

Sure, the right is pre-existing. But if the 2A didn't acknowledge and affirm that fact, and if it didn't state that the right "..shall not be infringed.", then the government would be perfectly free to infringe it.

Look at what has happened in the UK with its "unwritten constitution". They started out with the same inherent common law and God-given RKBA that we did. But with no constitutional prohibition to stop it, the government has proceeded to ban handguns and virtually all other guns as well.

Heck, even with the 2A our various federal, state and local government bodies have passed laws that many of us believe constitute infringement. Imagine where we would be without the 2A.

Hint: Kiss your guns goodbye.
This is where it started:


Then they (founding fathers) added some good stuff as weapons became a need to protect ourselves. It has been around for a very long time.

"Womens rights" were lacking, but they came about after the rights to own and bear a weapon for protection.

Susan B Anthony :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_B._Anthony

Now a very huge part of society that votes to take the firearms away from others, to protect or kill. Not that they are right or wrong just late to the table.;)
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